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Chapter 756

Chapter 756 The Truth Is About To Come Out

Bianca anxiously went to buy a pregnancy test.

When she came back, she could not wait to do the urine test.

When she saw the positive result on the pregnancy test, she was dumbfounded and shook her headhelplessly. She was close to crumbling.

Why was fate playing such a trick on her?

It was bad enough that she had been raped by a strange man. The matter had already plunged her intothe abyss, so why did fate continue the horrible game and make her pregnant with the man's evil seed?

She had clearly taken Plan B a month ago! i


She absolutely would not have this child!

This child would haunt her about the day she got raped! She did not want the man's dirty blood insideof her!

"Ah..." Bianca punched her stomach like a madwoman while hysterically screaming, not holding backany strength.

'Let me just die! I'll go to hell with this child!’

When Queenie heard the commotion in the room, she realized that something was wrong andslammed the door open from the outside.

When she saw her daughter punching her stomach crazily, she was frozen to the spot for a momentbefore her slender figure immediately hugged Bianca. "Bianca, what are you doing? What happened?Don't be afraid..." "Mom..." Bianca's face seemed hollow as her soulless eyes looked at Queenie. "I'mdone for..."

Queenie frowned and shook Bianca's shoulders. "Bianca, what crazy talk are you going on about? I’llhelp you regardless of what it is. Don't be afraid. There’s only the two of us in this room now, so tell mewhat happened."

Bianca shook her head with all her might as tears streamed down her face. "Mom, no. It's not just thetwo of us in the room. There's another one. It's... I'm pregnant... Hahahaha... I'm pregnant with an evilman's child... I don't even know who that man is... Hahaha..." i

Bianca cried and laughed. Clearly, she was not in the right state of mind. In the past month, eventhough Queenie had tried her very best to make nutritious food for her every day, Bianca's face andbody started to become a lot thinner. Anyone who saw her could clearly tell.

Queenie felt as though a sharp sword was stabbing her body, and her face was pale. "Bianca, you can'tsay nonsense like this. You took Plan B that day. It’s impossible for you to get pregnant, so how are youpregnant? Don’t scare yourself..."

Bianca threw the pregnancy test toward Queenie and said in despair," Mom, my period is late for tendays. I usually get it on time, not a day late or early. But now, I'm ten days late this month... so I went tobuy a pregnancy test... Look at the test result, it shows that I'm pregnant. What am I supposed to do? Ihave no dignity left to continue living now..."

When Queenie looked at her daughter who looked like she had almost lost her mind and the pregnancytest result, Queenie became unusually calm.

She stroked Bianca's hair and said sensibly, "Don't be afraid, Bianca. I’ll help you through this difficulttime. You're my daughter, so just listen to me. I'll never do anything to harm you. You don't want thischild, right? Fine, I'll make the arrangements right away. Leave everything to me... I know a well-knowngynecologist and I'll personally get her to operate on you to minimize the damage as much as possible.You don't have to worry about other people finding out about it. The gynecologist is a friend of mine andshe’ll keep this secret. Bianca, don't be afraid. I’ll help you take care of everything..."

When Bianca heard her mother's comforting words and saw how worried she looked, it felt like a knifehad slashed across her heart. "Mom, I'm sorry..." "Silly child, don't ever apologize to me. I’m the onewho owes you so much for all these years. I wanted to give you the best of everything, but I neverthought that it would hurt you... I don't care how rich you are in this life. I

just want you to grow old with the man you love and have a perfect family... Sigh... Even if the family isbroken, it doesn't matter. Your father and I will support you for the rest of your life. I’ll let you inherit mycompany so that you'll have enough to keep yourself and the children fed and clothed for life... Youwon't have to worry anymore... Just promise me that you won't do anything stupid... If anythinghappens to you, your father and I won't be able to continue living..." "Mom, thank you..."

The temperature was already cool during the sunset at dusk and the gloomy sky outside seemed toreflect the tears these two women were shedding.

Bianca, who had been overcome with sorrow, suddenly felt violent cramps in her abdomen that made italmost impossible for her to breathe.

After taking a few breaths, she felt something hot and wet flowing between her legs.

The warm liquid flowed down her pale legs, staining her white dress...

"Bea!" Queenie’s eyes widened in horror.

The setting sun looked like blood with its rays enveloping A City's most flourishing office building.

T Corporation.

The atmosphere in the CEO’s office was solemn, dignified, and with a hint of depression.

Jason looked at his boss standing in front of the glass window on the top floor.

The man’s gloomy eyes seemed to carry a cold hostility while hiding a sense of bloodthirst that washard to ignore.

He looked like he was meditating, but perhaps he was not.

Mr. Doyle did not even dare to raise his voice. In the past month, his boss did not seem like he had hisemotions in check. The boss who had always been calm and exercised restraint did not bother to hidehis bad mood now. His company's employees had to work overtime a lot, and in that month, a few topmanagement employees who pissed him off were fired.

His unusual behavior had caused every employee in the company to tremble with fear. They wereafraid that if any one of them accidentally pissed him off, they would lose their well-paying jobs andmeet tragic endings.

Luke looked at the heavy traffic outside the window, but he kept seeing Bianca's face on the window.

The image of her looking at him with sad, accusing, and aggrieved eyes made him uncontrollablyirritable.

Due to Bianca's weight loss over the past month, she looked haggard and her eyes always looked fullof guilt when she looked at him. Although she never told him what had happened, he knew better thananyone what had happened.

The man who had sex with Bianca all night that night and the man who left marks on her body was him.2

The reason he had not told her the truth was because he had been really angry at her that night-extremely angry.

He was angry at her for not being careful enough with other people. He was angry at her for almostfalling for someone else's trap, and he was even angrier at her for not trying to contact him right afterthe incident.novelbin

That night, if he had not been vigilant and had not followed her to the restroom afterward, it was verylikely she would have been brought away by other men after getting drugged. As for what would havehappened later on, it went without saying.

Indeed, he was punishing her because he wanted to teach her a small lesson so that she wouldremember.

However, he did not think that things would escalate so much that they were now out of his control. Itwas far from how he had imagined it to be. He was now watching as Bianca suffered in pain. She waslosing weight because she blamed herself and crying so much because of the guilt. He was not happyabout it at all. It made him even more heartbroken for her. He pitied her and began to doubt if he hadmade a big mistake.

He really wanted to be honest with her and tell her the truth, but he was afraid that if he told her thetruth, she would never forgive him...

He was in a dilemma.

Just when Luke was hesitating whether to go back and explain the whole thing to Bianca, his phonerang.

It was Queenie.

When he heard how anxious Queenie sounded and what she told him, Luke's expression turned cold.

He immediately hung up, grabbed his coat, and hurriedly walked out. Jason was left there, confusedand frozen in place...

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