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Chapter 349

Chapter 349 Luke and Bianca Appear In Court!

Bianca made a sumptuous lunch for Nina.

After lunch, Bianca did the dishes and thoroughly cleaned the kitchen.

Then, she returned to the grocery store and replenished the supplies in the fridge. She had said thatthe roads were slippery from the snow, and she did not want Nina to step outside. With the fridgestocked full of vegetables and poultry, it would be convenient for Nina to cook for herself.

Nina was grateful beyond words for what Bianca did to her.

"It's almost the end of the year, so you don't have to go to work. I'll let Luke know, and he can approveyour leave until the new year," Bianca discussed with Nina before she left. 1

Nina shook her head. "It's been too long since I've skipped work, and you know that I can't sit still athome. You can let Luke know that I'll go to work when I'm ready. I'm afraid that if I stay for too long athome, I'll start imagining things..."

Bianca could only agree. "You should just rest at home, and we'll talk after you're ready to come backto work. You can call me if you need anything. My phone is always on for you."

After Bianca left, Nina sank deep in thought.

Now that she had decided that she would give birth to the child in her womb, she would have tocontemplate her future.

She was about to be graced by the presence of a new life, and she would not be alone anymore. Shewould have to make plans for the baby.

The next day.

It was a sunny day, and the world was coated in silvery-white snow.

The glittering sun shone down on A City Court.

Bianca's gloomy mood was a stark contrast to the fine weather.

It was Jennifer and Marie's trial day.

Bianca did not wear any makeup, and there was no expression on her face.

Luke sat with Bianca in the front row of the spectator area, wearing a pair of sunglasses. Hisexpression was as somber as hers, and his ice-cold aura was hard to ignore.

Jennifer and Marie, dressed in prison clothes, stood listlessly at the dock.

After being locked up for some time, Jennifer seemed to have aged ten years. Gray hair appeared onher sideburns, and her back was slightly hunched.

Marie's long hair was cut short. Her hair was disheveled, her face was sickly, her eyes were sunken,and she seemed to have lost a lot of weight.

They probably had suffered greatly in jail.

However, Bianca did not have any sympathy for them.

They were the ones who had caused Kevin's death, and they were getting what they deserve.

When the two women saw Bianca, their eyes were about to spew fire. If not that bailiffs wererestraining them, they would have rushed to Bianca and tore her into pieces.

Walter's crisp voice rang in the courtroom. "The alleged, Jennifer Lee and Marie Rayne, knew thatKevin Rayne was suffering from ill health, yet they provoked him with harsh language. Not only wasthat behavior immoral, but it was also illegal. Moreover, when they saw that the patient's condition wasworsening, they did not immediately call for the doctor but instead watched him deteriorate. Theirwords and actions have directly caused Mr. Rayne's death, and as such, they need to bear fullresponsibility! Your Honor, please grant them the maximum sentence!" "Objection!"

Shandra was dressed in a dark-colored lawyer's robe, and her hair was tied up in a bun behind herhead. Her expression was cold. "Kevin Rayne has suffered from cancer for many years. Even withoutJennifer and Marie's provocation, he would not have lasted for very long. Why must the alleged bearfull responsibility? Moreover, what they said to Mr. Rayne was the truth. He is the one who could notaccept it. Even if the alleged need to bear legal responsibility for his death, it is not as serious as yousay. Their words might be harsh when they argued with Mr. Rayne, but that was because they were inthe heat of the moment. If anything, this should be a civil case..."

Walter stared at Shandra. His heart was wrenching.

He felt sorry that the once aloof and arrogant woman had fallen so low.

Just because she hated her, she had opposed him in every case that he took on, even if it violated hermorals.

This time, she had offered her services pro bono to Jennifer and her daughter, just so that she coulddefeat him in court...

Walter had witnessed Shandra's growth in the past few cases.novelbin

She was indeed witty and cunning, especially when it came to loopholes. He almost lost to her severaltimes, if not that he was very good at quibbling too.

To make up for her, he had allowed her to win several times.

Now, the case was related to Bianca, Luke's woman. He could not let her win this time.

"Ms. Cullen, the alleged know that Mr. Rayne was terminally sick and would die at anytime, but theyused harsh language to verbally attack him anyway, and the entire incident was recorded by thesecurity camera. You cannot deny that, right? There is no doubt that the actions of the alleged aredeliberate, and that is grounds to conclude that they have committed homicide. They need to bearcriminal responsibility!" Walter retorted.

They continued to trade barbs in the courtroom. Neither of them wanted to let the other win.

Both lawyers were the best in their field. Their arguments trumped one another.

Bianca's heart was in her throat. She almost could not breathe.

She did not expect that the female lawyer could be a match for Walter, and she feared that Waltermight lose.

She could not accept it if Jennifer and Marie received a reduced sentence.

Luke placed his palm over Bianca's hand. Perhaps he could sense her unease. "Don't worry. Walter willdefinitely win," he comforted her.

He trusted in Walter’s abilities.

Shandra might be a good debater, but she was nonetheless no match for Walter.

Indeed, Walter did not let them down...

The judge knocked the gavel and gave his judgment. "Jennifer Lee and Marie Rayne, your deliberatelyharsh language have directly caused the death of the terminally ill Kevin Rayne, and the prosecutorhas proved that beyond reasonable doubt that you have committed homicide. I hereby sentence you toten years in prison and a fine of 90,000 dollars. If you are not satisfied with this judgment, you can raiseyour appeal to this court or the A City Court of Appeals within ten days of receiving the writtenjudgment..."

Marie had been keeping quiet all the while, but when she heard the judgment, she pounced up asthough she had lost her mind, but the bailiff restrained her.

Marie yelled and cursed at Bianca. "Bianca, you evil witch! This is all your fault in the first place. If youdidn't become a surrogate mother, Kevin Rayne would not have died! I will not let you go. I will appeal!"

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