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Chapter 352

Chapter 352 Nice to Meet You, My Name Is Bianca

When Bianca was reading the documents, the department lead brought several people into the office.

"Let me introduce everyone. This is the design manager from Vivi Group and the core design team."

Bianca observed them carefully.

The female design manager was in her late thirties, while the others were a lot younger.

"Nice to meet you. I am Sue Carter, the design team lead from T Corporation. It’s a pleasure to beworking with you," Sue said with a smile as she stretched out her right hand.

"Yanis Fuller," The female design manager said briskly and lightly shook Sue's hand.

Tom also shook hands with Yanis and introduced himself.

When it was Bianca's turn, she stretched out her right hand and said, "I am Bianca Rayne. Nice tomeet you."

Unexpectedly, Yanis glanced at Bianca coldly and did not shake her hand.

Bella was feeling rather smug about it.

Earlier, when she had the opportunity, she had slandered Bianca in front of Yanis. She said that Biancahad gotten into the design department because of her relationship with Luke, the CEO, and that shewas a talentless bimbo.

Bella knew that Yanis was an honest woman who hated useless people who got to where they werebecause of their relations.

After her slander, Ms. Fuller would not treat Bianca kindly, and Bianca would be the subject of ridicule.

Bianca did not know that her department lead had been talking behind her back. She felt a littledejected by Yanis's treatment, and the smile on her face stiffened.

She looked at Sue helplessly.

Sue looked at Bianca encouragingly and helped her alleviate the situation." Ms. Fuller, Bianca might benew to the design department, but she's very talented. Earlier, we had a difficult client who rejected allthe designs from the other designers, but he accepted Bianca's design and praised it endlessly. Ibelieve that she will be a great addition to the team."

Yanis did not say anything. She shot a glance at Bianca and said, "Let's go into the conference roomfor a meeting."

The designers from T Corporation and Vivi Group went into the conference room on a higher floor.

On the way, Yanis did not say a word to Bianca.

Even the other designers from Vivi Group were being distant to her. Bianca was helpless; all she coulddo was to play along.

She felt uneasy as the people from Vivi Group judged her silently.

The assistant design manager from Vivi Group was a man named Gerald Murphy. He seemed to beabout thirty years old. He looked quite stylish, and he smiled like a gentleman.

One of the designers was a beautiful lady named Michelle Boyd.

Michelle had an attractive face and a curvaceous figure. She was young and charming.

There was another young man named Macauley Jones. He was the leader of Design Team Two.

He looked quite handsome but shy, and he did not look like a man of many words. He gave people theimpression of a refined gentleman.

Bianca remembered their names well. After all, she had to work with them.

Of course, while Bianca observed the people from Vivi Group, they were observing her as well.

The designers from Vivi Group had met Sue and Tom before and have collaborated more than once.They did not have any doubts about Sue's capabilities, but they were surprised that T Corporationincluded a new employee in their team.

The woman named Bianca Rayne seemed very young, as though she had just graduated from college.Would she be able to handle such a major project?

They also heard that Bianca was employed because of her relations, and that had made them treat herwith disdain.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour.

After that, Yanis handed a thick stack of documents to Bianca. "These are all the relevant documentsfor this project. I hope that you can memorize everything in the next few days, and well officially go intothe details of the project the day after tomorrow. Do you have any more questions?" "No.’ Biancafrowned when she took the two-pound stack of documents.

She knew that Ms. Fuller was being deliberately harsh on her.

Of course, as a new employee, she was not in the position to talk back.

In the CEO's office.

Luke lifted his head from two laptop screens. The past quarter profits of T Corporation had increasedby several times.

His seductive lips curled up into a satisfied smile when he saw Bianca's new designs.

Jason was slightly worried when he saw Luke's smile. "Mr. Crawford, you've made Bianca a publictarget by tasking her with such an important project. Moreover, Ms. Fuller from Vivi Group is known tobe a perfectionist when it comes to designs. Would Ms. Rayne be able to handle the pressure?’

Everyone knew that Yanis Fuller from Vivi Group was an outstanding designer. She was even betterthan Mavis Laviere of T Corporation.

However, her desire for perfection had made her overly critical and gave her a bad temper. She was anintimidating workaholic.

It was said that she often scolded her designers harshly.

Normal people would not be able to handle her bad temper, not to mention the sensitive Ms. Rayne.

Luke glanced at his wristwatch and saw that it was time to go off work.

He smiled at Jason profoundly. "Bianca is a talented designer, but she is too sensitive and diffident. Ibelieve that she will learn a lot under Ms. Fuller's guidance."novelbin

When the meeting was dismissed, Bianca took the documents and prepared to bring them home.

She received a call from Luke. "After you pack up, well go to Blue Honors for dinner." "Let's bring Lanieand Rainie along. It's been a while since we've had dinner with the children." Bianca thought that afamily should eat together.

Luke did not want the two children to disturb his time with Bianca. They would get in his way.

However, he imagined her hopeful gaze and compromised. "Alright. We'll pick them up after work, thenwell go to Blue Honors."

After hanging up, Bianca saw that it was almost six o'clock and quickly gave the two children a call.

"Hello, Mommy..." Rainie was the one who answered the call.

"Baby, have you and Big Bro had dinner?" "Not yet. Aunt Jemma is making dinner. Big Bro and I willeat together with Great-Grandpa and Grandma..." "Don't eat dinner at home. Daddy and Mommy willcome later to pick up the two of you, and we'll eat out." "Yay! Big Bro, Mommy says that she'll bepicking us up for dinner. Come back soon, Mommy!" Rainie said sweetly.

Bianca ended the call, though a blissful smile lingered on her face.

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