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Chapter 845

Chapter 845 That B*tch Is Pregnant

Xavier did not answer nor explain anything to Riley. With that, the alarm bell in her heart went off evenmore.

She bit her lip and looked as though she was a woman in love. However, she was staring straight intoBianca's eyes the entire time.

Faced with the young woman’s hostility, Bianca laughed out loud and raised the shopping bags in herhand. "I'm just an insignificant person, an old acquaintance. I'm someone he used to know. We're notthat close, so you can just think of us as strangers."

Someone that he used to know.


Bianca's words stung Xavier. His breathing became rapid as he stared at her, his handsome facelooking embarrassed.

If an ex-wife was considered an old acquaintance, then their relationship was indeed like she said. Itdid not mean anything that they once had a marriage certificate. After all, they had never shared a bednor held a wedding banquet.

The only thing that could prove that they were once husband and wife was that his 'married' status inthe Civil Affairs Bureau's system had changed into 'divorced*.

Riley listened to Bianca's explanation and saw her elegant demeanor. She was no longer hostile andsmiled sweetly at Bianca. "Well, Xavier, since she’s an old acquaintance, why don’t you introduce me?You made me a little jealous there. Oh! Touch my belly, our baby isn’t happy that their daddy is bullyingtheir mommy..."

She pursed her cute mouth. When she wanted attention, she would act like a cat begging her owner.Even a woman like Bianca could not help but look at her. However, Xavier's expression was sullen andhe turned away from her.

"Remember who you are. You should know our relationship better than anyone else. Shut your mouth ifit's not something you should ask. Stay in your lane and I'll let you stay with me for a few more days.Otherwise, f*ck off!"

His words were cold and cruel. It seemed that the man who had just offered to pay for all of thewoman’s shopping had disappeared.

Riley was stunned. Her beautiful pair of eyes welled with tears. She held back her tears because shewas scared of him. She pitifully pressed her lips together, looking like a miserable wife who was gettingbullied. She stood in place obediently, not daring to move.

Xavier was rich and handsome. When he was nice to her, he would spoil her in bed. He would tell hersweet lies that made her become an idiot in love. However, when his mood changed, he would beruthless. When he was angry, he would make her leave if she did not know when to stop.

Riley was well aware of Xavier's violent temper. She was accustomed to his ever-changing moods. Shelowered her head, held back her tears, and played with the hem of her dress. She did not dare to makeany other sound.

Bianca could no longer stand still. She stood up for Riley and said, "Xavier, I didn't expect that yourtemper is still as terrible as ever. Now that Riley is pregnant with your child, you have to change."

For some reason, Bianca felt a sudden surge of relief when she learned that Xavier had become afather. It was as though the curse bound to her was gone.

Xavier looked at Bianca and felt a pang of pain. He took another look at her but did not say anything.

Bianca was about to leave but before she did, she whispered to Xavier, "Ah, to be honest, this girl ismuch better than Melissa. Although she’s a little clingy, she seems like a great person. Since she'spregnant with your child, treat them well. You're not young, it's time for you to start your own family."

When he saw that she was about to leave, Xavier wanted to grab Bianca's hand. "Bea, listen to me, I-"

Bianca immediately kept a distance from him by shoving the thick shopping bags between their bodies.He stared at him warily as she asked," Xavier, what do you want? Are you planning to do something tome in public?" "I didn't mean that..." Xavier sighed. He did not expect that she would still be so guardedagainst him. He said helplessly, "I just want to say that the past is in the past. Can you stop hiding fromme?"

Bianca waved her hand impatiently and said, "Forget it, I don't want to talk about what happenedbefore. You should mind your own business.

Goodbye... No, I hope I never see you again!"

After she said that, she turned around and anxiously walked out with the shopping bags in her hands.She did not want to look at this man and his lover anymore.

She rushed off so hurriedly that she did not notice Xavier's obsessive gaze behind her or Riley'spuzzled eyes...

As soon as she got to the entrance of the shopping mall, the sun was shining brightly. Bianca thoughtof calling her driver to pick her up but decided against it. It would take at least an hour for the driver toarrive at the mall. Plus, it was peak hour. There was no point in doing that.

It was better for her to book an Uber or get a cab.

After Bianca booked her ride, she waited quietly in the designated waiting area outside the mall.

Not long after she sat down, she heard a sharp female voice screaming and crying. "Aunty, you have tohelp me! Xavier insists on canceling our engagement. Why does he want to marry that lousy art schoolstudent who has slept with God knows how many men? How can this be? I’ve waited for Xavier for somany years. He can’t just get rid of me!"

Bianca looked toward the source of the voice and saw Melissa, who was chattering and complaining toa plump but fashionable older lady.novelbin

Bianca was familiar with the older lady. Although she had only seen her once, she would never forgetthat face.

It was Xavier's mother, Lacy Foster.

It had been a long time since she last saw Melissa, but she was still the same person. The onlydifference was that she had long light blue hair. Her hair was tied into neat pigtails, which cascadedcasually from her head.

She was wearing a sleeveless sequined top and tight-fitting black shorts that showed off her straightand slender legs.

Lacy Foster took Melissa's hand and soothed her. "Melissa, you know that I think of you as family.You’re the only one qualified to join the Tanner family. No wild woman will stand a chance. Xavier hasbrought back so many different women throughout the years and I’ve always made sure they didn’t lastlong!"

Melissa raised her eyebrows and said sadly, "Aunt Lacy... It’s different this time! All the previous oneswere driven away by me, but this time, that b* tch is pregnant..."

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