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Chapter 396

Chapter 396 The Kiss Was More Like A Punishment

Bianca spoke softly, pressed her cheek against his solid body, and kept apologizing to him, "Luke, I'msorry, I'm sorry... I just wanted to save Mr. Sonny. I didn't expect such a dangerous thing to happen. I'llnever be so reckless again, please don't be angry." "Who do you think you are? Do you think thatyou're a superhero? You can't even protect yourself, and you tried to play the hero without consideringthe consequences. Are you a fool? Do you know how dangerous the situation was? Did you know howscared I was when you fell?" Luke turned around, his eyes bloodshot.

Only heaven knew the horror and agony he felt the moment she fell.

At that moment, he would only be able to calm down by killing Giovan!

"I didn't expect to be in danger. It was a matter of life and death. In a manner of a few seconds, aninnocent life could have been lost. I didn't do it on purpose...’ Bianca felt wronged and tried to explainwhile still in his arms. "I'll never do such silly things again. My arms hurt..."

Sure enough, Luke was distracted by that.

The man’s hand was still slightly trembling. He held Bianca's arm gently, and his voice was very hoarseand stiff. "Where does it hurt? Is your arm injured? Let me see."

He rolled up Bianca's sleeve and saw that her fair wrist was red and swollen. Luke looked heartbrokenwhen she saw it. It was most likely strained when she was grabbing onto Giovan, which made Luke'seyes full of distress.

If she could not even take care of herself, why did she try to be a hero?

Luke's expression was unpleasant. He carried Bianca in his arms and walked to the CEO's office inBuilding C.

Bianca secretly glanced at Luke's face and knew that her behavior had angered him. She curled up inhis arms. She did not dare to speak more or refuse anything.

As soon as she arrived at the CEO's office, the female secretary hurried over and reported to Luke,"Mr. Crawford, Mr. Sonny has just been rescued. His body is fine, but his emotions remain unstable. Heis clamoring to see you... ’ "Get him out of here!" Luke's face was pale with anger, and he yelled at thesecretary.

It was the first time that the female secretary saw the president being hot- tempered. She ran out of theoffice in fright.

Luke put Bianca on the sofa.

He went to take the first-aid kit in the lounge, took out a band-aid, and carefully applied it to Bianca'swrist.

Bianca secretly stared at Luke's expression and saw that he seemed calmer. That was when shecoughed lightly and whispered, "Luke, can you say something? You're scaring me a little.."

Luke did not say a word but forced a fierce kiss on Bianca's lips!

The kiss seemed like a punishment, and he started to bite on her lips. It was so painful that Bianca'seyes filled with tears.

After the kiss, Bianca's lips had traces of blood on them.

His punishments were always so sexual and violent!

Bianca's bloodshot eyes were filled with dissatisfaction.

Luke was disgusted with Bianca's innocent expression. It was clearly her fault. All he wanted to do waspunish her, she had made him look like the culprit.

He wanted to tell Bianca off when he heard Jason hurriedly knocking on the door outside, "Mr.Crawford, the media reporters, the police officers, and some of Giovan's relations are all waitingdownstairs..."

Luke knew that now was not the right time to make out with Bianca.

He did not want to make the current situation an even bigger mess.

He glanced at Bianca, who was still as pale as a sheet of paper, and felt worried. He said to Jason, "Mr.Doyle, please contact Johann and ask him to come to check if Bianca is injured anywhere else."

Bianca had an inexplicable repulse toward hospitals, so Luke decided to get Johann to come over toexamine her.

She must have been traumatized by the earlier incident. Johann was not only an outstanding doctor,but he also had a Ph.D. in psychology. Getting him to come over would be the best.novelbin

"Okay, I’ll contact Dr. Johann right away," said Jason.

Luke kissed Bianca's forehead. "Be obedient and don't wander around.

Wait for me to come back, and I’ll accompany you after I'm done with everything."

Bianca nodded obediently and watched Luke's tall figure leave. Even so, she was still extremelyworried.

She drew the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows and saw the commotion downstairs. She trustedin Luke's outstanding ability but felt worried.

In front of T Corporation.

Luke was surrounded by countless reporters, emergency response officers, and a crowd of onlookerswatching and taking pictures.

Giovan's brother and sister-in-law, wiping away their tears, cried and spoke to the reporters. "My sister-in-law and nephew were burned alive because of the bad fire protection facilities and propertymanagement of T Corporation. Now, they forced my brother to jump off the building. Luke's profiteeringcrime is unforgivable! Everyone, please help! We must spread this horrible incident to the fullest extentand avenge my brother's family!"

As soon as their words fell, the hawk-eyed reporters saw Luke walk out surrounded by severalbodyguards clad in black.

All the reporters' microphones were aimed at Luke.

"Mr. Crawford, it’s been a little more than a week since the Greenview Regalia arson case happened.When are you going to give an explanation to the family of the deceased? May I ask if Mr. Sonnyattempted to commit suicide today because of your company's secret persecution?" "Mr. Crawford, it issaid that Greenview Regaliahas certain shortcomings, whether in its green belt design or the modeland layout of the units. Even the smoke alarms and automatic sprinklers in the homes of the ownersare only provided for decoration. These are the main reasons why the firefighters failed to put out thefire in time. How do you explain this?" "Mr. Crawford, about T Corporation's newly developed high-endproperties, Grace Bay and Maison One, do they have the same problem? If there's another fire in thedevelopment, will we see a repeat of this tragedy?"

Luke stood straight, emanating a chilling gaze from his eyes. Even in the face of aggressive reporters,he remained calm.

The man picked up the microphone. With a gentle and elegant face that radiated a certain intimidatingaura, he said, "It's a pity that such a tragedy happened in Greenview Regalia. As the head of TCorporation, I am indeed negligent in managing my people. I can assure everyone here today that I willgive a satisfactory explanation to the family of the deceased!"

Luke continued, "As for Mr. Sonny jumping off the building..."

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