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Chapter 553

Chapter 553 Bianca Was Assailed By Many Thoughts

Wanda did not want Bianca to notice that something was wrong with her. She quickly pinched her noseto stop the blood from flowing while she brought the spatula under the tap to wash away thebloodstains.

Her movements were natural and agile, as though she was used to it.

She thought that it was fortunate that the blood did not drip into the pan and that her back was facingBianca at the moment.

The scene at the hospital replayed in Wanda's mind.

"Mdm. Rayne, your immune system is getting weaker, and you need to be hospitalized forchemotherapy as soon as possible. If you delay it, you'll only be causing more damage to your body,and the chances of you recovering will be lower." "I don't want chemotherapy, Doctor. Are there anyless intrusive methods of treatment? I don't mind taking medication too, as long as I can maintain mybasic bodily functions," Wanda asked.

She knew the side effects of chemotherapy. Other than nausea, vomiting, and lethargy, she would alsohave to lose her head full of beautiful hair and become skeletally thin.novelbin

Wanda had been pursuing beauty all her life. She would rather die than see herself become like that.

"Mdm. Rayne, the most effective cancer treatment methods available in the country now are eithersurgery or chemotherapy. Surgery is the default method, but it is only useful against early-stage cancer,and it would do little to alleviate your late-stage cancer. A combination of surgery and chemotherapywould probably be your best bet, but honestly, I cannot recommend any non-intrusive treatmentmethods for your current condition," the doctor told Wanda.

"Doctor, is cancer hereditary? My brother died from cancer last year, and I have cancer too. Is itbecause it's hereditary?" Wanda asked.

"It's hereditary in the sense that certain families would have a higher probability of getting cancer thanothers, though there are other factors, such as poor living conditions. Generally, the inheritable types ofcancers are breast cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer among others. If someone has an immediatefamily member suffering from those types of cancer, then the probability of getting the same type ofcancer would be higher."

Wanda’s heart wrenched.

She and her brother were immediate family members, and both of them suffered from cancer. Was ithereditary, or was it an unlucky coincidence?

If it was hereditary, what would happen to Bianca?

Bianca was her brother's daughter. Would her chances of getting cancer be higher too?

Wanda looked at her pregnant niece helping her out in the kitchen. She could not help but feel sad forher.

She looked at Bianca and said, "Bea, if you have the time, I'll go with you to the hospital for a full bodycheckup."

Bianca thought that her aunt was worried about the child in her womb. "I've been going to the hospitalfor regular checkups, Aunt Wanda. The doctor says that the baby is healthy, and there's no problemwith my health too. You don't have to worry."

Wanda exhaled heavily and told her niece the reason why she wanted her to do a full-body checkup."Bea, the last time I was in the hospital, the doctor told me that the chances of you getting cancer are

higher if you have an immediate family member with cancer. Your father died of cancer, and I'msuffering from the same disease. You're my brother's only daughter, and I'm afraid... that..."

She could not finish the sentence.

Bianca did not seem perturbed. "I don't think that'll happen, Aunt Wanda. I think that what happened toyou and Dad is only a coincidence. You don't have to worry about it. Moreover, I'm quite familiar withmy health. The worst that has happened to me is a fever or a cold.”

However, the usually gentle Wanda was insistent this time. "No, I'll bring you to the hospital someday. Ican only be relieved if the results say that you're fine. Now that my brother is gone, I don't know if I canlast for long. If something happens to me, you'll have to take care of your grandfather..."

It was the first time that Bianca had seen that weak side of her seemingly unassailable aunt. That madeher realize how serious her aunt's condition was.

She dropped the half-washed plate into the sink and hugged her aunt without drying her hands.

She knew that her aunt was sick. Her aunt had told her about it the first time they met.

However, her aunt had been keeping a positive outlook and had been taking the medication regularly,so why did she suddenly...

Tears nearly fell from Bianca's eyes. "Aunt Wanda, Dad is already gone, and Grandpa has alreadyexperienced the heart-rending agony of burying his own child... Would you want Grandpa to experiencethat again? Grandpa is old, and you and he are my only two relatives left. The two of you are myspiritual support. I'll be taking my architect certification test tomorrow, so I can't go to the checkup. Wecan go to the hospital this coming weekend, but you also have to promise me that you'll try to live on,alright?"

Since young, Bianca had never received love from a mother or an adult female figure. Her aunt was thefirst one to truly love her.

To Bianca, her aunt was like a mother. That was how important Wanda was to her.

Wanda saw the fear and anxiety in her niece's pleading gaze. Her lips trembled, but eventually, shesaid, "Alright."

At night.

Bianca did not go home. She stayed with her grandfather.

Wanda also stayed for the night. After knowing that Bianca would have an important test tomorrow,Wanda reminded her that the baby in her womb was more important. If Bianca did not pass the test,she could try again next year.

Bianca listened attentively, and the aunt and niece chatted for a longtime.

At about nine o'clock, Wanda left her niece's room.

Bianca took her phone. She noticed that she had several missed calls and an unread message.

She opened the message to read it. It was from Luke.

[Zander said that you're staying over at your grandfather's house. You must have a lot to chat with youraunt. I shan't disturb you then. You should have enough rest for the test tomorrow. Don't worry, you cando it. I trust you.]

Bianca felt warmth in her heart as she read that message.

She lay on the bed quietly with her eyes closed. Her aunt's words kept replaying in her mind.

There was a chance that cancer was hereditary, and she was Kevin Rayne's daughter.

Would she suffer from cancer in the future?

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