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Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026 Faked Calmness

Hearing that, Gordan did not tease him any further. He glanced at the time, stood up, and said, "Sendme the address of the workshop, I’ll head there now."

Luke sent him a location on Whatsapp and said, "Let me know as soon as you hear anything." "Youhave my word," Gordan assured.

Gordan arrived at the workshop and successfully found Allison's car. While the staff was not payingattention, he removed the dashcam. In order not to alert Allison, he installed another one in her car.

After everything was done, Gordan left without any of the staff noticing.

After he returned to the hotel, he ignored Vivian, who was waiting for him on the sofa, and went straightback to the room. He closed the door, connected the dashcam to the computer, and started working onit.

After importing all the data, Gordan sent Luke a text: [The dashcam has been obtained and we’ll findout more tomorrow.]

When he was done sending the text, there was a knock on the door.

Gordan was happy with the progress, but the moment he heard the knock on the door, his expressionimmediately became stern. He did not intend to pay any attention to it.

Vivian continued to knock on the door.

Gordan had no choice but to open the door. He looked at her ugly face indifferently and felt evenworse. "What are you doing?!"

Vivian still had a smile on her face as she looked at the man who just yelled at her. She reminded him,"Gordan, the hotel sent lunch over." "I’m not hungry." Gordan closed the door and planned to ignoreher.

Vivian was anxious and stretched her feet out to block the doorway. Tears welled up in her eyes whenthe door slammed her foot.

Gordan lowered his head and saw her foot swelling up at a speed visible to the naked eye. He did notexpect her to block the door with her foot. He had slammed the door with all his might, so she wasprobably in a lot of pain.

"Are you stupid?" An unexplainable feeling suddenly rose in his heart and Gordan could not help butyell at her again.

Vivian fought to hold back the tears. Gordan had once told her that other women looked pitiful whenthey were crying but she looked like a disaster.

She put on a small smile and looked at him, saying, "Gordan, I ordered your favorite filet steak. I heardthat the filet steak here is cooked by a chef from Brazil. It's delicious and authentic. It's not going totaste nice if it’s cold-"

Before Vivian finished speaking, Gordan interrupted her, "I'll eat it, bring it over."

Vivian looked at the delicately arranged table and felt sad. Gordan had not been eating in the hotel forthe past few days. Even if he ate in the hotel, he would not sit at the same table as her.

He seemed to be punishing her for secretly following him.

Vivian looked at him pleadingly as she said, "It's on the table. Do you want to go over there to eat?"

Gordan saw through her intentions and said mercilessly, "I won’t have the appetite if I have to eat withyou. Bring it here. Else, you can forget about it."

Vivian shook her head immediately and replied, "I'll get it for you."

Compared to Gordan's health, her wishes were not important at all.

Vivian walked over and looked at the steak with mixed feelings.

She knew his taste, so she picked up the sauce on the side, poured it on the steak, and put it on thetray. She poured him a glass of red wine as well.

Vivian carefully handed the food to him.

Gordan took it with one hand and closed the door without saying thank you.

Vivian looked at the closed door with a bitter feeling in her heart. She thought that they could livehappily ever after if she persisted, but now it seemed that no matter how hard she tried, she wouldnever be in Gordan's heart.

Luke was eating, and when he heard a notification alert on his phone, he put down his utensils. Heread the text and replied: [Okay.]

Bianca brought the soup to the dinner table and happened to see his conversation with Gordan.Everything was about to come to light. The Crawford family could no longer maintain this forcedcalmness.

She glanced at the three children who were eating quietly. No matter how big the Crawford family'sissue might be, she would protect them from the stormy weather.

The next day.

Luke drove their family to the largest amusement park in the area.

They did not buy tickets but went in through a special VIP entrance. When Bianca was wonderingabout it, Luke said, "This is Jim's property."

Jim loved Simon, so he had built this amusement park to please him. He did not intend to make a profitout of it, but he accidentally made it into the largest amusement park in the city. Many foreign touristswould come here and spend the whole day in the amusement park.

"Ah, that’s why." Bianca nodded.

After the family of five entered through the special entrance, the kids screamed with joy as they lookedat the various rides and attractions.

It was the weekend, so there were many people here. Bianca was afraid that the children would getlost, so she squatted down and said to them, "If you want to go somewhere, you have to tell me andDaddy. You can't go and play by yourself, promise?"

There were three children and only two adults. She was afraid that the children may get too excited andlose control of themselves. She and Luke would not be able to take care of them then.novelbin

"I promise, Mommy," Rainie said obediently while holding Tommy tightly with one hand.

"Rainie, Rainie, is that you?" A child's voice sounded from the side. Bianca and Rainie looked up at thesame time and saw Simon, who was wearing sunglasses. He ran over excitedly as three bodyguardsfollowed closely behind him.

After confirming that the person he saw was Rainie, Simon took off his sunglasses and said, "Rainie,it's really you!"

Blanche saw Simon standing in front of his sister. When he was about to get close, he squeezedforward and protected Rainie by positioning her behind him. "Simon, why are you here?"

Simon was angry that Blanche was blocking him from seeing the girl he liked. He stared at Blancheand said, "This is my second home, why can’t I be here?"

Blanche guarded his sister and replied, "I see. But go somewhere else and play. Don't disturb us.""Lanie..." Bianca knew that he said that because he wanted to protect his sister. She did not blame him.She glanced at the bodyguard behind Simon and did not see Jim around. She asked, "Simon, where’syour father?" "Dad is with my sister. He doesn't want me anymore," Simon said as he deliberatelysqueezed out some pitiful tears.

Bianca then realized that Scarlett Quincy had given birth to a daughter.

Luke stood beside them and saw everything. "Did your dad ask you to come?" "Um..." Simon looked athis bodyguards and said, "Explain."

One of the bodyguards said, "Mr. Crawford, Mr. Holston knew that you were coming to the amusementpark today and specifically asked us to take care of you." "Get to the point." Luke was not interested insmall talk.

"Mr. Holston requests that Master Simon join you for a day of fun in the amusement park," thebodyguard said directly.

Luke's expression was cold. Jim had planned this from the start!

He would do anything to get rid of his son and have some time alone with Scarlett. He even entrustedhis precious son to them.

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