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Chapter 656

Chapter 656 That's Why My Husband Chose Me

Mavis had prepared that bid proposal.

Bianca knew very well who Mavis Laviere was. She was not really considered a love rival, but she wasa schemer that kept herself close to Luke.

Mavis had even stuffed women's lingerie in Luke's car to try to create a misunderstanding.

Bianca did not have a good impression of Mavis, but Mavis had a strong work ethic and was crucial toLuke's success.

She hoped that Mavis did not interact with her husband too much, even though the interactions werestrictly business. However, she did not say anything.

Fortunately, Luke told Mavis something, and she stopped with her antics.

Bianca carefully read Mavis's proposal and started frowning.

She picked up the internal phone. "Tina, can you ask Ms. Laviere to come to the CEO's office?" "In amoment." Tina went to Mavis's office and asked her to go to the CEO's office.

Mavis had been in low spirits ever since she knew that Luke had met with an accident.

She had been crying, unable to accept the fact that Luke was gone.

She sank into the pits of despair and was inconsolable.

Usually, she would be wearing exquisite make-up. Now that Luke was gone, she did not have the moodto primp herself.

Her usually glamorous appearance was replaced by sunken eye sockets and disheveled hair. Sheseemed to have aged ten years in a few days.

She followed the secretary to the CEO's office.

When Mavis saw Bianca sitting in Luke's chair reading documents, her eyes flashed withresentmentjealousy, and condescension.

"Ms. Laviere is here, Ms. Rayne." Tina led Mavis into the CEO's office, greeted Bianca, then returnedto her office.

"Is there anything, Ms. Rayne?" Mavis tried to hide her emotions. However, her resentment towardBianca was too deep, and they were the only people in the office, so she did not have any qualmsabout displaying her emotions on her face.

Of course, Bianca knew what Mavis was thinking.novelbin

She found it incredibly funny.

Ms. Laviere was only Luke's partner at work. The affection was one-sided. Bianca was Luke’s truepartner in life.

Not only did Mavis covet her husband, but what right did she have to wear that expression on her facewhen facing Luke's legally wedded wife, as though Bianca was the one who had snatched Mavis'sman?

It was not the time to quibble over that.

Bianca spread the bid proposal in front of Mavis and asked her, "Did you prepare this bid proposal, Ms.Laviere?" "Didn't you see my name at the end of the document, or is your eyesight failing you at such ayoung age?" Mavis said coldly.

Mavis did not have any respect for that woman at all. To her, Bianca was like a parasite who could onlyrely on men to survive. She expected Bianca to wither and die without the protection of her man.

How could a woman like that stand shoulder to shoulder with Luke?

To Mavis, Bianca had probably charmed the man using her innocent face and docile personality. Notonly did Bianca manage to bear several children for Luke, but she also got the lion's share of Luke'swill.

The man must have loved her so much that he was willing to protect her even after his death.

Mavis could not bear with that thought!

Responding to Mavis's provocation, Bianca lifted her head and stared at

Mavis's arrogant face. "I don't think that my eyesight is any of your concern, Ms. Laviere. In fact, maybethat's why my husband chose me. Your eyesight may be better than mine, Ms. Laviere, but you're blindto the fact that Mr. Crawford doesn't have any affection for you at all. I'm satisfied with what I have, andI hope you know your place."

Mavis gritted her teeth at Bianca's retort. However, she could not say anything because of Bianca'scurrent status. "Ms. Rayne, did you call me up here just to humiliate me? If that's the case, I don’t havethe free time for that!" "Your proposal is very detailed, Ms. Laviere, but I have a question."

Bianca flipped to a page in the bid proposal and said to Mavis, "There is a lot of vacant land aroundDraco Lake, but you've decided on this plot.

There might be a subway line running through it, but the people living there are natives. We will meet alot of resistance when we have to relocate them. Furthermore, land prices in that area have been highbecause of its proximity to a vocational college. Why do you want to bid for that plot?"

Mavis was laughing up her sleeve. She thought that Bianca was more suited to staying at home raisingchildren.

Even so, she maintained her superiority as she explained to Bianca, "The region surrounding DracoLake is developing rapidly. Property prices have risen from about two thousand to more than tenthousand in three years. That is proof of the land's worth. There might be many natives living in thearea, but they can be settled by giving them adequate compensation.

Moreover, there are many favorable conditions to developing a residential project there, including theavailability of schools, the ease of public transport, and future commercial developments. The plot ofland will be a great boost to T Corporation's future growth."

Bianca pointed at the bright red mark, paused, and said, "You've highlighted that our main biddingcompetitor is Blatt Corporation. Blatt Corporation is quite well-connected, while they’re not averse tousing bidrigging and collusive tendering to win bids. How confident are you that we'll win the bid, Ms.Laviere?"

Mavis replied impatiently and condescendingly, "I'm only in charge of preparing the proposal, but it's upto your capabilities to win the bid, Ms. Rayne. Mr. Crawford used to be in charge of all this. He'll be ableto win whatever bid he wants."

Bianca could see from Mavis's eyes that she was doubting her abilities.

If Luke were the one sitting in the CEO's seat, Mavis's attitude would have been totally different.

She closed the proposal and looked at Mavis calmly. "Don't worry, Ms.

Laviere. I'll do my best to fight for the plot of land. You can go now. There are still some imperfections inthe proposal. Please revise it."

At that time, Annette Zuckerman, one of Luke's four secretaries, happened to enter the CEO's office todeliver some documents to Bianca.

She happened to hear Bianca say that to Mavis as she entered through the door.

She smirked, placed the documents on the table, then discreetly left the office...

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