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Chapter 995

Chapter 995 A Familiar Taste

Bianca was pleased as she watched him eat happily. She passed him a bun and said, 'Try this, this hasraisins."

After Luke finished the bread that he had, he picked up the raisin bun and quickly gobbled it down.

Bianca looked at him and could not help but laugh.

Luke had always been elegant while eating. Today was an exception. It seemed that he had beenstarving the entire time he was in New York.

Like Bianca, Tommy was looking at Luke with a smile. He pointed at the corner of his mouth and said toLuke, "Daddy, you have some crumbs there.novelbin

Luke picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth. As expected, there were a few breadcrumbs on his mouth. He took a sip of his soy milk and said with glee, "It's wonderful." "Do you wantmore?" Bianca asked. She felt a sense of accomplishment when she saw them finish the breakfast shemade.

"I've had enough," Luke said.

When Tommy saw that Luke was done eating, he blinked his big eyes, climbed off the seat, and ran toLuke's side. He placed his chubby hands on Luke’s lap and asked, "Daddy, Tommy has been behavingwell. When will you take US to the carnival?"

Luke took out a tissue and wiped his greasy mouth for him, saying, "I'm proud of you, Tommy. Thankyou for being so well-behaved. How does this Friday sound?" "Yay!" Tommy clapped his hands withglee before looking at his brother and sister. "Daddy, you have to bring Lanie and Ranie too!" "Ofcourse." Luke loved all his children the same. If one went, all the others would too.

"Thank you, Daddy.” Rainie and Blanche were excited about their family outing.

No matter how sensible the kids were, they were still kids who loved to have fun. Bianca had a bigsmile on her face as she looked at the joy radiating from their three children.

She stood up, cleared the table, and told Rainie and Blanche, "Rainie, Lanie, go upstairs and get yourschool bags. I’ll drive you to school."

Bianca had taken a half-day leave for the children when she thought that they had to pick Luke up fromthe airport. Since there was no need to pick him up now, she had to send the children to school.

"Okay, Mommy." Rainie nodded and went upstairs happily. She was excited about going to the carnivalon Saturday and started planning her outfit. 1

Blanche also nodded coolly. Although he understood everything that was being taught in school, healso knew that his attendance was necessary.

Bianca placed all the dishes on the kitchen sink. The nanny would be there in five minutes, and shewould help clean these dishes.

After soaking the dishes, she turned around and saw Luke standing by the kitchen door.

He was wearing gray loungewear that made him look casual and kind. He did not have the kind ofseriousness he had when wearing a suit.

"Why are you standing here? Aren't you going back to the office today?" Bianca smiled and walkedover. When she reached the door, Luke grabbed her waist and they walked out together.

"I am." Luke had her in his arms as they walked across the dining room. He did not want to let her outof his sight even for just a moment. That was why he was standing by the kitchen and waiting for her toclean up.

"Why aren’t you getting ready, then?" Bianca smiled while facing him and holding his hand.

Luke said lovingly, "Will you help me with my tie?"

Bianca smiled and nodded, then she went upstairs with him to the bedroom. After he changed into asuit, she chose a deep navy blue tie to match it with. She tied it in a beautiful Windsor knot.

She turned to look at the full-length mirror and was satisfied with her work.

She asked, "Do you think it's okay?"

She was great at pairing colors. The Windsor knot crafted by her was elegant.

"Craftsmanship of a master." Luke held her hand and leaned in to kiss her again and again.

Rainie stood by their bedroom door and knocked on it. Her bright eyes narrowed into crescents whenshe saw her parents being lovey-dovey." Daddy, Mommy, the nanny is here."

Bianca pulled her hand away and blushed. She got embarrassed everytime one of their kids saw thembeing intimate. She nodded and said, "Okay, go downstairs. I’ll send you to school later." "Okay,Mommy." Rainie nodded and went downstairs with a school bag on her back.

Bianca looked at Luke and said, "I'm going to send the kids to school." "I'll drive all of you." Luke put onhis jacket and planned to drop them off before heading to the office.

"Okay. Do you want to go back to the manor for dinner tonight?” Bianca asked him because they hadnot gone back to the manor since he went on his business trip. They should have a meal to catch upwith their family.

"Okay," Luke said, "Tomorrow is Friday. It's not the best idea to run around with the kids. Let's spendthe night in the manor tonight." "Okay, can you please tell Grandpa? I'll pack Tommy's storybook."

Bianca agreed. They had clothes and toiletries in the manor, but none of Tommy's storybooks werethere.

Without reading him a story, Tommy would never let them go to bed in peace.

After Luke drove Rainie and Blanche to kindergarten, he sent Bianca to her office and watched herwalk in before he drove back to T Corporation.

CEO's office.

Tina walked into the office with a large stack of documents and put them on Luke's desk. "Boss, thesedocuments urgently need your review and sign

-off. This pile isn't urgent, so you can save it for last."

She was taking over Jason's role for the day considering that he was still on the plane.

Luke looked at the large stack of documents that were several times thicker than that of a highschooler's textbook. He said without frowning, "I see, thank you." "Mr. Crawford, do you want me tomake a cup of coffee for you?" Tina asked.

"Yeah," Luke replied as he picked up one of the documents from the urgent pile. Having a cup of coffeewould help him go through the documents more efficiently.

Tina nodded, walked out, brewed him a cup of coffee, and put it on his desk.

Luke enjoyed the aroma of the coffee. Picking it up, he took a sip and thought that it was a familiartaste...

He looked at Tina.

Tina smiled and said, "Boss, do you think this tastes the same as the coffee that Ms. Rayne makes?"

Luke nodded. "It's similar, but not exactly the same."

He could taste the difference between the coffee that Tina made and the coffee made by Bianca. Tinamight have gotten the temperature of the water wrong.

Tina was a little disappointed when she heard his reply. "I asked Ms. Rayne for advice. The coffee shemakes is delicious. I think it's good enough if I'm able to learn 50 or 60 percent of her recipe andmethods."

Luke said, "When Mr. Doyle comes back, teach him how to make this."

Tina was asked to teach Jason so that he would not disturb Bianca.

"Okay." Tina nodded and left the office.

Luke took another sip of the fragrant coffee, lowered his head, and concentrated on his work.

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