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There was no such thing as off-the-book members of the Island of Despair before this.

That was why Luca did not know about them either. During the time she was away from the Island ofDespair, she wondered how much Abel had actually done.

However, the more he did, the more it showed he was becoming restless...

At the very least, it proved he had intentions.novelbin

However, Luca was not sure about whether this matter had anything to do with Luke. She just felt verypassive now, not knowing what Abel was up to or whether it had anything to do with Luke.

Therefore, they could only passively observe what he was doing and then analyze his actions.

"Don't think too much. If he really takes action, we'll know." Luke knew what she was worried about.

Worrying now was useless. After all, Abel was in the shadows while they were in the light.

"If you're free today, could you accompany me to visit Marcos' mother?" asked Luke. He was entrustedby Marcos to check on Sarah's recent condition.

Even though Marcos was still in A City, he could not meet Sarah often to avoid any risks of her beingdiscovered by the Russians.

Thus, even though he longed to see her, he could not.

"Sure, let's go after work this afternoon. Is Mr. Marcos still in A City?" asked Luca. She had not heardLuke mention Marcos leaving, so she assumed he was still in A City.

"Yeah, he's still here. He has to wait until Matysh's matter is over before he can return to Russia," Lukesaid.

Even though Marcos did not care much, Matysh’s issue still required his attention. Handling it in adifferent country was quite troublesome for him.

However, his Russian family refused to listen to his explanations. They wanted him to stay here andresolve Matysh’s issue. Yet, Matysh refused to trust him, so it had to be Ethan who handled the matter.

Marcos was quite content to sit back and watch the show.

"It'll be over soon. But I've always been curious. Ms. Poplar is just Marcos' mother. She’s just a woman.Why can't the Russians tolerate her? Is it just because of bloodline?" Luca always found this reasonabsurd.

It was because the family thought Sarah's bloodline was not worthy of their lineage and felt ashamed ofit...

Still, it did not make sense.

If they considered Sarah's bloodline shameful, why did they entrust Marcos to manage Matysh?

Moreover, Sarah had not taken anything from the Abaza family. There was absolutely no need to keeptracing the whereabouts of a woman.

"Their family matters are quite complicated." Luke only said this much. "I'll pick you up when you get offwork, then we'll visit her and have dinner together."

He did not forget that he still had to attend the dinner hosted by Percy and Nina tonight.

"Okay." Luca nodded, suddenly realizing that Luke knew some things about Marcos' family. She lookedup at his chin, stroked the stubble that had emerged, and asked, "You should know some things,right?"

"Hmm?" Luke pretended to be confused.

"Marcos' family must have more than just bloodline issues if they're going to such great lengths to huntdown Ms. Poplar. You must know something about it," said Luca.

Luke chuckled. Luca was smart. She could immediately catch on to the inconsistency in his words.

"Indeed, but Ms. Poplar is truly pitiful. Even after acknowledging Mr. Marcos, she still has to hide.” Lucalet out a sigh, then looked at Luke. "Let's get up. It’s not early anymore."

"Okay." Luke nodded. He was supposed to get up to deal with work anyway, but he got delayed byreading Karen's report.

The editor-in-chief of New Youth Daily was quite responsible. Within ten minutes of the report beingreleased, they had a response ready and shared the report link with him.

However, they did not call him to avoid disturbing him. Luke sent a message to the editor-in-chief ofNew Youth Daily, indicating there was no need to worry. Then, he got up to freshen up.

Karen woke up and realized it was already past six in the morning. She yawned, but sleep was far fromher mind.

By now, the report from last night should have been on the internet.

Karen opened the webpage and took a glance. As expected, the reporters did their job quickly. Theyhad already reported on the matter.

She skimmed through it. The content was fine.

Basically, whatever she said was how the reporters reported it.

There was no exaggeration or weird speculations like before.

Karen felt relieved seeing the report.

She initially thought her clarification was the wrong move, but unexpectedly, Percy helped her resolvethe matter.

Furthermore, things turned out pretty well in the end.

Karen heaved a sigh. She felt Percy had finally matured.

Back then, he only knew how to cause trouble and relied on family to solve problems. This time, hehelped her to resolve the situation when she could not handle it herself...

Karen thought her youngest son had grown up and learned to handle such matters.

She felt content at the thought of this.

She scrolled down and looked at the comments.

Most of the commenters were incredulous that Silas was fine!

Some questioned the date of the interview, but soon, someone posted the video again. The timestampshowed it was 11:00 pm last night.

At the same time, some asked Silas himself to clarify what movie it was.

However, such comments did not gain much attention in the comment section.

After all, Silas himself had stood in front of the reporters. Did they really need to know which movie hewas watching?

It was also because of his claim that nobody lashed out at the reporter from New Daily Youth, whichirritated Karen.

However, irritated as she was, she had no intention of offending Luke now.

She still needed Luca's help...

At the thought of this, Karen could not help but let out a sigh. If she had known there would be such aday, she would not have retaliated against Luke and Luca no matter how angry she was...

Now that she had offended Luca, asking her to help with Percy's dry needling treatment would surelybe impossible.

Still, even if Luca refused, Karen still had to make her agree to help.

While Karen pondered how to do this, she received a message.

[Madam, tonight at 7:00 pm, Mr. Percy and Nina will be hosting a dinner at Blue Coast Restaurant.Luke and Luca will also attend.]

Karen narrowed her eyes as she stared at the message. When she thought about how to approachLuca and tell her about this, the opportunity presented itself.

It was a trap set by Percy...

Did Percy know she wanted to find Luca's help, so he deliberately set up a trap to provide her with anopportunity?

However, she immediately dismissed this possibility after she saw Nina’s name.

Percy did not arrange this for her convenience to look for Luca.

Instead, it was because Luke and Luca had taken Nina in. The couple wanted to express theirgratitude, which was why they arranged for this dinner.

“All the attention is on that woman now. Does he even see me as his mother anymore?" Karen lookedat the message and expressed her dissatisfaction.

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