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Chapter 2994

After the cartoon show ended, Luca urged the three children to go upstairs to wash up and rest.

Today, the kids were in high spirits and did not listen to her. They chattered around Luca for more thanten minutes until Luke came downstairs and gave them a look. Only then did they reluctantly goupstairs to wash up.

"The kids are excited today," explained Luca.

"Yes, I know," replied Luke.

He glanced at the time after he finished work and realized it was late. He noticed that Luca and the kidshad not gone upstairs yet. He assumed Louis and Yuri had not left. Therefore, he went downstairs tocheck on them, only to find out it was the kids' excitement that kept them downstairs.

Luca glanced at the time, smiled, and approached him. Grabbing his arm, she said, "Let's go upstairs.We need to keep an eye on the kids tonight. Otherwise, they'll be too excited to sleep."

"Sure. Let's go," replied Luke as he held her soft hand. They made their way up the stairs together.

Having already revealed her true identity to the kids, Luca did not feel awkward about such intimategestures.

The affection between parents was beneficial for a child's growth.

When they came to the second floor, Luca exchanged glances with Luke and said, "I'd like to freshenup.”

"Okay." Luke let go of her hand. After he watched her enter the master bedroom, he went into theopposite room, planning to freshen up as well. After all, today was an important day for the two of them.

Despite already knowing that Luca's true identity was Bianca, today's confession was their true reunionas husband and wife.

Luke took off his watch, placed it in the display cabinet, and then picked up his phone. Somethingcame across his mind, and he opened the photo gallery.

The latest photos were the ones Luca had sent him. They were photos of their precious little daughter.

Luca told him that she had not named the child yet. She only gave her a nickname—Nyla.

Luke let out a soft chuckle and touched the phone screen. Nyla resembled Luca a lot and also looked alot like Rainie when she was little.

"Don't worry, Daddy will get you out safely and show you this beautiful world.” Luke quietly made apromise as he looked at the photo.

Even though Luca did not say anything about it, he knew that a child's life on the Island of Despaircould not be good.

The Island of Despair was underground, where there were no seasons. There were no melodies ofbirds and the fragrance of flowers...

Such an environment was definitely not suitable for a child's growth.

As a father, Luke had more thoughts about rescuing his daughter after knowing that she was stuck onthe Island of Despair.

He put away his phone and walked into the bathroom.

After freshening up in the master bedroom, Luca sat in front of the dressing table. She dried her hairand applied skincare products.

Then came the sound of knocking.

"Come in," said Luca as she turned to look at the door. She saw Rainie come in. Then, she smiled andasked, "Why aren't you in bed yet?"

"Ms. Luca, can I sleep with you tonight?" Rainie blinked her eyes eagerly. They were shimmering withanticipation.

Even though the children could not change the way they addressed her yet, today was a good day forthe children as it was the first day their mother was back with them.

Rainie wished that she could fall asleep in her embrace.

"But..." Before Luca could finish her words, Luke's voice came from outside the door.novelbin

"No. Go sleep in your own room."

Rainie turned around to look at Luke, tilting her head gently. "Daddy, I want to sleep with Ms. Lucatonight. Let me borrow her for one night, and I'll give her back to you tomorrow!"

It had been years since she slept with her mother, and she really missed the warmth of her embrace.

Luke still shook his head even after his daughter pleaded with him.

Today was special for the kids, but it was also a special day for him. Luca must be by his side tonight.

"Daddy." Rainie cooed, confident that her sweet talk would surely work its magic.

"You're a big girl now. You should sleep on your own," replied Luke sternly.

"Daddy's being really possessive, but Ms. Luca is not only yours!" Rainie complained in a low voice.She pouted her pink lips, which Tommy often did.

"She's my wife, so she's mine alone." Luke insisted on keeping Luca by his side. He could endure anytime but not tonight.

Rainie wanted to protest, but then she heard him say, "Where would you be without us?"

She understood what he meant. If it were not for the couple, there would not be her and her siblings.

Knowing that begging Luke would not work, Rainie looked at Luca pitifully. "Just for tonight. I want tosleep with Ms. Luca."

Luke felt helpless when he saw his daughter insisting on snatching his woman. How he wished hecould just grab her collar, pick her up, put her outside, close the door, and let her go back to her roomto sleep.

However, Rainie was his daughter, and it did not seem right to do so.

If it were Lanie and Tommy causing a ruckus, he would have easily lifted them and sent them back totheir room like they were little chicks.

As Luca watched the father and daughter debating over who she would spend the night with, she couldnot help but curl her lips. She said, "The bed is big enough. Rainie can sleep here tonight."

"Yay!" Rainie cheered, clapping her hands. At the same time, she looked up at Luke, declaring hervictory.

It seemed like neither of them lost, but Luke knew he had lost. He looked disapprovingly at Luca,expressing his dissatisfaction.

Children naturally clung to their mothers, and he understood that. Still, Rainie arguing with him over hiswife at this time was not right.

"Alright. Rainie, go get your pillow." Luca deliberately ignored Luke's mournful look. If the child wantedto be close to her, there was no way she could refuse.

Rainie nodded, turned around, and left the master bedroom. She returned to her room, grabbed herpillow, and then bounced happily back to the master bedroom.

Luke looked at the door, watching his daughter enter with excitement. There was nothing he could dotonight.

He looked helpless.

However, Rainie was his daughter, and it seemed there was nothing he could do.

If Rainie fell asleep, perhaps he could move her back later?

It seemed like a good idea, but Luca might not allow it. Luke had no choice but to accept his fate at thethought of this.

Rainie placed the pillow on the bed and then turned to her parents. "Mommy, Daddy, which side shouldI sleep on?"

Luca answered, "Sleep in the middle of the bed."

"Okay, great!" As soon as Rainie finished speaking, Luke said, "The bed is big enough. You can sleepon the left or right side."

He still wanted to cuddle with his wife while sleeping. If the child slept in the middle, how could he holdLuca in his arms?

There was nothing much he could do, but could he at least hold her while sleeping? Did he have to beseparated from Luca just because the child wanted to sleep with them?

Luca frowned disapprovingly at him. "Rainie shouldn't sleep on the side. What if she rolls off the bed?"

Luke wanted to tell her that Rainie was not the type to roll around while sleeping, but when he saw thedisapproving look on Luca's face, he had no choice but to remain silent.

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