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Chapter 658

Chapter 658 Blind The Eyes Of All The Shareholders!

Bianca remained calm as the discussion went on.

She tapped the desk with a pen at random intervals, saying in an indifferent tone, "Are you done? Ifyou're done, please take a look at the e-invite for the meeting." "How ridiculous! A woman who doesn'trespect the time of others wants to be an acting CEO?" Jenson raised his voice and said in anunforgiving tone. As he said that, he checked his email.

When he saw that the meeting time was 10:06 a.m., he was stunned. He then glanced at Bianca andthought, 'So what?’

When Luke was around, they would always start the meeting at 10:00 a.m. sharp. They were all usedto the meeting time.

The former CEO was very punctual and spoke out against people who were late.

Previously, a shareholder took advantage of his long-standing relationship with Luke and was late for ameeting for a few minutes. As a result, Luke kicked him out. Old Master Crawford had tried to talk himout of it but it did not work.

Now, the new acting CEO had changed the meeting time to 10:06 a.m. What the hell was this womandoing?novelbin

Everyone stared at Bianca.

Bianca looked at everyone with a smile, saying, "I’m sure everyone is aware that the meeting issupposed to start at 10:06 a.m. When I came in, it was 10:05 a.m. I was not late. Your rant has takenmore than five minutes. Everyone, was I late?" "Of course not!" Louis Crawford was the first to speak,"Ms. Rayne was one minute early!"

Another young shareholder who grew the company with Luke also nodded his head and said, "Ms.Rayne wasn't late. There was just a misunderstanding over the meeting time."

Jenson snorted and continued criticizing Bianca, "Mr. Crawford was always ten minutes early for everymeeting."

Mavis Laviere was overjoyed that Bianca was in trouble.

She was also one of the company's shareholders. Although she owned only six percent of the shares,the value of that six percent was more than enough to cover the expenses of an ordinary family of fourfor more than ten lifetimes. That was why she was in attendance for today's shareholders meeting.

Bianca sat in the chairperson seat and looked at Jenson who was still trying to make things difficult forher. Her soft gaze sharpened as she said, "Mr. Zook, if I'm late, I'll admit to it. However, I've proven thatI was on time today so I'm not sure what the fuss is about? The 10:00 a.m. meeting was my husband’spractice, not mine. The time of the meeting may change at any time now, so you have to get used tomy rules!"

A shareholder sneered and said disdainfully, "Do you think you're our CEO because you're sitting inthat chair?"

Another shareholder also sarcastically said, "Women... They have always been indecisive and have nocourage to take chances. I'll be thanking God if our company isn’t ruined in your hands." "Mr. Crawfordtransferred all his shares to her before his death. Now, she holds the largest percentage of shares in TCorporation. What can we do? Besides, is she really Mr. Crawford's wife? Why haven't we heard oftheir wedding?" "If she's not Mrs. Crawford, who is she to be the acting CEO? Get her out of here!"

Bianca threw some documents on the conference table. Everyone was taken aback by her suddenanger!

Bianca shouted, "Tina!"

Tina, her glamorous secretary who had been waiting on the side, understood Bianca immediately. Shetook out a marriage certificate from her bag, smiled, and showed it to everyone.

The two people in the photo attached to the marriage certificate were Luke and Bianca. The officialdate on it was stated to be three months ago.

The marriage certificate blinded the eyes of all the shareholders present.

No one dared to suspect that the marriage certificate was a fake because they knew that no one woulddare to do that to Luke. He was a shark in their industry. That meant that Luke was indeed married tothis woman.

Mavis clenched her fist tightly under the conference table. Her sharp eyes displayed shockjealousy,and anger.

'Luke got married to this woman? How could he?!'

For a while, no one knew what to say.

There was a complicated and awkward look on everyone's faces.

An older, gray-haired shareholder said, "I refuse to work under a woman. I would rather sell my sharesthan watch you take down T Corporation."

Bianca glanced at him. Based on his physical attributes and what she had heard, he was irritable,judgemental, and hard to talk with.

Bianca did not even bother to frown. "Who else wants to sell their shares?" "Me..." "And me...’

Another two shareholders looked at each other before deciding to sell their shares.

They thought that if Mr. Crawford was still around, they would never do so.

However, T Corporation was now led by a weak woman, so they planned to get out of it as soon aspossible while the company's shares still carried some value.

"Mr. Doyle!" Bianca called out.

"Yes, Ms. Rayne," Mr. Doyle replied.

Bianca said coldly, "Check how many shares these gentlemen hold and buy them at the market price."

Mavis stared at Bianca in disbelief. Was Bianca going crazy?

Since the news of Luke's passing was announced, T Corporation's shares had almost fallen to thelowest point. T Corporation was short of funds now, so they were baffled by Bianca's decision toacquire the shares of these people.

Even Jason, who was ever loyal, slightly disagreed with her decision. He said to her softly, "Ms. Rayne,you have to think carefully. The company's current financial situation doesn't allow us the cash flow tobuy them out for the time being."

Bianca resolutely said, "My husband left me private properties. You can withdraw this money from myprivate account. Contact a lawyer to draw up an equity transfer letter. These people will have nothing todo with T Corporation moving forward."

She was loud and powerful, and the decisions she made were so decisive and sharp. Even though shelooked weak and gentle, her fierce aura and insightful gaze were similar to that of Mr. Crawford. No onedared to ignore her.

Bianca presented herself as a courageous woman.

Aside from Jenson, Mavis, and some others, that was what almost all shareholders in the meetingroom thought of Bianca.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed.

Through Jason and Tina's careful guidance, coupled with Bianca's fast learning, she quickly becamefamiliar with the day-to-day of a CEO.

She was really tired.

After being in Luke's position, Bianca realized how hard he had worked.

She worked hard till she would forget to sleep and eat.

Only at work could she temporarily let herself forget the pain of losing Luke.

The bidding for Draco Lake was taking place a week later.

While Bianca was still working hard on the proposal, Gordon Norton arrived eagerly.

He looked at Bianca and said to her excitedly, "Bianca, there's news about Luke..."

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