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Chapter 55

Chapter 55 stirred Up Lips...

The subway arrived at one stop after another.

Bianca felt that her body, which was closely adhered to Luke's, was getting somewhat strange...

The subway carriage's large windows were reflecting the images of the passengers inside the cart.

Bianca could not bring herself to look up at first. But after some time, the blush on her face had fadedsubstantially. She tried to lift her head slightly to peek at the image reflected on the cart's window.

Luke's tall and straight body stood behind her. The man held onto the handrail with one hand andprotected her with the other. He had wrapped his arm around her waist and was embracing her.

Bianca was petite, and she was curious to see the expression on his face. The man's height hadcaused his face to be out of her sight unless she dared to raise her head further up.

The wretched older man who was taking advantage of her earlier had only touched her handdeliberately. Yet, Luke's possessiveness had made him take it upon himself to wrap her into his armsinstead.

Other passengers nearby also heard the man calling her 'darling' so the men automatically movedfurther away from Bianca. They wanted to avoid making this 'husband' of hers upset.

When the subway reached the commercial street in the city center, many passengers had alighted.

Bianca watched as the subway stopped, and the people around her started walking toward the door.She was wondering if Luke knew how to take the subway, so she turned around and whispered, "It'stime to get off."

Luke was unaware of which stop to get down from.

Hearing that, he replied to her with a light "okay".

Bianca walked in front and got off the subway as she always had. She walked toward the exit andwondered if Luke was still following suit.

Once she was out of the subway station, the street across from it was the T Corporation's building. Itwas less than a five minutes' walk.

Bianca's heart was beating rapidly. Although she was not walking side by side with her male superior,he was closely walking behind her.

'This area is within the company's boundary,’ Bianca thought anxiously.' Would anyone notice US?’

After all, Luke took the subway to work today, and he stuck out like a sore thumb...

Bianca quickened her pace unconsciously.

Luke walked out of the subway station in a calm manner.

He arrived at Bianca's rental community's gate at twenty minutes past seven in the morning. He drovehis car there, but he saw Bianca walking straight to the subway station absent-mindedly after leavingher house.

He followed her and naturally bought a ticket by swiping his card, following all her actions, and gettingon the subway carriage.

She was not at all aware that he was following her along the way.

Unbeknownst to him, this woman's train of thoughts had also started to affect his state of mind. Lukethought that after more than five years had passed; she would become just another passerby in his


The facts had proved that this was not the case.

Luke walked within the boundaries of T Corporation. The boss who was walking to work unsurprisinglyhad attracted the attention of many of his employees who were about to enter the building.

The boss did not drive to work today,

Moreover, he came from the direction of the subway station across the street. 2

This alone was enough to arouse endless reveries amongst company employees.

Bianca entered through the revolving door of the company. She walked with her head down and wentstraight toward the direction of the elevator.

She stared at the numbers on the elevator panel as it descended and quickly entered once the doorwas opened. However, she still failed to avoid 'the thing that was bound to happen' and that 'personwho should not have come in'.

She looked at the man who walked in while holding the elevator door, and her small face turned paleand horrified.

The elevator door closed, and it took Bianca quite some time to return to her senses. Only then shepressed the floor she was headed to.

The air in the elevator was weird as it ascended.

On a particular floor, some people wanted to take the elevator. But when they noticed the boss wasstanding inside, they were astonished and immediately apologized, not daring to ride on the elevatorwith him.

Bianca was an embarrassing existence at this point.

While everyone else was dumbfounded when they saw their boss, they would simultaneously throw hera look of confusion as well.

The elevator finally arrived at Bianca's floor, and she was about to get out. 'Your medicine," The man'svoice was low and hoarse; it sounded fatigued. Bianca's left wrist was lightly held back by the manwhen she was about to go out. Then, a shopping bag with the logo of a pharmacy appeared in front ofher.

He told her to wait for him last night.

She did not.

It turned out that he went to the drugstore to buy her some medication.

When she encountered him in the subway, he merely stuck himself onto her body from the back. Andwhen she got out of the subway, she barely looked at him. It was only now that she finally turned hergaze onto his face.

Luke did not have the usual formidable suit and leather shoes look today.

His white shirt’s sleeves were rolled up without a tie. It made the air around him look slightly morecasual and approachable but still mature and dignified.

It was a curious moment, but she still reached her hand out to take the medication...

Sue was early today. She had many things in her mind and could not fall asleep, so she decided tohead to the office early. The lack of sleep still made her slightly drowsy; hence she took her coffee mugand wanted to make coffee.

When she walked out of the office, she noticed a figure was standing at the elevator entrance.


Sue was about to greet her when the next moment later, she saw Bianca being pressed inside theelevator by a man. When the man was grabbing Bianca, the expensive watch on his wrist flashedacross Sue’s sight.

Sue knew her stuff well and was quite sure that the man was her boss.

Inside the elevator, Bianca was pressed between the elevator wall and Luke's bulky body. Her cheststrived to undulate as she breathed hard, and her lips were lingering hot. It was so intoxicating that shealmost forgot who she was...

The narrow passenger elevator was filled by ambiguous panting and sounds of clothes rubbing againsteach other...

The man reached inside Bianca's skirt with his big hand. It made Bianca shudder until her calf hadturned sore and weak. She merely felt that the man's hand was so dry with thin layers of calluses andthe sensation it gave was trembling...

"No..." She panted harder and was afraid that she would drown in this man's strong hormonal odor.

It was said that human bodies were more likely to get stirred up in the morning.novelbin

Especially in this kind of confined elevator space, that anyone could come to at any time. It wasexhilarating, and people were more likely to get aroused to passion uncontrollably. 1

Sue hid in the pantry, drinking a cup of coffee that was barely finished brewing.

When she saw a figure entering the design department's working area, Sue hurriedly sipped the bittercoffee into her mouth. She walked over and stared at Bianca's visibly red cheeks, then her tender lipsthat were red and swollen like ripe apples for a long time.

She could quickly tell that the boss just moisturized little Bea’s lips... 1

Bianca was preoccupied with her job until noontime, and a phone call disrupted her thoughts.

Claudia called and said excitedly to her, "Bea, do you remember that handsome and formidableupperclassman Crawford who played basketball in the high school next door?"

Bianca's breath halted,"..."

"He never came to any of our gatherings for the past few years! He is our senior and older than we are,so it's normal for him not to mix around with us. But this time, he said he would come! My mom told methat he was going to the United States for a meeting this weekend, but he called and said that he’d goto the meeting in advance. Then, he mentioned that he’d bring back a well-known orthopedic doctorfrom abroad and introduce him to my mother to treat her illness!"

Claudia continued to ramble on her own before she could not help but tease Bianca, "Bea, I happen toremember that you had a crush on that guy as a young girl..."

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