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Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005 Nearly Exposed Herself

"Mm." Luke turned his gaze back to the computer screen and took out a name card. "Send to my emailthe restored footage as well as the footage before and after the incident." "Yes, I'll do that right away."The manager replied and handed the name card to his subordinate. "Send the clips earlier to this emailaddress." "Yes."

Luke received an email notification on his phone. He added, "Inform the butler if there’s any newinformation."

Then, he went up the stairs.

The manager watched Luke go up and said to his subordinates, "Keep working, stop daydreaming."

Upstairs, Luke saw Bianca and Lanie eating their breakfast in the second- floor hall.

"Are the things downstairs settled?" Bianca handed him a bowl of lukewarm oatmeal. "Here, havesome oatmeal." "They haven't restored the footage." Luke sat down next to her. He could feel throughthe bowl that the temperature of the oatmeal was just nice for him, so he took a big gulp.

"We should give them some more time," Bianca said.

"Mm," Luke said and ate a slice of wholemeal bread.

Lanie did not have an appetite for food. After finishing a small bowl of oatmeal, he said, "I'm done,Mommy."

Bianca handed him a napkin. "Wipe your mouth, then take your medicine." "Thank you, Mommy." Laniewiped his mouth, then swallowed the medicine that Johann gave him.

Bianca was relieved that her son did not complain even though the medicine was bitter.

She wanted to tell him that he did not need to act so maturely. His parents were behind him.

"I'm done," Lanie said and gulped down another mouthful of water to flush away the bitter aftertaste.

I've already called your homeroom teacher. Take a nap after this, alright?" Bianca said to him gently.

Earlier, during breakfast, Lanie said that he wanted to go to school.

He thought that he had felt better after the medicine, and he would be bored if he stayed at homeanyway.

"Alright, Mommy," he said.

Bianca saw that Luke had finished his oatmeal and ladled another bowl for him. "This one's warmer.Eat it slowly."

Luke was moved when he thought that Bianca had cooled down the earlier bowl for him. "Alright."

Seeing that his parents were getting all lovey-dovey, Lanie knew that it was time to give them somepersonal space. "I'm getting a little sleepy. I'll be taking a nap in my room." "Mm. Remember to use theblanket," Bianca said. "Do you want some more bread?" "Nah. I'd rather eat your cooking." Luke shookhis head, finished the oatmeal, put the bowl on the table, and looked at her. "I want to drink the coffeeyou make, Bea."

He had stayed up the entire night, and he would be studying the security footage later. He needed thecoffee to keep himself awake.

"Alright. I'll make it for you now." Bianca stacked up the bowls and brought the tray downstairs.

The cook took the tray from her hands. "Let me do it, Ma'am." "Alright. Where do you keep the coffeebeans at home?" Bianca was not too familiar with the layout of the kitchen in Crawford Manor.

It's in the first drawer of the white cabinet. Do you want coffee?" The cook asked.

"I'm making a cup for Luke." Bianca opened the drawer and saw the pack of coffee beans inside. Shetook out the beans and the necessary equipment to grind the beans.

She made several more cups of coffee. After pouring one for Luke, she told the cook, "Bring these tothe people in the living room."

The technicians had stayed up the entire night restoring the footage. They should also be tired by now.

The cook nodded and smiled. "You're so kind, Ma'am." "It's nothing." Bianca knew that they wereworking very hard. A hot drink might make them feel better. That was why she made a few more cupsof coffee.

She took the cup upstairs and opened the door to the study. Luke was sitting in front of the desk andlooking intently at his computer screen.

"Luke?" Bianca called out softly and placed the cup on the table.

The aroma of the coffee filled the entire room. Luke inhaled deeply and enjoyed the smell.

"What are you looking at?" Bianca glanced at the computer screen curiously. The footage was paused,and the person on the screen was Allison.

"I'm reviewing the footage for any clues." Luke minimized the window.

Bianca did not know how badly the signal was jammed. "Was that Mom earlier?" "Mm." Luke noddedand opened his mailbox.

Bianca did not want to disturb him. "I'll leave you to your work. I'll check on Lanie in his room."

After the incident, she was not in the mood to return to her company today. She had told Sue that shewould be taking care of Lanie for the rest of the day.

"Thank you, Bea." Luke held her hand and kissed it.

Bianca smiled and left the room.

Meanwhile, after Allison left Crawford Manow, she drove to a river.

The questions from the manager of the security company had nearly exposed her. She would havebeen caught if she did not manage to keep her composure.

She took out the button-sized signal jammer from her handbag, opened the car window, and tossed itin the river.

She did not linger there for too long. She drove to the bank, withdrew two hundred thousand dollarsfrom her credit card, put it in her handbag, and gave a phone call to Jon.

"Where are you now?" She sounded anxious and angry.

Jon gave her an address.

Allison drove toward the given address using GPS navigation. She arrived in front of an alley, and thecar could not go in. She parked the car at the roadside, took her handbag, and went in.

The house at the end of the alley was the address provided by Jon.

Allison knocked on the door. After a while, Jon opened the door. "You're here."

Allison looked to her left and right guiltily, saw that no one was following her, and dashed into thehouse. Once the door was closed, she instantly shrieked at Jon, "What's wrong with you? Didn't I saythat you shouldn't injure anyone?' "That girl appeared in front of me suddenly, and I only hit her out ofinstinct. How else am I going to get away if I didn't hit her?" Jon explained. " Is the girl dead yet?'novelbin

Allison thought that Jon's explanation made sense. After all, she was not too bothered because herprecious grandchildren were unharmed. "She's not dead. They managed to save her. The situation istense now. You should go and lay low elsewhere."

Jon looked into his house and shook his head. "I'm not going anywhere." "Aren't you worried that youmight get arrested?" Allison glared at him. If he was arrested, she would be implicated too.

"I'm worried, but if I leave, what should I do with these antiques? I've already contacted the buyer, andwe can get the money in two days at most," Jon said greedily. He was willing to take big risks as longas money was involved.

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