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Chapter 705

Chapter 705 Suddenly, She Saw Luke’s Handsome Face

Kassy lit another cigarette. Her expression was gloomy.

Three separate forces were searching for Matthew. The first was the League of Shadows, the secondwas Ray's men, and the third was Percy Mallory, the leader of A City's criminal underworld, i

It was a race against time, and Kassy had to be faster than Ray and Percy.

Otherwise, once he managed to escape from her clutches, it would be next to impossible to capturethat crafty man again.

"Ms. Kassy..."

While Kassy was deep in thought, another subordinate rushed into the room excitedly. "We foundMatthew's whereabouts."

Kassy instantly stubbed out her cigarette and stood up. "Where is he?" "He is seen near a shoppingmall in Arbat Street..."

Before he could finish the sentence, Kassy was nowhere to be seen.

Late in the evening, in Moscow’s famous pedestrian street.

Luke walked among the crowd. He wore a pair of oversized sunglasses, and only his sculpted chin wasseen.

He glanced coldly at the black cars that surrounded the entire street. Many tourists were complainingabout the inconvenience.

Only the League of Shadows would be so brazen.novelbin

Kassy sat in one of the cars. Perhaps it was intuition, but her eyes glanced toward the side and sawLuke's handsome face.

Even though his sunglasses obscured half of his face, she could recognize him instantly.

She was both happy and angry that the man had appeared in Moscow, and he had not bothered tocover his tracks.

She was happy that she had finally found him, but she was angry that the reason for his appearance inthe city was to protect another woman.

"Could this be another of Matthew's traps?" One of Kassy* s subordinates said, "He had spent twoyears planning his escape from the Island of Despair, so why would he expose himself so brazenly?He's not going to turn himself in just like that, right?" "What do you think?" "I think that the man is onlybait. Matthew is a master of disguise. It would be trivial for him to create a double." i

Kassy chuckled audibly. "Matthew might be able to make someone else look like him, but can hisdemeanor be copied?" "Well, it might be a mere coincidence. Moreover, Matthew might just be able todo it..." "Shut up. That man is Matthew and no one else. I'm very sure of it!" Kassy stared obsessivelyat the tall and well-built man.

He might be standing amid a crowd of tourists, but he was the most dazzling person.

Luke noticed Kassy as well.

He took off his sunglasses, smiled charmingly at her, then abruptly went into a shopping mall.

Kassy could feel her cold and dead heart coming to life when she saw that smile.

"Go after him! Cover all the exits. He won't be able to get away today!" Kassy ordered her subordinatescoldly.

Luke went into a high-end boutique that sold all the latest fashion designs. It had everything fromclothes to footwear.

A sales clerk saw him come in, and her eyes lit up in surprise.

She began to attend to Luke eagerly. "Good evening, Sir. What do you need? We have the latest men'sdesigns..."

Luke wagged his hand at her and replied in fluent Russian, "Don't mind me. I’m just looking around."

The sales clerk was surprised as she watched him pick some clothes and go into the dressing room.

Her eyes opened wide when Luke reappeared!

What a beautiful "woman!" "Her" skin was fair, "her" nose bridge was high, "her" lips were vivid red, and"her" curly burgundy hair draped lazily over "her" shoulder. The Bohemian dress accentuated thecurves of her body, and "her" gaze was ice-cold.

"She" was a breathtaking sight!

"S... Sir? Or should I call you... Miss?" The sales clerk struggled to string together a completesentence.

She could not believe that the handsome man had transformed into a beautiful woman.

What did he do?

Luke wore an oversized sunhat on his head and tossed a credit card at the sales clerk. "Enough talk!"His voice was resonant.

After paying for the clothes, he swaggered out of the boutique.

Behind him, the sales clerk was still in shock.

'Don't tell me... he has a crossdressing fetish?’ She thought.

Luke calmly walked along the path. He had never pulled off such a daring act.

The League of Shadows had eyes everywhere. That was the only way he could escape theirsurveillance.

Anand had helped him to reach Moscow, and he did not want to fail.

All he wanted was to meet Bianca as soon as possible.

Not long after he exited the boutique, he saw several men in black walk in his direction.

They were grabbing tourists and asking them if they had seen the man in the photo.

Naturally, the photo was Luke's mugshot. All of the men in black had a copy.

"Hey, stop there. Have you seen this man?" One of the men in black called out to Luke, and several ofthem surrounded him.

Luke took off his sunglasses, revealing a stunning face. His voice became feminine. "I was in thesouvenir store earlier, and I thought I'd seen someone like him..."

He pointed in the other direction with a slender finger.

The leader of the men in black waved at his subordinates. "Let's go!"

The people rushed toward the souvenir store.

Meanwhile, Luke put on his sunglasses again and followed the crowd toward the exit.

Kassy and a few dozen armed men blocked the mall entrance while pointing their guns at the peoplewho were exiting the mall. They thoroughly checked every person that stepped out of the mall.

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