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Chapter 3006

Old Master Crawford cast a glance at Karen and said, "An old acquaintance of Karen's."

Karen's expression changed when she heard the words 'old acquaintance.'

She felt the urge to retort, but Luke was quicker in response. "Oh, the person who had a romanticrelationship with Madam Mallory goes by the name Silas Gray..."

Karen's face twisted into a sour expression.

Ever since Karen met Silas, she felt ashamed of her past involvement with him. Now, with Luke sayingthings like this, she wished she could tear him into pieces.

"Shut up!" Karen could no longer control her emotions and snapped.

Old Master Crawford frowned disapprovingly. Was Karen throwing a tantrum at Crawford Manor? Didshe not realize this was not the Mallory family's territory?!

Karen's subordinates kept a close watch on her mood. The man sensed something wrong andimmediately said, "Madam Mallory, let's focus on the main issue."

Karen paused for a moment, realizing what Luke said nearly irritated her enough to forget about theimportant matter at hand. Without further ado, she pulled up a video on her phone and placed it on thecoffee table.

"Old Master Crawford, didn't you say I had to show you the evidence yesterday? I've brought theevidence today. This whole situation was orchestrated by your beloved grandson, and I need anexplanation and an apology from you all."

Old Master Crawford glanced at the so-called evidence. He did not pick it up. Instead, he turned to lookat Luke.

Luke picked up the phone and saw the video showing Rain entering a hotel. Smirking, he looked atKaren. "What kind of evidence is this?"

Karen sneered as she gestured to her subordinate to explain.

The man caught Karen's gaze and proceeded to explain the origin of the video. “This is footage fromthe lobby of the Kingdo Hotel. Mr. Crawford, you surely recognize the person in the video, right?

Luke nodded and handed the phone back to Karen. "She's a friend of mine."

Karen let out a cold sneer. It was clear she was his subordinate, yet he claimed that she was a friend.He was quite the actor.novelbin

The man continued, "Yes, your bodyguard, Rain. Silas was staying at the hotel at the same time.According to him, someone arranged for him to stay there, and your bodyguard happened to appear inthe hotel. This explains everything. There's no need for further explanations."

Old Master Crawford raised an eyebrow. Without waiting for Luke to speak, he asked, "What does thisactually prove?"

Karen parted her lips. However, she was not as fast as the old master, who continued, "Does someonestaying in a hotel room mean they're the conspirator? So, are you saying that anyone who's in thesame space as a criminal is a criminal too?"

Karen's face darkened as she listened to Old Master Crawford's cunning defense.

She never thought he would shamelessly go to such lengths to protect Luke.

No wonder Luke turned out like this. Karen secretly criticized him before saying, "This situationshouldn't be equated with a crime scene. Rain was assisting Luke. He has something to do with thearticles on the internet.

"The net of justice is wide, and actions always leave evidence. Old Master Crawford, I've brought theevidence you need. Now, it's up to you all to figure out what to do next."

Karen waited with a determined expression, expecting Luke to apologize.

Luke raised an eyebrow and replied, "Hotels open their doors to welcome guests for a comfortablestay. Rain appearing in the lobby only proves that she visited the hotel. What else does it indicate? Isthis again something Silas claimed, that Rain instructed him to do this?"

Karen was taken aback for a moment. Silas did not even know Luke's subordinates!

Even if she made Silas lie now, it would not work anymore because this tactic had already been used.The shamelessness of the Crawford family was unparalleled. Even if they were to go so far as to haveSilas identify Rain, it would be to no avail.

People always managed to find excuses to argue back in such situations.

Luke noticed their silence and asked again, "Were you able to find any evidence of Silas personallyinteracting with Rain with so many surveillance cameras in the hotel? If there's such proof, I'm willing topublicly apologize to you even if this isn't something I orchestrated."

He could say so only because he was confident with it.

At the same time, Rain's presence at the Kingdo Hotel was also arranged by him.

It was intended to frustrate Karen, who was trying to find fault with him.

Karen looked at her subordinate, who shook his head, indicating they had not found anything like that.

The hotel cooperated with them, knowing that they were from the Mallory family. The hotel willinglyprovided Karen's subordinate with copies of the lobby and corridor surveillance footage.

However, after reviewing the footage several times, he only saw Rain entering the lobby. She went intothe room next to Silas' and never came out again.

Luke chuckled as he watched them exchange glances with each other. When Rain went into Silas'room to tamper with the surveillance, she had already taken care of the corridor footage. Therefore,they would not see her entering Silas' room to remove the surveillance after they took Silas away.

Moreover, the people Karen hired were not very capable. They would not notice these subtle details.

Rain left them with hope and plunged them into despair. Also, Luke believed in Rain's capability.

"Just how do you do things?" Karen criticized the man in front of her. She refused to believe that Lukewas innocent. She believed she could surely discover something.

However, her subordinate had disappointed her. Despite receiving a considerable sum, he failed touncover anything.

The man lowered his head and said apologetically, "Sorry, Madam Mallory. We've reviewed all thesurveillance. This is the only discovery."

"Can this little discovery really determine someone's guilt? Karen, it's fortunate that our families go wayback. Otherwise, you'd be the one at a disadvantage if this matter escalated.

"If you don't have any evidence, it might be better not to come over here so often. An old man like mevalues peace, and I'm not a big fan of this kind of noisy fuss," Old Master Crawford casually remarked.

His intention to drive his visitors away was obvious. Karen understood what he meant. He did not wanther coming to Crawford Manor to cause trouble in the future.

Karen, with a stern expression, rose up to her feet and said to Luke, "If you don't want others to knowwhat you did, then don't do it. I'll get to the bottom of this matter. I'm extending you a courtesy now. So,don't blame me for not giving you face later on!"

Luke gave her a cold smirk and replied, "Yes. If you don't want others to find out..."

Then, he continued, "I just sent some documents to Old Master Mallory. I believe he'll be quiteinterested in taking a look at them."

Karen was startled. "When did you..."

Before she could finish her sentence, it suddenly dawned on her that when Old Master Crawford askedher to leave, she saw Luke fiddling with his phone. Could it be that he had sent a message to OldMaster Mallory at that time?

Luke seemed to sense her thoughts and nodded.

Karen's face turned extremely grim. "What did you send to Old Master Mallory?"

"Madam Mallory, you'll find out when you get back. I believe Old Master Mallory would like to have achat with you." Luke did not elaborate. With just a few words, a sense of foreboding crept over Karen.

Old Master Mallory was already impatient with her over this matter. Previously, he let it slide because ofthe two children she bore for the Mallory family, but if Luke had sent something else to him...

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