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Chapter 605

Chapter 605 Money Makes The Mare Go

It was almost time to leave work.

The conference room in T Corporation.

There were 20 or so people in the conference room. There were a mix of older and younger people aswell as both men and women. However, most of them were older. There were only a few youngbusiness elites, but they were undeniably T Corporation's great talents.

Dressed in a couture suit, Luke sat calmly at the head of the table. The man's tall height andimpressive aura made him particularly eye-catching.

Everyone sat around the conference table in order, discussing business.

However, except for Luke, there was a somewhat distressed look on everyone's faces.

The silence lasted about ten minutes.

It lasted until Jenson Zook, a gray-haired senior member of the company, finally spoke in exasperation,"Mr. Crawford, I refuse the proposal to acquire Easy. Our company is mainly involved in technology,real estate, chemical engineering, international trade, finance, and so on. Our properties haveexpanded everywhere in the world. There's no need to spend billions to acquire a small company likeEasy that's on the verge of bankruptcy. Moreover, although there are various e-hailing appseverywhere, Book and Go currently dominates the market. It’s now number one in the entire e-hailingmarket. If we had taken action when Book and Go was still growing, we might have been able to get apiece of the cake, but it's too late now. I think we'll just be kissing our money goodbye even if we investin Easy, so why bother? Besides, Easy is just an ordinary e-hailing app. How much profit can it makefor the company? The loss will definitely outweigh the gains. I'm against your decision!"

The deep features of Luke's face immediately grew a little stern. "Mr. Zook, do you think the companydoesn't need to prioritize on developing as long as we hold on to whatever we have gained all thiswhile? The company's developing in two directions; one is diversification while the other isspecialization. The two may seem contradictory, but they're not. What I want to do now is extend andspread out the company's main business chain to make the company's development more diversified.We're in the era of sharing economy, which has huge business potentials. Book and Go noticed thisand made hundreds of billions in profits, becoming a unicorn in the e-hailing industry in just three orfour years, making a name for themselves. The business opportunities in this market are beyond yourimagination. Of course, I had no intention of expanding into this area before, but..."

Reaching this point, the cold and beautiful corners of the man’s lips rose slightly as if he was tauntingand looking at Jenson in disdain.

"After rounds and rounds of financing and subsidy wars over the years, Book and Go merged withother e-hailing apps and finally dominated the market, occupying 90% of the online travel market. Butbecause it's dominating the market, there are hidden dangers in many aspects, yet they've chosen toturn a blind eye. A few months ago, the murder of two young girls fully illustrated this danger. AlthoughBook and Go has been ordered to make amendments, there’s no guarantee that the same problemwon't happen again. So, it'll bring more capital if T Corporation enters this market now. We'll get a lot ofsupport from the higher-ups because they're more than happy to see some friendly competition. I aimto provide better service to customers and create a safer, comfortable, and convenient environment fore-hailing. So I'm acquiring Easy!" i

Another senior member with the last name Leighton, who sided with Jenson Zook, immediatelyobjected. "I think it's best to reconsider. After all, the upfront costs of promoting a new app andsubsidizing it are extremely expensive. It might even be a bottomless pit. We don't know whether Easywill make a profit or a loss yet, so we don't recommend taking risks. Mr. Crawford, we're seniormembers of the board and are entitled to vote against it. I strongly disagree!"

Luke's long fingers rapped on the conference table. His words were sharp and unsparing as he said,"Mr. Zook, Mr. Leighton, I only kept you around because you helped my grandfather establish thiscompany. But all these years, you've only shown that you have rigid ideas, stubbornly stick toconventional ways, and can't keep up with the times. I won't talk about how you're not making anyprofits for the company but do you think I don't know how the two of you have been abusing your powerfor your own gains? If it weren't for my grandfather's sake and your previous accomplishments, Iwould’ve gotten you to pack up and leave! I’m not keeping you around to question my decisions, soyou'd better figure out your positions in the company. Either stay and listen to me or get the f*ck out ofhere!"

Luke's excessively handsome face was frostily cold. What he said even made the two who counted ontheir seniority in the company livid.

Everyone else was also alarmed by the domineering CEO.

There was dead silence in the conference room.

Luke glanced around at the elites, and his cold eyes landed on Jason. "Mr.

Doyle, you're in charge of Easy's acquisition. Submit the detailed acquisition proposal to me tomorrow.""Yes, Mr. Crawford," answered Jason.


Luke got up from his seat, his tall and straight figure quickly disappearing from the conference room.

One by one, the others rose from their seats as well and walked out of the conference room.

Only Mr. Zook and Mr. Leighton sat sullenly in their seats, their murky eyes shining with devious anger.

Be it their age or seniority, they were considered the senior members of the company. Being publiclyhumiliated by a young man like Luke was too much for them to swallow.

'Hmph. Luke had better make sure nothing happens to him!

'Otherwise, just look how we'll drag him down from his position of honor once we get our hands onsomething that can be used against him!'

At night, in the mansion.

Bianca gave Julie's hair to Luke. She was a little worried and said," Although I've gotten Julie's hair, Ican't get Mr. Norman's and Mrs.

Norman's hair. They’re having the family reunion banquet this Saturday..."

Luke looked at Bianca's anxious expression and pinched her cheek. "Don't worry about that. We canget the hairs from the Norman couple tomorrow and send them to Johann for testing. He does DNAtests very quickly, so we'll get the results in a few hours. There are still two days before Saturday.There's no rush."

Bianca remained unconvinced. "How can you be so sure that you'll have Mr. Norman’s and Mrs.Norman's hair tomorrow? What if we fail?" "Have you never heard of the phrase 'Money makes themare go'?" Amused by her silly expression, Luke kissed her on the lips.

The woman in his arms was soft and sweet. Luke only felt relaxed holding her. The fatigue of dealingwith the old foxes in the company was instantly wiped out.

Bianca was relieved. Her furrowed eyebrows gradually relaxed after so many days.

She would find out about the test results tomorrow. She hoped they would not disappoint her...novelbin

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