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Chapter 508

Chapter 508 How Dare Queenie Visit Bianca?!

On the other end at the Norman family’s residence.

Leia parked her car in the garage and locked it. Her delicate and unparalleled beauty had a look ofexhaustion that could not be concealed.

She had been out of it the entire time she was filming. Although the director was afraid to say anythingbecause of her status, she had noticed his dissatisfied and frowning look. She was hurt and feltpowerless at the same time.

She wanted to act coquettishly and ask Luke for help, but she knew that even though he had said yesto being in a relationship with her, their relationship was still not there yet.

Naturally, she did not dare to bother him.

Leia’s high heels clicked against the floor as she entered the living room. She bumped into thecaretaker, Ms. Lang.

Ms. Lang saw that Leia seemed a little upset, so she asked out of concern, "Miss, are you okay? Areyou hungry? Sir and Madam are not at home. I’ll prepare dinner for you."

Leia said weakly, "No, I’m not hungry now. By the way, where did my mother go?"

Since her childhood, Leia had become accustomed to her adoptive parents ’ busy lifestyle.

As their positions and careers grew bigger and better, they got busier and busier.

Leia would sometimes be upset that they were not spending time with her, but she hid her complaintsin the deepest part of her heart and pretended to be well-behaved and sensible. That was because she

enjoyed the honorable status brought to her by the Norman family. She enjoyed the upper classlifestyle.

Leia understood that her adoptive parents only loved her so much because they felt guilty for spendingso little time with her and because of how well behaved she was.

"Madam Queenie went to the hospital to visit someone. She may be back a little later. She told me toprepare whatever you want to eat when you get home," Ms. Lang said kindly.

"Who’s my mother visiting? Which hospital?" Leia asked casually.

"Madam went to Universal Hospital. I don't know exactly who she’s visiting. She made some stew andbrought it there. I think it should be a very important person? Oh, I overheard her mention the patient'ssurname, I think it's Rayne..." Ms. Lang recalled.


That was a name that made Leia's heart twitch. She said in a sharp tone," Ms. Lang, who did you saymy mother went to visit? That person's surname is Rayne? Is it a woman? Is her name Bianca?"

Ms. Lang was taken aback by Leia's sudden change in attitude. She was a little scared and said, "Miss,I'm not entirely sure. I don’t know whether the patient is a male or a female. If you want to know, youcan call and ask Madam."

Leia's expression was complicated.

She glanced at Ms. Lang and pushed down the suspicions in her heart before going to the secondfloor.

Her stepmother went to see a patient with the surname 'Rayne’. Was Queenie visiting Bianca? i

If that was true, then Queenie was visiting Bianca despite knowing that the woman was Leia’s loverival. That did not make sense to Leia.

Was Queenie not worried that Leia would be furious if she found out?

However, Leia held onto the last strand of hope. Her stepmother was a smart woman who would notshoot herself in the foot. Maybe the patient she was visiting was an important client. It could be acoincidence that the client happened to have the same surname. 1

However, were there such coincidences in this world?

In her room, Leia rolled around in her bed for a long while.

In the end, she could no longer push down the suspicions in her heart and called Queenie.

After the line got connected, Leia pretended to be worried. "Mom, Ms.

Lang told me that you went to the hospital this afternoon. Did something happen to Grandpa? I'll visithim later. What gift should I bring for Grandpa?" "Leia, your grandpa is in good health, don't worry. He’llbe overjoyed to see you even if you don't bring any gifts. I went to the hospital today to visit animportant client. I’m a little busy at work now and will be having dinner with the team later, so you don’thave to wait up." She was afraid that Leia would overthink, so Queenie did not mention much about thehospital.

"Okay. Mom, go attend to your matters. Please take care and don’t overwork yourself, else Dad and Iwill be distressed," Leia said thoughtfully.

Leia wanted to ask if the so-called client was named Rayne, but she held back.

Queenie was a smart woman. As soon as Leia asked the question, her stepmother would be able todetect her doubts about her. Leia did not want to put herself in that situation.

After she hung up the phone, Leia was still very suspicious, and her doubts were not lessened byQueenie's words.

She was keen to find out who her stepmother visited in the hospital. If it was really Queenie's client,then she would keep her mouth shut, 1

However, what if it was Bianca?

When she thought of that possibility, Leia felt like she was being plunged into a bottomless abyss. Thecold look in her eyes turned relentless.

She would never allow Queenie to have any chance of meeting Bianca!

It suddenly occurred to Leia that Universal Hospital was a private hospital owned by CharmaineWeish's father. She immediately called her friend and asked her for help.

Charmaine felt guilty about betraying Leia that one time, and she feared that Leia would cause troublefor her. 1

When Leia asked her for the favor, she readily agreed and promised her that she would complete thetask.

After she hung up the phone, Leia had a deep smirk on her face. ‘ Charmaine, you stupid woman! Howdare you betray me? When this is over, I’ll make sure you get what you deserve!’ 2

After staying in the hospital for more than two weeks, the doctor finally signed off on Bianca’s releaseand allowed her to rest at home.

Back in the villa, Bianca lay in front of the full-length window and enjoyed the scenery outside. Shecould see the algae floating in the lake, the beautiful fountain in the middle of the lake, the swans, and

the snowflakelike petals falling.

The scenery outside looked like an oil painting. It was lively and vibrant, making her feel as though thewhole world was performing for her and only her.

Bianca lay on the recliner and enjoyed the beautiful scenery outside the window. She was enjoying therare tranquility.

Luke had meticulously and thoughtfully prepared everything that she needed.

Not only did she have bodyguards who guarded her 24/7 to ensure her safety, but she also had thebest private doctor to check on her at any time. She also had a nutritionist who came up with a varietyof nutritious meals to satisfy her.

Luke even hired a physiotherapist for Bianca to help her with rehabilitation.

Compared to the cold and impersonal hospital, being at home made Bianca feel warm.novelbin

Bianca's recovery was going well. The wounds on her body had gradually recovered. However, shewas distressed that she still had to sit in a wheelchair all the time and go through two hours of medicalcare and physical therapy every day.

During this period, Luke was occupied with work. He sometimes worked overtime until midnight, but hestill tried to make time for Bianca.

Every week, he would spare one or two afternoons to take a walk with her in the garden. It was asthough pushing her on her wheelchair to take a stroll was on his must-do list.

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