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Chapter 611

Chapter 611 Everyone’s Gazes Fell On Leia!

Leia thought that the old geezer would yield and listen to what she said!

She did not expect that the doctor would not be cowed by her threat and expose the truth in public!

The guests were agitated when they heard that shocking revelation!

Everyone from the Norman family did not look pleased, especially Old Mr. Norman, whose hands weretrembling with anger.

Leia, that wretch!

Old Mr. Norman was not fond of the young woman the moment he set his eyes upon her. He could tellthat she was not as innocent as she looked.

However, he reluctantly accepted her presence in the Norman household because her son anddaughter-in-law liked her. He certainly did not expect that his adoptive granddaughter would cause somuch trouble for the family!

On the stage, Leia's delicate hands were clenched into fists. A chill coursed down from her head, downthe spine, and to the soles of her feet.

She turned to look at her adoptive parents and tried to explain to them. Even her eyelashes weretrembling. "No, it's not like that. Dad, Mom, that man is slandering me! Can you believe Dr. Hoover'sone-sided story? The first time I met him was when we went to the hospital for Julie's DNA test, and Ihad never seen him since. Why would I threaten him to falsify the results? I've been in the householdfor almost twenty years, Mom. You should know better than anyone else about my personality. Do Ilook like someone who would blackmail others?"

Leia looked at Queenie with pleading eyes.

Queenie thought of what her daughter was usually like.novelbin

To her, Leia had always been innocent and kind. She was a daughter who had never let her motherworry about her.

Compared to other children, Leia was sensible and empathic. Did she look like someone who wouldblackmail others?

Queenie was an intelligent woman. She might be less sensible when it came to her daughter, but shewas not entirely without reason.

She hesitated when she thought of Dr. Hoover's accusation against her daughter and the presence of aconflicting report.

After all, Dr. Hoover must be a shrewd man to achieve his current position in his career. He would notthrow away his reputation so easily by making a baseless accusation in public.

Between Leia and Dr. Hoover, one of them must be lying.

"Don't you trust me, Mom?" Leia sobbed. Her heart broke when she saw her mother hesitate.

Meanwhile, the guests and reporters were scrutinizing Julie.

She felt as though all her clothes had been stripped off, and she was standing naked in front ofeveryone, every inch of her body bared for everyone's criticism.

Worst of all, if her identity was exposed now, she would not have another chance to enter the uppercircles of society.

She lifted her dress, ran frantically in front of Queenie, grabbed her elbow, and asked her, "Are youreally not my birth mother, Mom? Dr. Hoover isn't telling the truth, right? I've been searching for mybirth parents for so many years, and I thought I'm so lucky to have finally found you and Dad. We mustbe mother and daughter, isn't it?”

Below the stage, Bianca watched as Leia continued to twist the truth to absolve herself, Julie beingflustered and nervous, and Jack standing there red-faced. She could not understand how she felt.

When she saw Queenie's face that was wracked with despair, she thought that the entire episode wasa ridiculous farce.

She even had the urge to leave the scene so that she did not have to see Mr. and Mrs. Norman'sdisappointed expressions.

She did not want to see them sad.

Luke understood that Bianca was feeling down. He held her hand in his palm and whispered into herear, "The Normans will have to eventually deal with this. If it doesn't happen today, it will happenanother day. The longer they wait, the more troublesome it'll be."

Luke did not continue to speak.

He knew that Bianca understood what he was talking about, it was just that she was hindered byemotional barriers.

Jack managed to come to his senses soon. "Do you know what you're talking about, Dr. Hoover? Oneof these two DNA test reports is fake. You should know the consequences of falsifying medical reports,Dr. Hoover! I hope that you can tell me the truth! You said that my daughter blackmailed you. Do youhave any proof of that?" "Mr. Norman, I... I..." Dr. Hoover subconsciously took a step backward.

If he had evidence, a naive young woman like Leia would not have posed any threat to him.

His pleading gaze fell on Luke.

That man's subordinate said that he would help him settle any troubles.

Was he going back on his words? 1

Dr. Hoover shuddered when he saw Luke's icy gaze. What if the man did not want to help him?

He began to regret exposing Leia at the event.

Seeing that Dr. Hoover could not produce any evidence, Leia regained some confidence.

She glared at Dr. Hoover with a venomous gaze and said angrily, "Dr.

Hoover, I think that you must be senile for accusing me of blackmailing you when you don't have anyevidence! I bear no grudge against you, so why are you slandering me? An unethical person like youdoesn't deserve to be a doctor, let alone the chief physician of a hospital. I'll see you in court soon!"

Right after Leia finished speaking, the giant screen in the middle of the hall lit up.

A blurry video came into view.

Leia did not have much screen time in the video, and her face was barely shown. What could be seenwas her fair skin.

However, her voice was clearly heard.

She was threatening Dr. Hoover."... I'll ruin your reputation right now. Do you believe me? Hmm, Iwonder what would happen if I start to scream for help now... Now that I've given you two options, it's

up to you to pick one. Do you want to take the money and do what I want, or do you want yourreputation to be ruined? A smart man like you should know what to choose

Most of the video was focused on Dr. Hoover.

The viewers could clearly see his emotional fluctuations that changed from confusion to anger, toshock, and eventually to helplessness and acceptance. They could tell that he was conflicted.

It was clear to see who between Leia and Dr. Hoover was lying.

The guests exclaimed in surprise. They looked at Leia with suspicion and disbelief.

They did not expect that the pure and gentle Ms. Norman would actually be a despicable individual inprivate!

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