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Chapter 945

Chapter 945 It Is Not Easy to Be Mrs. Crawford

Bianca crouched down so that the three children could look at the photo too.

"Daddy, Mommy, why don't we print a big one and frame it in the living room?" Lanie suggested.

"Alright." Luke thought that it was a good idea.

Other than the wedding photo with the children, they did not have any other family photos. The photowould complete their home.

Bianca took the camera and snapped many photos of the children.

Their laughter echoed at the lakeside. At that time, they did not know that a sinister pair of eyes waswatching them from a small patch of forest on the opposite side of the lake.

"Luke Crawford..." There was a vicious ferocity in that man's gray eyes. He wished that he could tearthe man in front of him into pieces!

Luke, Bianca, and the children went to Crawford Manor the next day.

Bianca held Rainie and Lanie's hands while Luke carried Tommy. The family of five entered the door.

Before the adults opened their mouths, Rainie and Lanie greeted Old Master Crawford who was sittingon the couch, "Good morning, GreatGrandpa."

Tommy was slightly slower, but he was not lacking in spirit. "Good morning, Great-Grandpa!"

A smile appeared on Old Master Crawford's stern face. He had not seen the three children for sometime, and he missed them. "Come here, let your Great-Grandpa see if you've been good children," hesaid as he beckoned to them.

Luke put Tommy down but did not step forward. He held Bianca's hand tightly and stood together withher.

Old Master Crawford was unhappy that Luke was slow in Riley's incident. He was also dissatisfied withwhat Bianca did.

The three children ran up in front of Old Master Crawford and stood in a row.

Rainie and Lanie could read Old Master Crawford's expression. They showered him with flattery tomake him happy.

Indeed, Old Master Crawford's mood became better.

The servant brought out a tray with two teacups for Bianca and Luke.

Bianca and Luke took a teacup each and went in front of Old Master Crawford.

Luke handed his cup to Old Master Crawford and said respectfully, "Have some tea, Grandfather."

The smile on Old Master Crawford's face faded a little, but he took the cup and sipped from it.

Next, Bianca also did the same thing. She handed the cup over, lowered her head, and saidrespectfully, "Please have some tea, Grandfather."

Old Master Crawford grunted coldly but did not take the cup.novelbin

Luke's expression sank by a little. "Grandfather."

Old Master Crawford interjected, "Don't speak. Bianca, I have something to ask you."

Bianca’s arms were stretched straight while still holding the cup. "Please do, Grandfather." "Do youknow that you've brought much trouble to Luke, the Crawford family, and T Corporation?" Old Master

Crawford's tone sounded accusatory.

Bianca was instantly nervous. She knew that Luke had spent many sleepless nights trying to resolvethe company crisis.

As for the Crawford family, they had become the subject of ridicule in the upper circles of societybecause of her.

She nodded. "I know. I admit that I am at fault for the oversight." "You're indeed at fault! You might nothave done anything, but if you had only minded your own business, you wouldn't have gotten yourselfimplicated, and you wouldn't have caused so much trouble. The three children almost had a prisonerfor a mother!" Old Master Crawford thought that he needed to teach her a lesson.

It was not that easy to be part of the Crawford family.

Bianca's heart wrenched when Old Master Crawford mentioned the children. If not for Luke's help, shewould have brought shame to the three children.

She lowered her head more.

Rainie and Lanie felt uneasy when they saw that. However, as children, they were in no position to sayor do anything. Meanwhile, Tommy was on the verge of tears because of the serious atmosphere.

Luke wanted to say something again.

Old Master Crawford glared at him. "Shut up. You can speak up for your wife, but I'm not done talkingyet."

Luke could only do what he was told. He wanted to take the cup from Bianca's hands, but she washolding it tightly with her arms stretched straight.

Old Master Crawford continued his lecture. "You are Luke's wife, and as his wife, you should share hisburdens instead of adding to his worries. What you do in public directly affects Luke's reputation. Youhave to be careful in both your speech and your actions. If the same situation happens again, you'dbetter not think of doing anything before you know what the other party wants. Remember, you are aCrawford now, and no one can force you to do anything!" "Yes, Grandfather." Bianca smiled dryly. Shefell into the trap because she wanted to share Luke's burdens.

However, she failed to gauge how despicable one could be and nearly allowed Melissa's plan tosucceed.

Bianca did not resent Old Master Crawford for lecturing her. Instead, she felt grateful.

She would not be rash anymore.

Old Master Crawford grunted coldly, took the teacup from her hands, and sipped from it.

Bianca breathed a sigh of relief. It meant that Old Master Crawford had forgiven her.

"Alright, it's rare that you come here, and you should spend the night here. Don't you have aperformance tomorrow, Rainie? I want to watch it too." Old Master Crawford patted Rainie's head.

His stern lecture earlier must have frightened the children. However, he had to let Bianca know not tobe so kind all the time. Not only would that not help Luke, but she would also add to his burdens.

That was a lecture that he had to deliver.

Bianca nodded and said, "Alright. I'll go upstairs and tidy up the room." "Alright," Old Master Crawfordsaid while playing with the children.

Bianca and Luke went upstairs while Old Master Crawford played with the children in the living room.

After seeing their parents disappear from view, Rainie suddenly stood up straight.

Lanie also stood up straight.

"Yes?" Old Master Crawford looked at his two great-grandchildren lovingly.

Rainie spoke first, "Great-Grandpa, Mommy did that because she cared for Daddy. You were too sternearlier, and I don't like it."

Old Master Crawford opened his mouth slightly. He turned to look at Lanie.

"Great-Grandpa, it was indeed Mommy's oversight that caused the incident, but Mommy is a woman,and it's Daddy's duty to protect her. You can scold Mommy, but you'll have to scold Daddy too. He'salso at fault," Lanie said confidently.

Old Master Crawford found it very interesting. "What's your Daddy's fault?" "Daddy is wrong for notprotecting Mommy. If he did not leave Mommy alone and keep the baddies away, the incident wouldn'thave happened. That's why when you scold Mommy, you should scold Daddy too," Lanie said.

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