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Chapter 567

Chapter 567 A New Development

Scarlett did not manage to save her baby.

When Bianca met her in the hospital ward, she seemed paler and weaker than ever.

Her face was ashen with despair, and her gaze was vacant as though her soul had left her body.

"Scarlett...’ Bianca felt sorry for the young woman.

She gently held Scarlett's slender arm. "Don't be too sad. Take care of your body. Your health is moreimportant, and you can still bear children next time..." "No, I won't. I won't ever bear childrenanymore..." Scarlett shook her head slightly. She was in despair. "He was the one who got rid of thebaby. That's fine. That unwelcome life won't experience happiness anyway..."

She was not fond of that baby at all. However, she eventually learned to accept the life in her womband even anticipated its arrival.

Scarlett thought that she would not mind losing that baby, but she did not expect it to hurt so much.

Bianca was at a loss for words.

She could see that Jim cared for Scarlett a lot and cared for the baby in her womb even more. Whywould he be the one to get rid of Scarlett's baby?

When Bianca came to her senses, she stood up abruptly and said to Scarlett, "Jim has goneoverboard. The child is nonetheless his. How could he be so cruel? I'll ask him to find out." "No, don’t."Scarlett shook her head.

Ignoring Scarlett's attempts to stop her, Bianca opened the door and went to look for Jim.

The moment she opened the door, she saw that Jim was standing outside.

His eyes were tired and bloodshot, and his handsome face looked haggard. What was most shockingwas that Bianca could see streaks of tears on his rugged face.

On a bench behind him, Luke was sitting on a bench while smoking. He seemed to be frustrated aboutsomething.

"You..." When she saw Jim's face, she could not bear to say any of the accusatory words that she hadprepared.

Jim did not look like someone who would cry easily. Scarlett's miscarriage must have given him a hugeblow.

"How is Scarlett, Sis?" Jim's worry on his face was evident, but he seemed hesitant to step into theward.

Bianca felt sorry for Jim when she saw that he was feeling guilty. "She’s very affected by themiscarriage, and her emotions are unstable now.

Scarlett is a good girl, and she's quite innocent. You should treat her better next time. Don't let her gothrough this experience again. After all, a miscarriage is very damaging to a woman's health."

Jim clenched his fists tightly, and the sorrow and guilt in his eyes became more intense. "Mm..."

He stepped into the ward and closed the door.

Bianca could hear Scarlett wailing loudly and telling him to get lost!

She was shocked by Scarlett's reaction. She knew that women were usually emotionally unstable aftera miscarriage, and they should not be agitated.

She knocked on the door, but Luke stopped her.

"This is between the two of them, Bea. You shouldn't be involved. Let's go home for now. Jim willhandle it." Luke took Bianca's hand and prepared to lead her outside.

"I'm worried that Scarlett might do something stupid..." Bianca said worriedly.

"Don't worry. She'll be fine with Jim looking after her. You're also a pregnant woman, and you need rest.Take care of yourself first." Luke felt helpless about how Bianca loved to get herself involved in otherpeople's affairs.

"But..." Bianca wanted to continue speaking, but Luke picked her up by the waist and walked out of thehospital.

As he walked, he told Bianca, "Can't you see that Jim was equally sad when Scarlett miscarried? Theywill have to solve their own problems, and Scarlett will have to overcome her own mental obstacles. Ifshe can't get over it, all your talking will only be in vain."

Bianca did not reply. Indeed, Scarlett would have to help herself before she could help her.

A few days later, at T Corporation.

Jason was still looking for evidence. 2

Luke discouraged Bianca from going to work. He was worried that the rumors and gossip in the officemight affect her. After all, Bianca was someone with high self-esteem.

However, Bianca insisted on going to work. She felt that skipping work at this time would only reinforcethe impression that she was guilty.novelbin

Luke could only agree.

Bianca did not expect to be greeted by prejudiced gazes the moment she stepped into the company.

Thanks to Bella spreading the news, the entire T Corporation knew about the cheating incident.

Some colleagues in the design department who were closer to Bianca knew that she was not someonewho would cheat.

However, things were different with her colleagues from other departments. Bianca's relationship withthe CEO was an open secret, and even though she had tried to prove herself multiple times, she couldnot shake off the impression that she got to where she was because of that man. However, thosepeople dared not say anything because they feared their boss.

Sue and Nina were very protective of Bianca. They did not hesitate to argue with anyone whobadmouthed her.

One of them was a pregnant lady, and the other had a fiery temper. They had mercilessly rebukedanyone in the design department who dared to badmouth Bianca. For a while, everyone kept it down. 1

Bianca was grateful for their care toward her.

She was uncomfortable about the negative opinions of her, but she had to bear with it for now.

Bella stepped into the design department in her high heels, still as arrogant as usual.

She walked in front of Bianca and started to mock her. "Wow, Bianca, I didn't expect that you woulddare to show up to work even after you’ve cheated on the test! If I were you, I'd resign and hide athome!" 1

Bianca tried to hold back the hatred in her heart as she gazed coldly at Bella. "Let me make myselfclear again, Ms. Sloan, I did not cheat! I believe you should know better than anyone else who's really

guilty in this incident. Before a verdict is reached, let me warn you that you should watch your words!Otherwise, I'll sue you for slander! If I find out that you're involved in the incident, Bella Sloan, youshould know that slander is a crime, right?"

Bella was intimidated by Bianca's sharp gaze. However, she pretended to be nonchalant. "Hmph! Youcan stick to your story, but you'll soon find out the consequences!"

Then, she sheepishly slunk away.

Bianca calmed herself down and focused on her work.

She believed that the truth would surface one day and that Luke would restore her innocence.

Indeed, three days later, there was a new development to the cheating incident.

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