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Chapter 1035

Chapter 1035 Bianca Will Be Fine "How long will it take?" Luke's expression was grim. His mind wasoccupied by thoughts of Bianca.

"They just got back. It should take another half an hour," the superintendent said. Looking at Luke'sfrigid expression, he promised, "Don't worry, well get to the bottom of this. I've already contacted thepeople in the traffic department, and they should be able to track down the getaway car in half an hour."

Luke understood that the superintendent was telling him to wait.

He could have skipped past the superintendent to receive the security footage from the trafficdepartment. What he wanted was the facial composite from Ripley and the bodyguards' descriptions.Knowing that the culprits were Europeans, he had a vague feeling that the culprits were related to hispast.

Ten minutes later, Luke received a call from Ripley. "Boss, I've already tracked down the car that tookMadam away. They drove straight to the port area in the west, and they did not swap cars."

Luke frowned. "Let's meet there." "Yes. I'm already on my way to the port," Ripley replied.

The superintendent overheard the conversation. "Mr. Crawford, have you found out where the culpritswent?" "The port in the west," Luke said, stood up, and headed out.

The superintendent could not help but be impressed by Luke's efficiency. All his police officers were notas fast as Luke's subordinates. He felt that his police department was quite unqualified.

"I'll make arrangements," the superintendent said while following him.

"I want the latest facial composites," Luke said as he opened the door.

The superintendent dared not delay. "I'll get them for you now!" He immediately said.

The superintendent felt guilty that the police could not solve the break-in at Crawford Manor, so he hadto make sure that they could help in Bianca's abduction.

He went to the evidence room, took two facial composites, and handed them to Luke. “This is it, Mr.Crawford."

Luke could not identify the two Caucasian faces. He noticed that one of them had a scar on his faceand guessed that he must be an international mercenary.

Anyone who could afford to hire international mercenaries must be loaded. They did not abduct Biancafor money, but they wanted to lure him out.

Thinking that Bianca had once again got into danger because of him, he clenched his fists.

Luke, the superintendent, and several police cars went to the post area in the west.

His heart wrenched when he saw the charred vehicle.


Ripley came over and reported his latest findings, "The car was already in that condition when we gothere. We did not find any bodies in the car. It seemed like the culprits wanted to destroy the evidence."

Luke glanced out to the port and clenched his fists. A storm was brewing inside him, threatening toengulf everything in his rage.

The superintendent instantly went to delegate his subordinates. "If the culprits came to the port, theymust be hiding the person in a container or the slums nearby. Go and search carefully if you can findMrs. Crawford." "Yes!" The police officers replied in unison and scattered in all directions.

Luke's eyes remained transfixed on the horizon.

The superintendent trembled when he sensed Luke's seething rage. He hoped that Luke would not pulloff something major. Otherwise, he might lose his job.

"Search the van. You might find some evidence!" He said. He knew that the culprits had set the vehicleon fire to destroy the evidence, and it was incredibly implausible that they would find anything useful.

However, they had to be thorough, lest Luke channeled his wrath on them.

"Yes." The forensics officers put on their gloves and masks and started to collect evidence.

The charred remains of the van were still hot. The forensics officers had to be very careful.

For the rest of the day, the police officers checked on every container and house in the area, but theydid not find Bianca.

Luke stood next to the sea from afternoon until nighttime.

Ripley stood next to him. What they knew was that the port was Bianca's last known location. However,after checking through all the containers and houses, there was no trace of her. The nearby villagerssaid that they did not see anything out of the ordinary other than billowing smoke.

It meant that Bianca was brought away in another vehicle before the smoke, or...

Ripley looked at the sea.

If the abductors killed Bianca and threw her into the sea, it would be impossible for them to find thebody.

If they brought Bianca away, they must have done so by sea.

However, the sea was so vast, and they did not know where to start investigating.

"Mr. Crawford, uh..." the superintendent had been there for the entire day.

He was tired and thirsty, but he dared not leave as long as Luke was there.

"Continue searching," Luke ordered. His heart was ice-cold as he stared at the dark sea.

He did not know where Bianca had gone, but he believed that Bianca was alive!novelbin

"Sigh, yes, yes. All of you, continue searching! Don't miss out on any detail!"

The superintendent said.

In the hospital, Queenie had already woken up. She sat in the wheelchair while accompanying the still-unconscious Leia.

After the induced labor procedure, Leia delivered the child at seven months old. However, it did notsurvive because it had congenital birth defects.

Brody had been out of town, and he did not manage to come while Leia was undergoing the operation.Only Jack and Queenie knew about the baby’s defects.

The doctor told them that such defects should have been detected during prenatal testing. After that,they checked Leia's medical records, and they found that Leia was aware of the defects, but sheinsisted that she wanted the baby.

Queenie decided that she would tell the Hiltons after she calmed down. After all, it was Leia's fault.

However, one of the nurses in the operation was Brody's distant relative. After the operation, sheimmediately told Tania.

Queenie sighed. She held some medical reports in her hands.

One of them was Leia's prenatal test results, and Leia had signed on it.

"Jack, why do you think that Leia would do this?" Queenie was heartbroken. As much as she dotedupon Leia, she had to admit that Leia should not have hidden the fact from Brody and the Hiltons.

It was very irresponsible for her to do so.

Queenie thought that Leia would learn to behave. However, she realized that she did not understandher daughter at all.

She thought that her daughter was not the innocent and carefree girl she used to know.

Queenie's tears began to fall when she thought about that.

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