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Chapter 2973

Tommy blinked his eyes and felt embarrassed when Lanie ruthlessly exposed him. He raised hisfingers and made a solemn vow. "I promise not to eat too much anymore. If I break the promise, I'llbecome a little pig!"

Lanie shook his head, indicating that he did not believe him.

Both he and Rainie were disciplined and not particularly prone to indulging in treats. They had no ideawhose side of the family Tommy had got this trait from.

Their parents were not like this at all!

Luca could not help but chuckle. She was amused by Tommy. Her lips curled into a smile. She couldnot focus on the documents in her hand anymore.

Tommy saw Lanie shaking his head and protested, "Lanie, you should remind me!"

"That doesn't work. We gotta make you feel bad once in a while so that you'll remember better," Laniesaid in a cool and nonchalant manner as he flipped through another page of his book.

Tommy could not help but wonder when he saw Lanie's expression. "Lanie looks just like Daddy. Boo-hoo, I'm so full."

"Tommy, keep moving around," advised Rainie as there was no other solution.

Taking digestion aids and staying active were the best ways to help digestion.

Tommy cast a pitiful glance at Luca.

When Luca met the child's gaze, she let out a sigh and stroked his head. Then, she said, "Be good andpay attention to your diet in the future. If you come across something delicious, be mindful of how much

you eat, okay?"

"Okay," replied Tommy, feeling wronged. He continued to walk around the sofa to aid his digestion.

As Luca watched the child willingly walk around to help his digestion, she returned her attention to theresearch data. Her gaze was locked on the documents.

The cartoon show did not distract her, and the kids were quiet while they watched the TV. She couldquickly glance at the TV screen when she was accompanying the children.

Their cozy atmosphere was broken by the sound of the doorbell.

Rainie was the first to react. She glanced at the video doorbell camera's direction and then at Luca."Ms. Luca, could it be Grandma Susan again?" "I'll go check." Luca frowned. It was late. Who could itbe?

Could it be Susan? However, she had been humiliated when she came here a few days ago. It washighly unlikely that she would come looking for trouble so soon, especially since she would not gainanything from it.

Luca walked toward the video doorbell camera and saw that it was Louis who had rung the doorbell.She was surprised.

Luca opened the door and said, "It's your Uncle Louis."

"Did Uncle Louis come to see Daddy at this hour?" Tommy suddenly stopped and asked.

"I'm not sure." Luca shook her head and stood at the entrance, waiting.

Louis quickly entered the house. When he saw Luca, a hint of embarrassment appeared on his face."I'm sorry, Ms. Craw, for bothering you all this late."

Luca shook her head and handed him a pair of disposable slippers. "Mr. Louis, are you here to see Mr.Crawford?"

In front of the other members of the Crawford family, Luca addressed Luke as Mr. Crawford, eventhough everyone in the Crawford family now knew about her relationship with Luke.

"Yes." Louis nodded. After changing into the slippers, he walked into the living room.

Although the three kids were scared of Susan, they liked their little uncle very much. As soon as theysaw him, they rose to their feet and looked at Louis with smiles on their faces. "Good evening, UncleLouis."

"Good evening," Louis greeted the three children with a relaxed expression. Then, he asked, "Where'smy brother?"

"He's in the bedroom upstairs. Take the stairs, turn left, and it's the first room on the left," replied Luca.From just these few minutes, she noticed that Louis looked troubled. He probably needed to discusssomething with Luke.

"Alright, I'll go upstairs first." Louis usually played with the kids for a while when he saw them.

However, he was not in the mood today. Therefore, after finding out where Luke was, he turned aroundand headed upstairs.

As Rainie watched Louis disappear around the staircase corner from behind, she could not help butsay, "Uncle Louis seems a bit down today."

"Yes," Lanie agreed. Normally, Louis always had a smile on his face when he saw them. He evenencouraged them to be cheerful to offset their father's sternness.

"Maybe Uncle Louis is facing some troubles," said Tommy.

Luca slightly furrowed her brows, acknowledging that Louis' mood was indeed off today. Perhaps it wasdue to some personal matters.

She glanced at the cartoon show and reminded the kids, "The show has started."

The kids stopped discussing Louis and sat in front of the television to continue watching the show.

Luca also returned to her seat, not overly concerned about Louis' visit.

Upstairs, Louis found Luke in the bedroom with the door wide open. He stood at the door and knocked,"Brother..."

Luke raised an eyebrow, saw Louis at the door, and asked, "What brings you here?"

Louis let out a sigh, walked into the room, and sat opposite his brother.

"Brother, can you put me up for the night tonight?” His frustration was written all over his face.

Luke raised his eyebrows.novelbin

“I had a fight with my mom and got kicked out." Louis spread his hands helplessly, feeling ashamed tobring up the issue.

He was a grown man, yet he was driven out of his own home. Now, he had to turn to Luke...

Even though they were half-brothers, their relationship had always been good. However, now that theywere both married, they had their own lives and careers. Their interactions had become less frequentcompared to when Louis was single.

After all, adults were busy and could not spend as much time together as they used to.

Moreover, Louis had taken on family responsibilities, leaving him with little free time.

Hence, under normal circumstances, even if he was kicked out by Susan, he should not be botheringLuke.

After all, they were two separate families.

Still, when Susan kicked Louis out, she did not allow him to take his phone, wallet, or keys with him.

As a result, he could not drive, stay at a hotel, or return to Crawford Manor. The nearest place he couldgo was Luke's house.

That was why Louis had no choice but to stay here.

"I didn't bring my keys, wallet, or phone with me. She locked the door from the inside. Even if I use myfingerprint to open the lock, I can't get in," explained Louis. His face turned red with embarrassmentwhen he mentioned this.

He was like a rebellious teenager who had angered his mother and could not return home. He was leftwith no other option but to seek refuge with his brother.

"I'll ask Luca to help prepare the guest room in a while," replied Luke when he saw his brother in abind.

He could not let his brother spend the night outside.

"Thanks. If it weren't for Yuri taking Thea to her mother's place for dinner tonight and staying the nightthere, I wouldn't be in this situation..." said Louis, feeling helpless.

If Yuri were at home, she could open the door for him or hand over his phone and wallet.

He was grateful that he was staying next door to Luke's place at the moment.

Otherwise, he would have had to go to a friend's house, and his nearest friend lived over 20 minutesaway by car. Plus, it might not be as convenient for them as it was for Luke.

Being with his own brother was much better than staying at a friend's house after all.

"As for clean clothes, you can wear mine for now." Luke did not ask about the reason for his argumentwith Susan. He simply took care of everything for Louis.

Louis was moved. "You're truly my brother. I'm glad that our families live near each other. Otherwise, I'dhave to hop in a cab and maybe go into debt."

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