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Chapter 775

Chapter 775 Those Heavy Footsteps Outside

As night fell, Luke drove back to Crawford Manor.

When he stepped into the living room, he saw his mother and Maxine sitting on the couch, chatting andlaughing.

There was a hint of displeasure in Luke's eyes, but he did not say anything. Instead, he quickly steppedaround them and headed toward the stairs.

Old Master Crawford noticed his grandson and stopped him from leaving." Why are you back so earlytoday, Luke?"

Luke stopped walking and nodded toward his grandfather. "I'm here to pick up a few things, and I'll beleaving soon." "Mother," he greeted Allison coldly. He did not even look at Maxine sitting next to hismother.

Allison was disgruntled when her son barely noticed her, but she was angry when he totally ignoredMaxine. Maxine's face flashed with awkwardness, but she did not say anything.novelbin

The caretaker came into the living room and told Old Master Crawford," Dinner is ready, Sir."

Allison immediately said, "It's rare that you come back, my son. How about you stay and have dinnerwith your grandfather? There's salmon today. It's your favorite. There's also..." "The one who likessalmon is Bianca, Mother," Luke retorted without hesitation. "She's not here because she's busy today.We'll have dinner together when I bring her back home."

Allison was at a loss against her son's retort. Her expression changed from frustration, to anger, then tohelplessness. "You..."

Her son had been completely bewitched by that seductress. His relationship with his mother hadbecome distant ever since he married Bianca, and they were barely on speaking terms. She did notunderstand why her son would be so silly.

Allison held Maxine's hand and glared at Luke. "Luke, why was Maxine's internship applicationrejected? Is it because of Bianca Rayne? Maxine is your cousin. It won't be too troublesome for her todo her internship at T Corporation, right? Maxine is talented and capable. It'll be an honor for TCorporation to have her..."

Maxine bit her lip, and her tender face blushed. "Don't say that, Aunt Allison. It's my fault that I'm notgood enough for T Corporation, or maybe I'm unlucky. I should work harder..."

She was a graduate of a renowned university, and she was an overseas exchange student for twoyears. She was at the top of her cohort when it came to academic or other achievements, but she couldnot score an internship at T Corporation.

Her life had always been smooth-sailing. It was the first time that she was turned down, and that madeher somewhat resentful.

"T Corporation has its own internal standards. Even Louis had to pass several tests, interviews, andevaluations before he got a job there. Every T Corporation employee enters the company with theircapabilities. Anyone who tries to use their relations will be eliminated."

Allison stood up abruptly and started scolding Luke while pointing at his nose. "I'm your mother! What'sthe big deal if I ask you to put one person in? Moreover, Maxine is truly capable. Why do you have tomake it so hard for her? You're a stubborn one. Tell me, is it because that seductress Bianca doesn'twant Maxine to be in the company? Does she have anything to do with this?"

Luke frowned disgustedly at his mother's unreasonable accusations. "This has nothing to do withBianca. Also, I remember telling you that I don't wish to hear you insulting my wife. Have you forgotten

about my warning, Madam Allison Tanner?" 1

Allison clutched her chest which was starting to hurt. "You... you ingrate... how dare you address me bymy name, just because of that woman?"

Luke stepped around his mother and went up to the second floor.

Maxine watched Luke as he left the scene, and an inexplicable expression flashed in her eyes. Sherealized that her cousin loved his wife so much that he did not mind going against his mother.

He was a stubborn and untamed one, but it did not mean that he would get to act like that forever.

One day, he would need to rely on his familial connections in the capital, and Maxine hoped that hewould not regret rejecting her application by then.

Bianca's new company was operational. It was called Brilliant Architectural Design LLC.

The only people in the company were her and Nina. Sue would occasionally come and help.

Bianca became very busy. She had to juggle multiple roles in the company, such as receptionist,purchaser, designer, salesperson, accountant, and many others. Nina was the same as well, and thetwo people had a neverending list of tasks every day.

Before her company was operational, Bianca had a lot of free time at home. Ever since the companystarted to accept clients, working overtime had become a common occurrence. Even though it wastough, Bianca thought that the time spent in her company was productive. She thought that all the hardwork was worth it when she saw her company grow.

Tonight, Bianca worked overtime again. She was the only person inside the big office.

Nina had gone home to rest because she had a stomach ache. Bianca did not allow her to workovertime.

She sat in front of her desk. The glare from her computer monitor illuminated her delicate face. Herkeyboard clacked. Occasionally, she would draw or sketch something.

At close to eleven o'clock, Bianca finished her final design for the day. She took a sip of coffee whilereviewing her design.

Then, she went to the printer and waited for the printout of her design. She studied the design andimagined how the completed building would look.

As a new company, Bianca wanted to show her clients the best they could do so that they wouldbecome repeat customers. She put meticulous effort into every single detail so that her clients wouldbe satisfied.

While Bianca studied the design, she suddenly heard heavy footsteps from the corridor outside. Therewas also the faint sound of a baby crying.

That unnerving sound echoed throughout the otherwise vacant office. She felt a chill course down herspine, and her body began to tremble...

The entire space was shrouded in an eerie atmosphere.

A gust of cold wind came in from the open window. Bianca could feel goosebumps rise on her skin.

She was not in the mood to work anymore, and she hurriedly packed up her designs.

The footsteps became closer, and the tightly shut door suddenly opened wide with a creak...

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