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Chapter 525

Chapter 525 Luke Was Brought Away!

After the people from the Norman family left, the media reporters flocked to Luke. They bombarded himwith questions, and their cameras did not stop flashing!

"Mr. Crawford, will the cancellation of the engagement today negatively affect the relationship betweenthe Crawford and the Norman families?" "Mr. Crawford, it goes without saying that you are the perfectmatch for Ms. Norman. What is the real reason for the cancellation of the engagement?" "Mr. Crawford,T Corporation will be launching a series of products soon. Aren't you worried that the cancellation mightaffect its sales?-

The reporters shoved their microphones in Luke's face. Their cameras accurately captured hisexpression.

Luke loosened his tie, and his Adam's apple moved. The impatience on his sculpted face was evident.

His grandfather had passed out. He was not in the mood to deal with all the reporters.

He shot an icy gaze toward the reporters that were taking his photos.

Instantly, everyone fell silent.

Luke was the renowned Cold-Faced Devil in the business world. He might look gentlemanly, buteveryone knew that he was merciless. His gaze was like that of an angry beast, and it sent chills downpeople's spines.

Several reporters even subconsciously took a few steps back.

Everyone could sense the hostility that emanated from his body.

Bodyguards flocked in from all directions and shoved the reporters away, making way for Luke to leave.

After that, Jason handled the chaotic scene.

Mavis remained seated in a guest seat. A faint smile appeared on her face as she observed the chaoticscene.

Her delicate hands fondled the crystal wine glass as though fondling the body of her beloved man.

"Cheers!*' She lifted her glass, smiled beautifully, and toasted her friends.

It was the perfect ending.

No one was happier than her that the engagement ceremony was called off.

Now that Leia Norman was out of the picture, only Bianca Rayne remained as her obstacle.

Mavis's expression sank a little when she thought of Bianca.

That woman did not have an elevated social status like Leia, but she was a difficult opponent.

However, she had the time. 1

Every woman had her weakness.

Mavis believed that she would be able to make Bianca leave Luke.

She was the only woman who deserved to stand by Luke's side. 2

At the Norman residence.

After Leia arrived home, she instantly locked herself in her room and refused to see anyone, evenQueenie, who repeatedly banged on the door.

Queenie knew that her daughter could be obstinate at times. She was afraid that Leia might dosomething stupid, and she got Jack to pry the door open.

Leia was lying silently on her bed. Her face was as pale as a ghost.

A sharp fruit knife was aimed at her wrist.

There was an obvious gash on her wrist. It was bleeding, but it was only skin deep...

"Leia!" Queenie shrieked in panic and quickly snatched the knife from her daughter's hand. She turnedaround and screamed at Jack, "Why are you standing there like an idiot? Quickly go and get antisepticand bandages for your daughter!"

Jack was not happy about the situation. He frowned and went to fetch the first-aid kit.

How embarrassing it was for a Norman to commit suicide just because of a small setback!

Her daughter should have been more strong-willed and dignified than that. Even if Luke had called offthe engagement, the best way to deal with it was to live glamorously and proudly so that he wouldeventually regret his decision. She should not have attempted to give up her life because of a man. 1

What idiocy!

Jack felt sorry for her daughter but was also disappointed by how fragile she was.

"How can you be so silly, Leia? What should I do if something happens to you? I don't want to loseyou!" Queenie hugged Leia tightly. Warm tears fell onto Leia's neck, but they could not warm her icyheart.novelbin

Leia was not in a good mental condition.

Even though her mother was crying, she replied numbly, "Mom, Luke doesn't want me, he doesn't wantme..."

Queenie was angry when she heard that her daughter was still thinking of that man.

"Are you still thinking about that heartless man?" The usually soft-spoken Queenie was scolding Leialoudly. "If he had a shred of affection for you, he wouldn't have humiliated you in public. Haven't youseen his true colors? I've already warned you that you shouldn't get too close to him, but you don’tlisten, and I turn out to be right. I've been wondering why he would suddenly break up with that BiancaRayne and want to marry you. It turns out to be a ploy! He's gone too far!"

Leia lifted her head. Her gaze was cold and penetrating.

Queenie shuddered. She had never seen her gentle and sensible daughter exhibit that look on herface. 1 "This isn't over yet, Leia. Your Dad and Mom will make sure that the Crawfords receive their justdesserts," Queenie said tiredly.

The mockery in Leia's smile became stronger as she looked at her mother, who looked similar toBianca.

Tears suddenly fell from her eyes. She spoke as she sobbed, "You have to stand up for me this time,Mom. Luke has deceived me. He promised to be together with me forever, but he harbors BiancaRayne and lives with her in secret. They've tricked me... Luke betrayed me and humiliated me in frontof the media. I won't let him get away with this. I won't let them remain together! His relationship withBianca Rayne is the biggest prank he could play on me... You will help me, right, Mom?" 1 "Mm."Queenie agreed to her daughter to calm her down. "I'll make sure that they won't remain together. I'llhelp you no matter what you want." 1 "You're so nice to me, Mom." Leia fell onto Queenie's lap andsmiled like a poisonous bloom.

The restrictions on the Internet in the mansion were discreetly lifted, and Bianca could access all themedia portals once more.

Bianca had many thoughts on Luke's performance at the engagement ceremony.

She did not expect that man to do that.

She could not help but be worried for him. After all, by doing so, he would be placing himself in thelimelight.

Luke called her. He told her not to worry and leave the rest to him.

Bianca felt slightly comforted when she heard his voice, but she remained uneasy.

The next day, when she turned on the television, almost every channel was reporting the same piece ofnews: Ms. Leia Norman, overcome by sorrow from the rejection, slitted her wrist in a suicide attempt.Her condition remained unstable...

At the same time, the people from the Public Integrity Committee stormed T Corporation, threatening tobring Luke away for an investigation regarding a major bribery case...

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