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Chapter 842

Chapter 842 It's Time For Her To Let Go

Mavis was a little scared by Luke. She had never seen him with such a gloomy expression before. Helooked like he was ready to kill.

She raised her eyebrows and wanted to say something, but Luke acted first and spoke in anexpressionless tone, "Ms. Laviere, since you want to leave, then you can leave. Although you're one ofthe top performers of T Corporation, we can survive without you. Since you've felt tired for a long time,you can take this opportunity to take a good rest."


His change was so abrupt that Mavis was not able to keep up. She uttered," Mr. Crawford, I... I'm not..."

She actually had no intentions of resigning. She did so only to find out how much he cared about herand to show him how important she was to him and T Corporation.

She did not want to leave the position she had struggled for years to achieve.

Luke flickered his cigarette as the ash fell into the ashtray.

Then, his hand that was holding the cigarette moved closer to his sexy thin lips. He took a deep inhale.He looked so light and breezy, but Mavis, on the other hand, was beyond anxious.

When Luke was huffing and puffing, his eyes that were as deep as the vast sea were slightly squinted.

His handsome features displayed a dull expression that blasted Mavis to the past. She felt as thoughshe was facing Luke for the first time again, just like when he had interviewed her years ago.

At that time, he had also looked at her with the same judgemental eyes.

"Ms. Laviere, it's been a long ride for my wife and me. We went through a lot since we first met and fellin love. As long as she wants me, I'll never turn my back on her. I’ll never say the word 'divorce' to her.If you insist on leaving, I'll not force you to stay. After so many years, I thought you were someone whounderstood me, but I didn't expect you to threaten me."

Mavis bit her lip awkwardly.

She could hear impatience and contempt in Luke's tone.

Mavis bit her lip until it was bruised, yet she did not feel any pain.

The cigarette smoke was suffocating her. She wanted to cough, but she tried her best to endure it. Herpale face turned red from holding her coughs in.

"Luke, you know what I’m talking about. In the past ten years, there were so many well-known groupsthat tried to poach me with the promise of a lot of money but I never once considered any of theiroffers. I believe you're aware that you're the reason why I continued to stay in T Corporation.

Luke, after so many years, I've become accustomed to seeing your face every day. I write about mylove for you in my diary almost every day... My love for you is petty and humble. I never told you abouthow I feel for fear that it'll ruin our relationship. Luke, I love you with everything that I have..."

Maybe it was because Mavis was sharing her deepest secrets and finally talking about her grievancesafter so many years, so she felt like a wilted flower when she was done talking. Her tears could makeanyone pity her.

Luke put out his cigarette and said coldly, "Ms. Laviere, I thought that you were a mature and wisewoman who knew that love is fragile. What matters most is being responsible. I apologize if I've doneanything to cause any misunderstandings. I want to make it clear that our relationship is strictly

professional. You're a wonderful woman. There are countless bachelors in the world for you, so whyare you waiting stubbornly for a tree that can't bear fruit?"novelbin

Mavis straightened her back and smiled bitterly. "Emotions are never logical. There are a lot of choicesthat one can make and there are a lot of temptations out there, but I chose you since the moment I sawyou. I remember the first time I met you. You stood out from the crowd among so many interviewers.Since then, you have become a unique existence in my life. Life is long and I don't want to live a life ofregret because it's impossible to find someone else like you."

Mavis decided to let it all out.

It was the first time in years she felt so relaxed.

Luke threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray and suddenly smiled. However, the smile did not reachhis eyes.

Luke's overpowering aura made Mavis' scalp tingle. She suddenly regretted telling him about how shefelt.

However, Mavis thought that since her secret was revealed, she no longer had to hold back.

She knew that if she wanted to leave a beautiful impression on him, she should turn around and leave.At least, she had said her piece after so many years and put a full stop to her one-sided love story-even if it was not a fairytale ending.

"Mavis." Luke looked at her trying to be strong and knocked on his table a little irritably. "I can’t give youwhat you want. You don’t need to waste your energy on me. You're a good woman and you’ll find love.Take care."

Luke's delicate, elegant face and his words slowly penetrated Mavis' body like a poisonous thorn. Hewas cold and ruthless. He appeared calm as if he was just stating something factual.

He did not love her. He did not love her before and would never love her.

He clearly told Mavis this.

Mavis clutched her heart, almost biting her lower lip until it bled. Her other hand was tightly clenched.

She still had some hope in the beginning, but when she heard him confess that he did not love her, shecould not help trembling as if daggers were piercing into her bones...

"Mr. Crawford, I’m sorry. I've embarrassed myself today. I’m sorry, I won’t do it again. Thank you fortaking care of me for so many years. See you... soon."

After saying that, Mavis held back her tears, bowed deeply to Luke, and grabbed her bag. She thenwalked out as her hand trembled while holding her bag.

Her steps were heavy as if her body was being crushed by a huge boulder.

When she turned around, she burst into tears.

After ten years of waiting, she ended up with nothing. She had been waiting for him since she was ayoung woman. Time had turned her into a mature woman but even after so many years, she still couldnot impress him. She knew she had no reason to hold on to him anymore.

She was tired of waiting. It was time for her to let go.

Luke stared at Mavis' back and thought about her contribution to T Corporation over the years, as wellas how selfless she had been in helping him. He thought of calling out to her, but at last, he kept quiet...

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