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Chapter 686

Chapter 686 He’s A Tenacious One

Bianca clutched her chest, feeling as though it had been sliced apart by a poisoned knife. She wasabout to pass out from the pain.

She felt a slight relief from the pain in her chest after a few minutes.

'What's going on?'

She was confused, but soon she remembered that she felt a similar pain on the day she found out thatLuke went missing.

She could not linger on that moment for long. When Jack and Queenie noticed that Bianca was there,they beckoned lovingly at her and got her to taste the dishes.

"I made some soup for you, Bea. Your mom said that you like light foods, so I didn't put much salt in thesoup. Have a taste. What do you think?" Jack said kindly and ladled a small bowl of soup for Bianca.

Bianca took a sip.

"How is it?" Jack looked at her daughter expectantly.

Bianca finished the bowl of soup and said gratefully, "The soup tastes good, Dad. I love it."

Being able to eat Mom's cooking and Dad's soup made her feel blissful.

She began to feel guilty about how she was always busy with work and never got the chance to spendtime with them.

Looking at her parents' graying hair, she promised herself that she would spend more time with herparents once she returned with Luke.

A helicopter flew above the Pacific Ocean.

It flew in a straight line for about half an hour. When it was about to leave the range of influence of theIsland of Despair, the people suddenly heard a beep, signifying the start of an announcement.

Soon, the passengers heard a sweet female voice. "Anomaly detected. The flight will now turn around."novelbin

Once the announcement ended, the helicopter suddenly turned 180 degrees and retraced its path backto the island.

"Boss, all the controls have stopped working. Damn it! Someone must have overridden the controls."Gale, the pilot, was shocked. He pressed on all the buttons, but none of them worked.

He punched the control panel angrily, and his face was ashen with anger.

They were so close to escaping. He did not want to return to that living hell.

Gale turned his head toward Luke, but at the moment he saw the man, he instantly shut up!

The man was standing straight in the cockpit. Despite his bloodied body, his presence remaineddomineering and composed, as though he had everything under control.

He remained calm in the face of unknown dangers.

His thin lips were tightly pressed together, and he gave off the bearing of a natural-born leader.

Gale somehow felt a little calmer when he saw Luke. "What should we do now, Boss?" "Let me takeover!" Luke shoved Gale aside and sat on the pilot's seat.

Gale did not know what the man did. He only saw Luke's slender fingers dancing on the differentbuttons on the control panel and pushed a few levers before he wrested control of the helicopter again.

"You're too cool, Boss!" Gale and Rain were in complete admiration of their leader.

However, Luke raised his hand and furrowed his brows. "Our plan has been exposed. Knowing Robert,he wouldn't spare any survivors. If my guess is correct, he'd blow up this helicopter if he doesn't see itreturn. Find the parachutes and prepare to jump!"

Indeed, after he finished speaking, they heard a soft ticking in the cabin.

Knowing what the ticking sound meant, everyone was shocked. It was the sound of explosives tickingdown.

Gale and Rain shuddered when they thought of Robert's cruelty.

They tried to search for the explosives, but they found that every corner of the helicopter was packedwith them.

It would take at least half an hour to disarm everything, but the explosives were due to explode in fiveminutes!

Following that, Gale and Rain searched everywhere for parachutes but could not find any!

"Boss, we searched the entire cabin, but we didn't find any parachutes. We won't have enough time todisarm all the explosives either..." Gale and Rain were drenched in a cold sweat. Their composure wasnowhere to be seen.

Luke remained calm, and he said sternly, "We are at an altitude of thirteen thousand feet, and thehelicopter is three minutes and forty-two seconds away from exploding. If I can lower the altitude tobetween eight hundred and one thousand feet, we should be able to jump from the helicopter withoutdying. When I give the signal later, we'll jump out of the helicopter at the same time. Understood?""Understood!" Gale and Rain answered in unison.

They trusted in Luke's piloting skills.

Luke pushed the speed of the helicopter to its limit, and it charged toward the ocean like a divingfalcon.

Just when it was about to hit the surface of the ocean, he roared, "Jump!"

The three people hugged each other tightly, kicked open the door, and jumped together!

At that moment, the helicopter suddenly exploded with a deafening boom.

The ball of fire expanded rapidly and sent shrapnel flying in all directions!

On the Island of Despair, Kassy clenched her fists and gritted her teeth as she watched the drone feedof the helicopter exploding.

Her beautiful eyes glinted with viciousness.

That man would rather jump into the sea than return to her!

She started a video call with Robert. "You promised that you'd let Matthew go, Godfather. Why did yougo back on your word?"

Robert's expression was ice-cold. Kassy could even feel the drop in temperature even though she wasonly looking at him on her phone screen. "You idiot! If you can't handle one man after so long, what usedo I have for you? Matthew has destroyed my secret base and incited a rebellion. I would have killedhim a long time ago if not for that he is useful to me.

Now that the man has betrayed me, he'll have to die. Also, Kassy, you're an adult now, and I don't needany useless people by my side. You will attend to Cole, the arms dealer from Country M tomorrow.Otherwise, I'll cripple you!"

Kassy's face turned pale instantly. Her godfather wanted her to attend to that sadistic pervert!

The video call ended before she could say anything.

Angrily, Kassy threw her phone on the ground, which broke in half.

She gave her orders to two men in black suits. "Go and search for the helicopter wreckage. I don'tbelieve that Matthew is dead. He's a tenacious one, and he won't die that easily. Report immediately ifyou find anything!" "Yes, Ms. Kassy," the men in black replied in the affirmative and went off to carry outtheir task.

After the men left, Kassy's gaze turned cold again, and she laughed brazenly.

'He can't hide from me. I'll find him as long as he lives!'

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