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Chapter 370

Chapter 370 Unless She Gets Luke to Help!

Xavier stared at Bianca's furious face and suddenly smiled.

However, there was not a hint of guilt in his eyes.

Instead, he spoke with some bitterness in his tone. ’Bianca, I noticed that you've never smiled at mewhen we're together. It's either you face me with an emotionless face, or you look as though you wantto kill me. It's just Nina, right? I didn't do anything to her. Is she worth your time and effort?"

Right after he finished speaking, he felt a searing pain on his other cheek.

Bianca slapped him out of anger again!

Her hands were trembling. She was not going to be satisfied no matter how many times she slappedhim!

Her eyes were turning bloodshot out of anger. "How dare you say that you didn't do anything to Nina?Do you have a conscience, Xavier Tanner? If you hadn't gotten someone to abduct Nina, would shehave been violated and become pregnant? Would she have to be forced to carry out the abortion bythe violator? It's all because of you. How could you shake it off just like that?’

People continued to move in and out of the lobby.

Bianca was speaking loudly. Everyone in the lobby and at the receptionist counter could hear what shesaid clearly.

Everyone looked at Bianca with different emotions, especially the two receptionists who were closest tothem.

They wanted to cover their ears.

What is this young lady saying? Our general manager abducted someone and even caused thatwoman to be violated and being forced to abort the baby?

'Oh my god!

'This is shocking news! Can I pretend that I didn't hear any of that?'

Xavier tasted iron in his mouth and licked the corner of his lips with his tongue. 'Tsk, I'm bleeding.

'That woman has never shown me any mercy!'

It seemed as though Bianca would treat anyone nicely except for him. She would even be kind andgentle toward a panhandler on a street corner.

However, she had never shown him even a single smile. Every time she talked to him, she would begritting her teeth in hatred.

Indeed, she was merciless to him.

He had never seen such hatred from a woman.

"I admit that I am partially responsible for what happened to Nina."

Xavier disregarded the judgmental gazes from the people around him as though the matter did notbother him. "So what do you want me to do? Should I compensate her? Or are you going to sue me?"

He knew what would happen to Nina the moment he handed her to the lecherous Pierre, but he did soanyway.

The woman only had herself to blame for trying to capture evidence of his extramarital affair.

If he could turn back time, he would have done the same thing.

Bianca was trembling with anger when she saw how nonchalant Xavier was. "I want you to beresponsible to Nina for what you've done to her!" She said coldly.

Xavier crossed his arms. "Oh? How should I be responsible? Should I marry her?"

Bianca was at a loss for an answer.

'What a scoundrel!'

Xavier was standing very close to her. She could smell his sharp masculine scent, which made heruncomfortable.

Other than Luke, she rejected any other male getting close to her.

Bianca wanted to step backward, but Xavier grabbed her arm tightly and dragged her toward theelevator.

He instantly pressed a button and said softly. "It's not convenient to talk here. Let's go into my office.’"I'm sorry. We can talk right here. There's no need to go anywhere else!" Bianca flung his hand awayand avoided him like a poisonous snake.

She had never trusted Xavier. She feared being alone in the same space with him.

Ding! The elevator doors opened. Xavier smiled faintly and pulled Bianca into the elevator.

"Ah! Get away from me! Don't touch me! Don't..." Bianca shrieked and struggled.

She was instantly reminded of that night when Xavier almost violated her. She kicked and punched withall her might like a maniac, which caused Xavier to take a few steps back!

"Bianca! I won't touch you anymore without your consent. I swear! Please calm down!" Xavier's heartwrenched when he saw how much Bianca feared him.

He gripped Bianca's shoulders tightly and shook her in an attempt to calm herdown.

Bianca was stunned when she saw Xavier's helpless and sad gaze that was transfixed on her eyes.

She could see her miserable self in his eyes.

Bianca bit her lower lip and panted for air as she held onto the elevator wall. She thought she wasbeing rather silly.

Xavier might be partially responsible for what happened to Nina, but what would she achieve by lookingfor him?

She did not have any evidence of him keeping Nina in captivity. Moreover, he would have alreadydestroyed any incriminating evidence. At most, she could only ask for some compensation for thetrauma that Nina went through.

Could she have gone to look for Pierre Mallory, the culprit? She could not even handle Xavier!

In the worst-case scenario, she might even get herself involved, but so what if she sacrificed herself ifshe could bring justice to Nina?

All this could not compare to what Nina went through for her.

Unfortunately, she did not have money or power. To her, Pierre was untouchable.

To those who lived in the topmost echelons of society, the rule of law was nothing but decoration, andmorals were meaningless.

Bianca knew about the vicissitudes of life. She knew even better that fate was cruel to low-standingpeople in society.

The only way to get justice for Nina was to ask for Luke's help.

However, would her man help Nina because Bianca asked him? Was he going to stand up against theMallory family for this personal grudge? 1

The Crawford and Mallory families were equal in wealth and standing.

If the two families declared war on each other, the economy of A City would be greatly affected, and thenormal citizens would suffer.

Moreover, Luke was good friends with Percy.

She did not want to trouble him because of her, but she was not powerful enough to bring Pierre tojustice by herself.

Bianca's face turned pale, and she allowed her arms to droop. She suddenly felt like crying.

She pressed the button to open the elevator doors.

The elevator doors opened. Bianca looked at Xavier with tears in her eyes.

She walked out of the elevator dejectedly, as though all her strength had left her body...

Xavier stood alone in the elevator. He could smell her lingering fragrance in his palm.

His expression gradually turned cold as he watched Bianca leave. Then, he dialed a number on hisphone.novelbin

"Hello?" A low and hoarse masculine voice was heard on the other end of the call as though he was inthe middle of making out.

Xavier did not beat around the bush. "What did you do to Nina?" "Nina? Nothing special, I made outwith her, of course. Oh, right, that woman is pregnant, but I got someone to get rid of the baby. Youshould know that my old man will kill me if he finds out that I've impregnated someone. I didn't expectthe woman to be so stubborn. She refused to undergo the abortion and even stabbed herself with ascalpel. How troublesome," Pierre answered nonchalantly.

At that moment, a coy, naked, and beautiful woman lay on his chest.

That woman was none other than Cecilia Sunford, his fiancee.

Xavier abruptly ended the call.

He had expected that answer, but he was nonetheless troubled...

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