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Chapter 392

Chapter 392 Something Happened To The Company!

The story went like this.

Two years ago, a subsidiary of T Corporation developed a high-end residential complex calledGreenview Regalia. A fire happened in the high- end apartment complex unit owned by a businessowner named Mr. Sonny, and his wife and their six-year-old son perished.

The arsonist was quickly arrested and turned out to be a nanny working at the owner's house.

The nanny became greedy and was tempted whenever she saw valuables. At first, she stole Mrs.Sonny's belongings again and again without being noticed. Later, when she stole again, she wascaught red-handed.

Mrs. Sonny was hot-tempered and threatened to send her to the police station.

The nanny was afraid that she would be sent to prison, so she set a fire to the place and tried to burndown all the evidence to cover up her crime...

The terrible incident quickly garnered a lot of attention from the media.novelbin

Almost all major news networks and mainstream media outlets condemned the nanny's actions andcalled for her punishment, while public opinion severely criticized the T Corporation subsidiary.

According to unverified reports, the fire trucks had been hindered in the process of putting out the fire.The path was restricted by illegal green belts, and the building was too high. Moreover, there wereserious problems in the building's fire prevention facilities and property management which resulted inthe firefighters not being able to reach the mother and child in time, which directly led to their deaths.

If the incident was dealt with promptly at the beginning, it could be suppressed without much fuss withT Corporation's influence and network of connections.

Little did they know, the manager of the subsidiary company was afraid of being implicated. Theythought that they could handle the matter by themselves, so they made their own press release andpostponed the report to the head office. However, it was a futile effort to stop the scandal, and everybroadcasting media ended up reporting the incident.

The matter was in the public interest, and so the news spread very quickly. It became trending online,and in the end, the situation spread beyond their control.

After the incident happened, countless self-righteous netizens on Mr. Sonny's side ganged up against TCorporation.

The other house owners of Greenview Regalia began to panic. Everyone was worried about the safetymeasures in the apartment. In the news, requests for refunds and owners' rights rallies could be seenfrom time to time.

T Corporation's stock prices had been severely affected and fell sharply...

At midnight, Bianca came out of the bathroom after a shower and found that the light in the study wasstill on.

Luke was still busy with work.

She sighed and felt very sorry for him.

Her design work was enough to give her a headache. Luke, on the other hand, ran a multinationalcompany, which was already exhausting by itself, but now had the added stress of the arson incident.

Bianca understood his current mood.

That man did not get an easy start in his life. As the child born out of wedlock in the Crawford family,his life had been unfortunate.

Even though his parents were alive, they sent him to an orphanage, and he suffered from depression.

When he grew up and was taken back to Crawford Manor, he had to deal with the multiple scandals inthe family. Through his own strength, he transformed a company on the verge of bankruptcy to itscurrent state in just a few years. Nobody knew what hardships he had to endure to achieve it.

Before Bianca knew him, she remembered reading a report about him in a financial magazine thatintroduced some of the country's most impressive revivals. T Corporation was ranked first.

At that time, Luke was not even thirty years old yet, but he had become one of the richest people onthe continent.

Bianca looked at Luke's back broken-heartedly and walked to the living room. She poured a glass ofmilk for Luke and planned to bring it to him in the study.

Ring ring...

Suddenly, the landline telephone in the living room rang.

When she saw that it was an unfamiliar number, Bianca hesitated but answered it anyway.

"Luke?" Allison's voice sounded over the phone.

"Aunt..." Bianca went against her will and greeted her.

When Allison heard Bianca's voice, she suppressed her anger and said," Get Luke to answer thephone!"

Bianca did not think that Allison would call at that time because she was concerned about her son.

Moreover, Bianca did not want Luke to be distracted from work because of his mother.

"He's taking a shower now. Something serious happened in his company, so he's been very tiredrecently. Can you call again tomorrow?" "Who do you think you are? Why won’t you let me talk to myson? Bianca, don't think that you can be so rude to your elder because you have Luke protecting you!Let me talk to my son!" Allison shouted angrily.

"If it's nothing important, I'll hang up now. You can call him again tomorrow." Bianca completely ignoredAllison's insults and hung up because she did not want to think about it anymore.

She knew that Allison did not like her, nor did the older woman's impression of her change after solong. Bianca never harbored any hope for Allison's opinion to change.

She forced herself not to think about the upsetting things and went to the study with the glass of milk.

The door of the study was slightly ajar.

Bianca saw that Luke was working seriously. His phone screen was lit; Leia was calling him.

Bianca pressed the answer button but did not say anything.

Leia's sweet but anxious voice came from the other end of the phone, "Mr. Crawford, are you busynow?"

After waiting for a while, Leia heard no response except for gentle breathing. She thought it was Lukeand said softly, 'I went through all the reports of the incident in detail. The nanny is at fault. The publicshould not point their fingers at T Corporation. Do you need... any help over there? If you need help, Ican speak to my dad. With my dad's help, things should be much easier..."

Bianca listened to Leia's caring voice for Luke and her fingers that held the phone trembled slightly.

Leia was the daughter of the Provincial Committee Secretary. Her family was very powerful, and itwould not be too difficult for them to help Luke settle an incident like that.

However, Bianca, in her selfishness, did not want the two to have any contact.

With a woman from such a powerful family thinking about her beloved man, any woman would feelflustered.

Moreover, once Jack Norman intervened in the incident, the matter would become more complicated.

When the time came, Luke would owe Jack a great favor. He would have no problem repaying debts ofmoney, but debts of gratitude were much more difficult to repay.

Bianca was surprisingly calm.

She got Luke’s attention, handed him his phone, and told him that it was a call from Leia.

Luke took the phone and said coldly, "What is it, Ms. Norman? I'm very tired and if it's nothing, I'll beheading to bed with my wife."

On the other end of the phone, when Leia heard Luke's words, she was instantly disappointed...

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