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Chapter 966

Chapter 966 Give The Newbies A Chance

"What's the number that you have in mind?" Steven wailed in his heart and was prepared to beslaughtered.

"How about a five percent increase?" Nina said the price that she and Bianca had discussed.

They were businesswomen. They could not afford to be soft-hearted when faced with men like him.They also wanted to teach him a lesson.

Steven felt his heart ache. A five percent increase would mean that the planned budget would burst. Hewanted to try his luck and said, "Ms. Langdon, isn’t five percent a little too much?" "It is, but if you wereseeking cooperation with T Corporation, their asking price will be more than this." Nina smiled, showingno sympathy for him.

Steven gritted his teeth. He knew that she mentioned T Corporation on purpose.

Nina added, "What's more, leaving aside the partnership, if you go to court, you have to compensateand lose much more than that."

When Steven left Shandra's law firm last night, she had mentioned that if he went to court, he wasdoomed to lose. Due to the other party's identity and status, the amount he had to compensate wouldbe about the same as the price Nina was currently proposing.novelbin

If he compromised, he could still get something out of it and his reputation would not be damaged. Afterweighing his options, Steven agreed to their request. "Okay, let’s go with a five percent increase."

Bianca asked the front desk assistant to come in.

The assistant opened the door and walked in.

Bianca told her, "Print two copies of the contract with St. Heckler. The price needs to be revised, pleaseincrease the original price by five percent.

"Okay, please give me a moment." The assistant nodded and made the necessary changes. After awhile, she printed the contracts and sent them to the reception room.

When Bianca took them, the paper was still hot. She put the two contracts on the solid wood coffeetable and said, "Steven, have a read. If there are no concerns, let's sign the contract today."

Steven glanced at the price and did his best to keep his cool. It was a big loss and he would need tofigure out how to explain it at work. He had always exploited others but for the first time, he wasexploited by two women.

Steven, who originally looked down on women, now deeply regretted it.

He took a closer look at the terms of the contract, confirmed that they were the same, and signed hisname on the last page of the document.

Bianca also signed her name. She handed one of the copies to the assistant and said, "Put it on mydesk." "Okay, Ms. Rayne." The assistant took it and walked out.

Steven's heart was bleeding. Seeing that he had things sorted, he confirmed with her again. "Ms.Rayne, the lawyer's letter..." "You can keep the lawyer's letter. I’ll inform Mr. Walter to stop pursuing thecase. You can rest assured." Seeing that they were done, Bianca stood up and wanted to shoo him off."Steven, thank you for choosing us. We’ll make sure that you’ll be satisfied with the end result." "Happyto do business with you, I won’t take any more of your time. Good day." Steven was crying andmourning in his heart, but he had to put on a smile and leave the office with the contract in his hand.

After Steven left, Bianca returned to her office, took out her phone, and sent Luke a message to updatehim on the matter. She also asked him to contact Walter Long.

Nina opened the door and walked in while praising Bianca. "As usual, I'm impressed. Our financialreports will look great."

Bianca looked at Luke's brief reply and guessed that he was busy. She put the phone away and lookedat her friend. "This contract has always belonged to our company."

If it were not for what had happened, they would have already started designing.

Nina nodded in agreement and sat on the chair opposite Bianca, saying," By the way, this projectseems to be quite large. Do you plan to work on it yourself?" "I plan to give the newbies a chance. I’lllead this project, but the newbies will be responsible for the main design. I want to spend more timewith the kids." Bianca smiled as she thought of her three angels.

"Alright." Nina nodded. Bianca's kids were still young. If she had to take care of all the projects, therewould be a lot less time for her to take care of them.

Nina asked, "Do you have anyone in mind?"

Bianca thought about it for a while and said, "I want Sue and Shireen to be involved. I think Shireen'sdesigns are good."

Nina nodded and agreed. "Although Shireen only started working not too long ago, she's talented.Even Mr. Yarbrough, who's infamous for being difficult, was impressed with her work."

Bianca said, "Let's proceed with her then."

Nina nodded and sat in a comfortable position with her legs crossed. "By the way, do you know who Ibumped into when I went shopping yesterday?" "Who?" Bianca kept the contract in the safe.

Nina said, "Hera Sanchez, the school flower..."

Bianca nodded. She knew who Nina was talking about. "What then?" "I think she's living a good lifeand probably went for plastic surgery. Why did the universe allow such a horrible woman to live such agood life?" Nina sighed. When she saw Hera yesterday, she was signing up for a VIP membership. Shewas generous and directly handed the credit card to the clerk without looking.

"The last time I went on my honeymoon with Luke, I also saw her. She was with her boyfriend." Biancathought of the fat and greasy man named Harvey.

"Let me guess, is he a local tyrant?" Nina gossiped.

"Should be." Bianca was not interested, especially when Harvey did what he did when Hera was takenaway by the immigration police.

He ran as soon as there was trouble. It was not true love.

"Is he handsome?" Nina continued to gossip. "When she was in school, Hera picked only thehandsome and rich to be her boyfriends. She said she would not settle if someone had one but not theother."

Bianca could not remember what Hera said back then but she still remembered Hera’s bad behavior."Her boyfriend? How can I put it, he's..." "What about him?" Nina was keen to find out more.

"He's just another Steven." Bianca could not say that he was ugly, so she had to find a moreappropriate description.

"Steven? Is he a fat guy?" Nina exclaimed. It seemed that people's tastes would change. She did notexpect Hera to pick a boyfriend who had money but no looks.

"Yes." Bianca called for the assistant to notify Sue and Shireen to come to look for her.

Nina was satisfied after gossiping. She stood up and said, "Okay, I’ll leave before your next meeting.I’m meeting the client in an hour, I want to touch up my makeup." "Nina..." Bianca called to her asthough she had something to say.

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