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Chapter 3165 Mavis Holds Shares In The Company

Mavis' face flushed red and then paled under the sting of Sylvester's words.

If it were Luke, would she agree to be his mistress? She was willing to stand beside that god-like manregardless of her status.

Mavis also felt she had the ability to become his only one.

However, Luke did not give her that chance.

Apart from Luke, Mavis would never be any other man's mistress, including Sylvester who was in frontof her.

"Boss, why are you bringing up the past?" She knew Sylvester was dissatisfied. He was deliberatelypicking on her, even intending to mock her.

Sylvester narrowed his eyes and said, "Ms. Laviere, as you know, I have no feelings for that hag athome. If you agree to be with me, I'll give you the best, including a family. You'll be my wife then. Whywon't you agree?"

He admired Mavis.

Not only was she beautiful, but she was also incredibly competent at her job.

Sylvester knew that although Mavis had made a mistake this time, as long as she continued to work inthe company, she would definitely bring huge benefits to the company.

Elevating his wealth and status a bit more would not be a problem.novelbin

However, Sylvester had also looked into Mavis' past. Mavis stayed at T Corporation the longest. Everycompany she joined after that, she did not stay for long. The reason was straightforward-she felt theylacked challenges.

Whenever a company started to stagnate, she would simply quit.

No matter how those company's bosses tried to retain her or what conditions they offered, Mavis wouldnot agree.

Sylvester appreciated her drive for improvement, but he also knew that if things continued like this, hewould not be able to keep her in his company for long. Hence, he was thinking about making her workfor him continuously.

The best way to keep her was to make her his woman.

However, Mavis seemed uninterested in that. Sylvester thought she was just proud, especially since hisprevious investigations had not revealed any involvement with her former bosses.

Yet, today he learned that Mavis was not proud. She simply looked down on people like him.

"Boss, I'm not interested in being a mistress. And I'm not interested in destroying someone else'smarriage to climb up the ladder. Please have some self-respect." As Mavis spoke, she stared down athis hand firmly.

As Sylvester spoke, his hand had wandered and was now resting directly on her thigh.

Mavis had to muster all her self-control to keep herself from slapping his wandering hand.

Sylvester looked at her and withdrew his hand as though nothing had happened. His expression turnedcold.

"Ms. Laviere, I value you as a talent, but if you don't want the opportunity I give you, don't blame me forturning cold. You'll bear the loss of this project. Even though you're a shareholder of the company, wehave to handle business affairs impartially. Do you understand what I mean?"

Of course, Mavis understood. What was there not to understand?

It was just about taking responsibility for the project and the company.

If it was a normal mistake that led to the loss, she would definitely take responsibility. However, for thisproject, even if they cooperated with the previous company, they might not secure the suburbandevelopment project.

Besides the early losses involving design and employee time, there were no other losses.

On the contrary, the company also received a sum of compensation from the other company.

"Boss, what exactly is this loss you're talking about? Do you think that if I had followed everyone'sadvice and we cooperated with the other construction company, we could've won this bidding project?"asked Mavis.

Sylvester was taken aback for a moment.

Mavis' sharp tongue left him unable to respond.

He also knew deep down that the probability of them securing this bidding project was low.

There were so many outstanding construction firms out there, and the ones they could collaborate withwere only of average industry standards. Such companies basically had no advantage in bidding wars.

As such, there really was no loss to be talked about.

"After that company decided to cancel the contract, our company received compensation. Shouldn'tthis compensation be counted as part of the company's assets? Where's the loss?" Mavis continued toquestion.

Sylvester persisted, saying, "I don't care. If it weren't for your decision to go with this company, ourwork could have been seen by our peers. Are you questioning the design capabilities of our company'sdesigners?

"With such an excellent proposal, our company would've had many potential clients once other peoplesaw it. Now, that opportunity is lost. Isn't that a loss?"

A smirk played on Mavis's lips.

Sylvester continued, "Instead of compensation, I'd rather have that precious opportunity."

As Mavis listened to Sylvester's words, she could only secretly let out a sigh and mutter to herself, 'Aman's mouth is best at speaking nonsense.'

Rather not have that compensation? She remembered clearly how Sylvester could not stop smilingwhen they received that compensation.

Mavis replied, "Then you could've refused to receive that compensation or even sue them in court. Thatway, the company's design would still have gotten exposure." "You!" Sylvester did not expect Mavis tosay such things.

Mavis added, "Both you and I know the level of the company's designers. Do you think their designsare outstanding? They're just average.

"Let me tell you honestly why I chose that company. It’s because I thought they might cancel thecontract anytime. That way, the company could still gain some income on paper.

"But one thing surprised me. They canceled the contract so late. If it had been earlier, do you thinkthose excellent designs could still be showcased to others?

"But after so many years in architectural design, I know the company's design level well. We simplycan't handle those top-notch projects." "Mavis!" Sylvester’s tone carried a warning.

She was looking down on the company's designers and his company!

Since she looked down on them, why was she still here? She might as well go to another company!

Not only did she stay, but she also held company shares! Was that not showing contempt for thecompany?

Mavis could guess what was on his mind, so she reminded him, "Every time I join a new company, Imake a point to negotiate for a stake in it. I know I have the skills to turn a company around, so when itsucceeds, the shares I hold become valuable.

"To be honest, my ownership of company shares isn't based on the company's potential. It's simply areflection of my confidence in myself.”

She had no desire to engage in a confrontation with this man, but his calculating behavior andrelentless dredging up of past rejections tested her patience. His persistent sense of entitlement waswearing thin on her nerves.

It seemed that only by confronting him would he stop dwelling on those matters.

Slyvester's face flushed with anger at her words, turning into the color of beetroot. He wanted to comeup with a retort to Mavis but found himself at a loss for words.

He even considered the idea of firing her.

However, he could not go through with it because Mavis held shares in the company.

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