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Chapter 3026

Upon hearing that, Aunt Neile said, “Mrs. Mallory, let me help."

“She’s right, let her do it. That way, she can cover the entire area, and your hands wouldn’t be cold,"said Luca. She found that Nina had put ice on it yesterday, but she did not do it long enough.

Her hands got too cold from holding the ice pack, so she did not do it for long.

As Luca knew her so well, Nina had no choice but to say, "Alright then."

“Okay, Mrs. Mallory. Enjoy your breakfast. I’ll help you after you’re done," Aunt Neile responded andwent upstairs to deliver Luke’s breakfast.

When Luca saw Nina eating breakfast, she said to her, "By the way, Nina, the children are going backto the manor today, so remember to lock the door after Aunt Neile gets off work."

Nina was taken aback. Did that mean that Luca was going to Crawford Manor too?

If she was going back with the children, would Old Master Crawford cause her trouble?

Nina could not ask too many questions since the children were here, so she just nodded even thoughher mind was racing.

Nina waited for the children to finish breakfast and leave for school before asking nervously, "Luca, areyou going to the manor too?"

"Yes, I am." Luca nodded and had her last bite of breakfast.

"Did Old Master Crawford ask you to go over? Is he giving you a hard time..." Nina did not think thatwas the case as some time had passed since Luke and Luca’s scandal.

He would have taken action already if he wanted to. Why would he wait until now?

Nina could understand why Luke would want to take the children back to the manor, but she did notunderstand why he would bring Luca with him.

Old Master Crawford and Old Master Mallory were the same. They were extremely strict with theirgrandchildren, and they frowned upon erratic behaviors.

Therefore, after Percy’s father had an affair, Old Master Mallory immediately sent someone to tell himto never come back.

Percy told her that, which was why Nina thought Old Master Crawford would be very unhappy withLuke and Luca’s relationship.

Now that the reporters had exposed their relationship, it was not easy to deceive Old Master Crawford.Luca was in a difficult position right now, but they had not split up yet. Their bond was too strong forsomething like this to break them up.

Even if they had not broken up, they did not have to upset Old Master Crawford...

Nina did not understand why Luca wanted to get so close to Old Master Crawford.

She thought that Luca was like her, willing to sacrifice for love. She did not have to stand up against anelder who did not like her.

Seeing as Nina was worried about her, she shook her head. “No, Old Master Crawford actuallybelieves that Luke and I are. well. innocent."

Nina's eyes widened. "He believes that?"

Luca felt that even a three-year-old child would not believe what she just said.

What else could she say? She could not tell Nina that she was Bianca, which was why Old MasterCrawford did not object to their relationship.

Luca hated that it was not the right time, because that meant she had to lie to Nina and say things thateven she would not believe.

"I don't know what Luke told him, but that's what he believes.."

Nina muttered. "Unbelievable. Oh, that's not what I mean. I just think that Old Master Crawford doesn'tseem that easy to fool. What could Luke have said to make him believe it.."

Luca did not say anything else. The more she said, the higher the chance of making a mistake. Shehad used many lies to continue deceiving people, but she was tired of lying, so she pretended not toknow.

Then, Nina asked again, "Does that mean he won't give you a hard time?"

"I don't think so," said Luca.

"Why are you going there, then?" Nina asked out of curiosity.

"I've been helping Old Master Crawford recuperate, so I'm going there to help him again this time. Hewould always chat with me for a long time every time I go there, so I thought I should just stay thenight," Luca explained.

There was no need to lie anymore, which made her feel better.

She did not like lying to people who mattered to her.

However, there was no saying what Abel would ask her to do, so she had no choice.

"Oh, that's good. As long as you won't be put in a difficult position. I'm not trying to pry by asking somany questions. I'm just worried. The older generation can be stubborn sometimes.

"No matter how nice you are to them, they still won't change their minds, so it's better to accept it thantake it up with them." Nina seemed to be talking some sense into Luca, but she was actually sayingthose things to herself too.

"I know, but I'll be fine. Believe me," Luca said with a smile.

"Since you won't be here tonight, let Aunt Neile get off work early. She doesn't need to make dinner. I'lljust eat outside," said Nina. Since she was a guest, she did not want to have Aunt Neile cook just forher.

Luke hired her, not Percy.

"Won't you come back late if you eat outside?" Luca frowned reluctantly.

If Karen hired someone to follow her, it would be easier for them to make a move if it was late at night.

Nina knew that Luca was worried about her, so she said, "Things have been busy at the companylately, and many people in the design department are working overtime.

"When they order takeout, I'll just get something as well, so don't worry about me. It's getting late, soyou should go to work.”novelbin

Luca glanced at the time and realized that it was indeed getting late. Seeing as Nina had a plan, shesaid, “Tell Aunt Neile when she comes down later so that she won't prepare dinner.”

“No problem." Nina nodded.

After Luca left, Aunt Neile came down with a tray. She was busy tidying upstairs, which was why shetook some time.

When she noticed that only Nina was left at the table, she asked, "Mrs. Mallory, has Ms. Craw left forwork?"

"Yes, she just left. By the way, Luca and the kids are going to Crawford Manor tonight, and I have towork overtime at the company, so you don't have to make dinner for me. I'll have dinner at work, so youcan go home early."

She was worried that Aunt Neile might say no, so she added, "Luca asked me to tell you that."

Hearing that Luca asked her to get off work early, Aunt Neile smiled brightly. "Okay, I got it. Mrs.Mallory, once you're done eating, I'll help you put some ice on your face,"

"Okay, thank you, Aunt Neile." Nina let her help.

Aunt Neile took an ice pack and put it on Nina's face according to Luca's instructions before saying,"You must use ice to make the swelling go away faster."

"I know. Aunt Neile, is Mr. Crawford upstairs?" Nina suddenly thought of asking Luke something abouthim and Luca.

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