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In the long run, it was definitely better to undergo surgery. After all, nobody would want a time bomb intheir brain.

Take Sarah, for example. She simply could not afford the surgery. That was why she kept delaying ituntil her life was in danger.

If it were not for the nurse's call, Sarah's life would have been hanging by a thread.

A significant factor in her being saved was the surgery performed by Dr. Johann. If it had been anotherdoctor, they might not have been able to save her.

As for Stan, even though his condition seemed stable now, who knew what might happen later?

Even though it was a high-risk surgery, leaving the blood vessel tumor there would pose even greaterrisks.

Therefore, Luca disagreed with delaying it.

However, she was not related to Stan. Naturally, she would not say such things.

"Gerald, I’d like to undergo surgery," said Stan. He did not think much about it when he heard Luca'swords. He just felt surgery was necessary.

He did not want a bomb sitting in his brain for long.

It made him feel unsafe.

"Uncle Stan, you don’t have to decide now. Let's wait until you feel better. We'll consult the doctoragain. My parents and Uncle Marlon will be here soon. Maybe they can provide some advice," saidGerald.

Stan frowned as he thought about his brothers.

Their level of education was similar to his. How could they possibly understand things he could notunderstand?

Stan decided that he would undergo surgery!

Only through surgery could he find peace of mind.

Moreover, he was living alone in an old mansion. If the brain vascular tumor were to burst one daywithout anyone noticing, he would be in deep trouble, right?

Hence, Stan made up his mind. No matter what his family said, he would undergo surgery.

Throughout his life, he never got married or had children. The money he saved was solely meant tosafeguard his own life.

While Stan was thinking about discussing surgery with the doctor, he stopped thinking about why hehad amnesia or what had happened in the past few months. Suddenly, there was a commotion outsidethe ward.

"Here they come," said Luca.

She was referring to the arrival of the Muller family.

Indeed, a middle-aged man pushed open the ward door and hurried over to Gerald. He asked Gerald,"What's wrong with your Uncle Stan?"

"He fell and lost his memory at work. Uncle Marlon, the doctor said he has amnesia. What should wedo?" While Gerald was reporting the situation to Marlon, he was glancing at Luke.

Marlon followed Gerald's gaze. He first saw Luke and then noticed Luca. His eyes lit up instantly.

He could not help but mutter to himself, “She's really beautiful.”

Marlon kept staring at Luca until he felt Luke's sharp gaze. It was only then he withdrew his gaze. Heassumed that there had to be a reason why Gerald turned to look at them.

He reckoned there was some connection between Stan's fall and these two. Thus, he furrowed hisbrows as he went along with Gerald. "He's always been in good health. How could he just fall for noreason?"

Gerald shook his head, indicating that he was not sure about it. "I don't get it either. Uncle Stan alsohas amnesia and no memory of what happened. Mr. Crawford is claiming that Uncle Stan fell byhimself."

"Fell by himself? Hmph, I don't buy it. Stan has always been healthy. How could he suddenly fall on hisown? Did you deliberately trip him?" Marlon's angry gaze turned toward Luke as he sought for anexplanation.

He could tell from Luke's and Luca's attire that they were wealthy.

Rich people like them hated trouble the most and were most willing to use money to solve problemsand pacify situations.

If he could get a big sum of money for Stan, perhaps he could gain some benefits too.

With this in mind, Marlon pushed harder to demand an explanation for his younger brother. "Even if youdidn't trip him, it must've had something to do with you. This happened in your house. You can't shirkresponsibility."

Luke remained silent and held Luca tighter.

If it were not for the need to deal with the situation here, he would have definitely taken Luca away.

Luke felt extremely uncomfortable with the lecherous stare this creepy man was giving Luca. Hewished he could just tell the guy to go away.

"Hmph, do you think staying silent will make everything okay?" Marlon assumed Luke was scared. Thatwas why he kept quiet.

"Uncle Marlon, there's one more thing." Gerald saw Marlon defending Stan so vigorously and knewwhat he wanted to do, so he thought of making things more troublesome for Luke.

"What is it?" Marlon turned back to him. His eyes were already wide with anger.

Gerald reminded him, "Uncle Marlon, when the doctor examined Uncle Stan, he found a blood vesseltumor in his brain. There are two options now. One is conservative treatment without surgery, and theother is surgery."

A brain what?" Marlon was puzzled. He had never heard of this term before.

"A blood vessel tumor," repeated Gerald.

Marlon was startled. "Is it cancer?"

Luca shook her head and let out a sigh. These people were truly uncultured.

The terrifying extent of their lack of education was evident in how they mistook a tumor for cancer.

"It's not cancer!" Stan thought Marlon was cursing him to death. He leveled a sharp glare at him. Hehad been given painkillers, so he felt much better and less weak. That was why he had the strength toargue back.

He had never gotten along with this elder brother of his.

Marlon, relying on the fact that he was married and had children, kept urging Stan to give all his moneyto Marlon's family. He constantly complained about the pressure of raising two kids.

Even though Stan’s nephews had grown up, Marlon was still trying to squeeze money out of him. Hisreasons had shifted from raising kids to buying houses and marrying off his children.

Marlon often said that as long as Stan treated the two kids well, they would take care of him in his oldage.

Stan did not believe such nonsense. Even with Gerald, he had not fully opened up to him.

He had always held onto his money tightly.

That was why when Stan heard Marlon mention cancer, he felt like Marlon was cursing him.

"If it's not cancer, then what is it?" Marlon looked puzzled. Was it not a tumor?

However, Marlon immediately forgot about it and said, "Whatever it is, this illness is definitely causedby overworking. As Stan's employer, you must take responsibility for this!"

Marlon turned to look at Luke as he said that.

Luke remained expressionless, observing everything with a cold gaze.

Marlon's words received agreement from the others, who chimed in, "Yes, he must take responsibility. Ifit's not his fault, how could a healthy person develop a tumor?"

Stan, who had been so assertive a moment ago, remained silent when he heard his relatives speakingup for him.

He also felt that Luke should take responsibility for his condition.

If Luke had not been reluctant to spend more money to hire another person, he would not have beenso overworked.

The brain tumor had to be a result of overexertion.novelbin

Stan completely forgot that even though he was the caretaker of the mansion, there were hourlyworkers for cleaning and gardeners for the yard. His usual job was to watch over the mansion. He didnot need to do much.

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