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Chapter 796

Chapter 796 How Dare You Threaten Me?

Kassy looked gloomily at the naked man who was unconscious on the floor.

'How useless!

'If that were Matthew, he would have given me the pleasure I desire!' The man's tempting bodyappeared in Kassy's mind.

She had done her best in protecting the man, but he had betrayed her!

Her beautiful face contorted viciously when she thought of that. Even the air around her seemed tohave turned into ice.

She draped a silk negligee over her, barely covering her private parts. Then, she pressed a button andcoldly ordered, "Come and take this useless piece of trash away!" "Yes, Ms. Kassy!"

Two tall and burly men in suits soon appeared in the room. They dragged the unconscious handsomeman out of the room as though they were dragging a piece of roadkill.

They dared not look at Kassy's seductive, barely naked body.

Soon, the room resumed its silence. Only the dim night light cast an eerie glow in the room.

Kassy opened a drawer and took out a photo. On it was the face of a handsome man whom she soloved and hated.

After laying low for so long, her first deed after she arrived in A City was to deliver a surprise "present"for Luke. She wondered if he liked it.

She would deliver more and more presents to Luke in the coming days, including his so-called wifewhom he was so obsessed about -- Bianca Rayne.

While Kassy was planning her next move, her phone started ringing.

The only people who knew her phone number were those that she trusted the most. She had an idea ofwho was calling her when she saw the string of unfamiliar numbers on the screen.

She answered the call and said coldly, "Hello?" "Long time no see, Kassy. How have you been?"Wayne's flippant voice was heard over the phone. "If my guess is correct, you should have just finishedmaking out with some random guy. Am I right?"

Kassy grunted coldly, and the grip on her phone became tighter. "What do you want? Spit it out."

On the other side, Wayne lay comfortably on Leia's bed. He frowned unhappily and said brusquely,"Don't be like that. We're still partners, right? That's not how you should speak to a partner. I've heardthat Luke Crawford destroyed your stepfather's base, and you're on the run. That's not a life you wantto live, isn't it?"

Kassy could not help but chuckle. "Heh, do you think that you're in a better state? The entire A City, no,the entire country is hunting you down, and you can't even go back to your own home. You're in a farworse state than me, yet you have the guts to mock me. What a joke!"

Wayne was used to being flattered. He could not tolerate a woman criticizing her.

His tone of voice took a violent turn. "I'm going to let that slide because we're still partners and becauseI pity your current condition. Don't think that you're still Robert's beloved step-daughter; you're nothingbut a dog on the run now! I might be wanted, but A City is Blatt family turf. It'll be very easy for me to killyou!"

Kassy thought of the Blatt family's massive influence and Wayne's cunning and ruthless methods. Theman was an expert at killing someone when they least expected it.

She pondered her situation for a brief moment. It would be a bad idea to offend the man and be hisvictim.

With that thought in mind, she softened her tone. "I'm sorry, Wayne. I shouldn't have spoken so harshlyto you. I haven't been in a good mood. Please forgive me, considering that we have been partners forso many years. Also, I'm the one who supplied the explosives to your subordinates to blow up TheGalleria. I hope you don't cast me aside after I've served my purpose. Even if you don't like me, at leastconsider the fact that my stepfather has helped you so much over the years, hmm? If we work together,we can ruin T Corporation and turn A City upside down... isn't that what you want?"

Kassy's voice was gentle and coy, like a feather that tickled Wayne's heart. Her flattery made him feelgood.

Wayne could not help but grin when he thought of the situation Luke was currently in.

However, he remained suspicious. "That's exactly what I want. I didn't expect the man to be so fragile!Kassy, are you sure that the explosives you supplied me won't leave any evidence?"

Kassy was so furious that she wanted to smash her phone at that instant, but she stopped herself."Wayne, you were once an elite special forces soldier and the leader of an international mercenarygroup. You should be more experienced with explosives than me. You should know that CK-20 isextremely destructive, and its chemical components are extremely volatile. I can bet you that even thebest explosives experts would find it hard to detect the slightest trace. Don't worry, they won't be able tofind anything." "That better be the case. Otherwise, you should know what I can do to you!"

Wayne's threats continued to echo in Kassy's head after he hung up.

She gritted her teeth in anger.

'Wayne, that b*stard. He can't even fend for himself, yet he threatens me!

'We'll see what happens!'

Late at night, Luke continued to work hard in the study of the mansion.

The desk was piled high with documents, and his eyes were bloodshot from fatigue.

He had been very busy that day. The phone did not stop ringing since morning, and he had to answerevery one of them because they contained top-secret information.

He was already hoarse from speaking, and he only managed to find some peace late at night.

He could not relax yet. Instead, he continued to read the documents that Jason brought him. Thoserequired his personal attention.

T Corporation was currently in a crisis. Even though Bianca was assisting him, he still had to do themajority of the work. His leadership had brought T Corporation through many crises in many years.novelbin

His reputation in the business circles was starting to decline after the Greenview Regalia arson caseand the collapse of The Galleria. That made him frustrated.

The door to the study suddenly opened. Luke thought that it was the caretaker.

He lifted his gaze unhappily and saw Bianca coming in, smiling while holding a hot drink...

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