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Chapter 535

Chapter 535 That's Very Scary, OK?

"Bianca!” Outside the house, Luke roared hysterically.

At that moment, Luke was worried and furious.

He fired at the snakes with his hunting rifle as though he had lost his mind.

As he pulled the trigger, he called out Bianca's name.

When Bianca heard Luke's voice, she scrambled over to the window and thumped at the glass. "I'mfine, Luke. There are many venomous snakes outside. Please be careful..."

She tried to suppress her fear when she saw Luke's bloodshot eyes and his almost maniacaldemeanor.

He seemed to be more scared of the snakes than her.

She felt relieved when she saw him.

Luke also felt relieved when he saw that Bianca was safe inside the house.

An unknown amount of time passed before the electronic door opened and Luke rushed in. He huggedBianca with trembling arms. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

He had almost lost her again.

"It's not your fault. You don't have to blame yourself." Bianca slumped in his embrace, grateful that shehad survived the ordeal.

Luke hugged her so tightly, as though he wanted her body to fuse into his!

Bianca suddenly remembered that Uncle Vald was still unconscious. She pushed herself out of Luke'sembrace, walked to Uncle Vald, and said guiltily. "Uncle Vald saved me from the snakes, and he gotbitten himself. It's all thanks to him that I'm safe. I've already injected a vial of blood serum, but I don'tknow if it's of any use. He wouldn't be like this if not for me. How should we help him?"

Suddenly, fear caught up to her, and tears started to fall. "We've stayed here for so long, and we rarelysee even bugs. Why would there be so many venomous snakes at once?"

Bianca had become more emotional after she was pregnant.

Luke frowned and said, "I'll investigate this and find out the reason why. You and Uncle Vald arevictims. I'm grateful that Uncle Vald saved you. He'll be fine. After he wakes up, I'll give him ahandsome reward. Don't think too much."

Outside, police sirens could be heard.

Bianca could feel painful cramps in her stomach again. Her vision was turning black from the pain.

Amid the commotion outside, two people came into the house.

"Boss..." Sean and Jason ran into the room.

Their faces turned pale at the instant they saw Uncle Vald lying unconscious on the floor and Biancalying weakly in Luke's arms.

"Are Madam and Uncle Vald okay?" Sean asked guiltily.

Were they too late?

"Uncle Vald was bitten by a venomous snake. He received an injection of blood serum. Send him to thehospital immediately," Luke ordered coldly.

Bianca pressed her stomach. She bit her lip to stop herself from making a sound.

However, she eventually grunted in pain. "Luke... my stomach... hurts..."

Amid the pain, she could feel something warm flowing between her legs.

Her instincts told her that her baby was in danger. She had protected the baby thus far, and she wasnot going to let anything happen to it!


Before she lost consciousness, she could vaguely hear Luke screaming in fear and agony. Soon, shecould not hear anything.

"D*mn it! Why isn't the ambulance here yet?" Luke carried Bianca and ran outside.

Sean carried the unconscious Uncle Vald on her back and quickly followed behind...

Several police cars were parked around the mansion, and a dozen police were busy at work.

A dozen dead snakes drenched in their own blood were arranged in a row. It was an unnerving sight.

Luke glared at those snakes with a sinister gaze!

The police sergeant walked up to him fawningly, but he took a step back when he saw Luke's icy gaze."Mr. Crawford." "You should know what to do, Sergeant Showles." Luke's voice was frigid.

"Don't worry. We'll definitely find out who the perpetrator is. The perpetrator is quite crafty. He managedto disable the cameras surrounding the mansion. This will take some time..." Sergeant Showleskneaded his hands and braced himself against Luke's overbearing demeanor.

There were dozens of security cameras surrounding the mansion, but the closest ones to the entrancewere all disabled.

"All the cameras were disabled? What are we paying all of you for?" Jason glanced at the securityguards.

The security guards lowered their heads in embarrassment. They could not be blamed because thecriminal was too skillful.

"Bring all these snakes for an autopsy. I want to know the results as soon as possible! Check all thecameras. I don't believe that they didn't leave a trace!" "Yes, Mr. Crawford." The usually imposing policesergeant behaved timidly in front of Luke.

Bianca and Uncle Vald were sent to the hospital, and Luke followed along.

Jason and the police officers were around collecting evidence and statements.

Sean stayed to review the security footage.

At the hospital.

Johann thought that he was a very unlucky man. Earlier, an eccentric young woman had hit him withher car and broke his leg. After a month of rest, before he regained full functionality of his leg, his bestfriend had dragged him out of the bed and forced him to save Bianca's baby.

His bad mood was made worse by Luke’s horrible attitude. He said that he was not able to go becausehis leg had not fully recovered yet.

After that, Luke threatened him that he would break his other leg, and Johann could live the rest of hislife in a wheelchair!

Instantly, he jumped out of bed, rushed to Bianca's ward, and gave his assurance that the baby woulddefinitely be safe.

'Can you not threaten me willy-nilly? It's very scary!' He thought.

Johann knew that Luke was a man on his word. Luke would do anything when he was desperate.

'Sigh! A man in love acts just like an idiot!'

Outside of the ward, the man stood there smoking cigarette after cigarette, ignoring the no-smokingsign on the wall.

His brows were tightly furrowed, but that did not affect his impeccably cold features.

"Boss." Jason came to Luke's side and nervously handed him a report." The results of the autopsy areout. The snakes went berserk because they inhaled a certain hallucinogenic drug, and the drug wasmixed in the pesticide that was sprayed on the peony plants..."

Luke was shocked. He remembered that Bianca was complaining to him earlier that the peonies did notlook too healthy, but they seemed to recover after the gardener sprayed the pesticide.

His pupils constricted, and a sinister smile appeared on his lips." Investigate the pesticide supplier. Findhim no matter what it takes!"

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