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Chapter 920

Chapter 920 Bianca Rayne Still Loves Mr. Tanner, Deliberately Harms A Pregnant Woman

Bianca placed a lot of food products in her shopping cart.

Sean followed closely behind her. He was fully aware of their surroundings.

Bianca sighed. She thought that Sean would attract more attention to her. Fortunately, it was quite latein the morning, and there were not that many people in the supermarket.

She pushed the shopping cart to Sean. "Can you help me with the shopping cart, Mr. Zander?" "Yes,Madam." Sean continued to push it.

Bianca picked up some poultry and bought some fruits for the children.

After piling the shopping cart with food, she said to Sean, "Let's go to the checkout counter, Mr.Zander." "Yes, Madam." Sean pushed the shopping cart to the checkout counter.

There were not many counters that were open at that hour. Several people were queuing at each ofthose counters.

Bianca randomly stood in line at one of the counters.

Sean glanced at the queue in front of them. Those people had loaded shopping carts with them."Madam, this supermarket belongs to Mr. Holston. Should I inform him?" He whispered.

Bianca shook her head. 'Let's wait in line. It won't take long."

Sean nodded and patiently waited in line.

In front of them were two middle-aged women gossiping.

"Have you heard the news about the T Corporation CEO and his wife?" One of the women asked.

"It's the talk of the town now. Why wouldn't I know about it?" The other woman replied.

Bianca frowned. She did not expect that people would be talking about her even in the supermarket.

She lowered the brim of her hat.

"What a wicked woman. Not only she harmed that pregnant woman, but she also secreted her away. Ipity the Tanners. They lost their baby, and the baby's mother is nowhere to be found too." "Isn't that so?I've read an article saying that the woman wasn't hidden but murdered. To think that this could happenin modern times. How scary!" The woman said while drawing a line across her neck.

Bianca frowned even harder. How did the rumors evolve to become like that?

They were saying that she killed Riley!

Bianca turned her head to look at Sean. He seemed to be very angry and wanted to argue with thewomen.

However, he knew that he had to keep Bianca's identity a secret.

"Why hasn't the police arrested her yet? Murder is a serious crime!" "That's because T Corporation isrich and influential. The police might be harboring her too! They say that they protect all citizens, butI'm guessing only the rich ones," the woman said profoundly.

"So is she getting off the hook just like that? I've heard that the Tanners are quite influential too. Arethey going to let their daughter-in-law go missing without doing anything?" "Haven't you heard? Thepregnant woman is only the Tanner son's mistress, and they haven't registered their marriage yet. TheTanners might be rich and influential, but they're nowhere near as influential as the Crawfords. Theyreported it to the police, but they can't do anything more than that."

While listening to the gossip, Bianca took out her phone and browsed a news website.

The website reported about Riley's disappearance.

Under the article were the readers' comments. Many people were guessing that Bianca had secretlykilled Riley.

Bianca was helpless. The news article was making wild speculations instead of reporting based onfacts, but it sounded very convincing.novelbin

Her reputation online was in tatters.

Some people were speaking up for the Tanners. Some were saying that Luke was blind to havemarried a murderer.

Bianca believed that if she took off her sunglasses and mask, the women would throw their eggs andtomatoes at her.

As she continued to browse the website, she was particularly flabbergasted by one of the headlines.

"The Shocking Truth! Bianca Rayne Still Loves Mr. Tanner, Deliberately Harms A Pregnant Woman."

Bianca was speechless.

She felt very wronged.

Sean took a step forward and glared at the women. "Watch your mouth!" "What about it? I'm onlyrepeating what the news on the Internet says." The woman was slightly intimidated, though she did notwant to admit defeat.

Sean was about to retort when Bianca tugged his hand. "It's fine, Mr.


While the woman placed her items on the conveyor belt, she was still muttering, "How strange! That'swhat everyone is thinking now. Don't tell me that he's related to that woman!"

Sean was slightly frustrated. If Bianca had not stopped her, he would not have shown any mercy tothose women.

After checking out, Bianca and Sean left the supermarket with three full shopping bags.

After they got into the car, Sean said, "Please don't mind what those women were saying, Madam." "Idon't care at all." Bianca breathed a sigh of relief as she took off her mask.

It was stifling to be wearing that disguise.

"Let's go home, Mr. Zander," she said.

"Yes, Madam." Sean started the car and drove toward the mansion.

Bianca's phone started ringing.

It was from Sue. "Is everything alright, Sue?” "Are you free now, Bianca?" Sue asked.

"Yes. Is there anything?" Bianca could guess that Sue was calling her because of company matters.

"Well... the police called us this morning and said that they've closed the case for the virus attack. Iwent there to sign some papers, but after I reached there, they told me that the general manager of thecompany has to come."

Sue was currently at the police station. She did not want to disturb Bianca, who should be feelingtroubled because of Riley's incident.

"Alright. I'm near the police station anyway. Wait for me there, and I'll come over," Bianca said.

"Be careful. I noticed that several reporters are waiting outside the police station." Sue guessed that thereporters must be waiting for Bianca.

"Alright, thank you." After Bianca ended the call, she told Sean, "I have to go to the police station tohandle some matters, Mr. Zander. Please bring me there." "Should I let Mr. Crawford know?" Seanasked.

"There's no need. It's not about Riley but my company." Bianca remembered what Sue said andcontinued, "Right, we should go in from the side entrance. There are several reporters at the front.""Yes, Madam.” Sean made a U-turn at the traffic light and drove toward the police station.

There were no reporters at the side entrance. Sean parked the car and turned toward Bianca. "HIescort you in, Madam.” "Alright." Bianca did not refuse. She put on her sunglasses and mask and gotout of the car.

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