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Chapter 2929

"Tha Bianca you knew was fake. A terrorist organization that kidnapped Bianca found a woman with asimilar appearance and made her undergo plastic surgery to create an impostor Bianca.

"At the same time, when the DNA test was done, they swapped the DNA sample with Bianca's realblood. There's already evidence of this in the hospital, but it hasn't been made public. That's whyyou've been in the dark all this time," Luke explained to her.

Wanda took a deep breath, not expecting it to be like this.

It turned out that Bianca had been kidnapped by a terrorist organization. The person who looked likeBianca was not the real Biance, while the one who did not look like Bianca but cared about their familywas the real Bianca...

Wanda closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them and looked at Luke.

"She's been using a different identity while being around you and the kids?" asked Wanda, realizinghow aggrieved Luca must feel.

Not only could she not be herself, but she had to interact with her husband and children using adifferent identity.

Wanda could not help but feel sorry for her.

Luke nodded. "Even now, Luca hasn't been honest with me about her true identity. The organizationthat kidnapped her has been manipulating her all this while, and I still don't know how they're doing it."

His tone carried a sense of frustration.

If only Luca could be honest and cooperate with them... However, she chose not to.

"Poor Bianca! How much suffering has she endured..." Wanda held her chest. It broke her heart at thethought of how Luca had spent over three years with that organization. She had endured so much andunderwent such a dramatic change in her personality.

Wanda wished for Bianca's happiness more than anyone else. However, now Luke was telling her thatBianca had endured a lot during those three years. Even after coming back, she was not in control ofher own life. She was still being manipulated by that organization.

Wanda's heart ached.

Bianca was such a good child. Wanda could not understand why she had to go through this!

"Aunt Wanda, the Island of Despair must be using something to manipulate Luca. I need to know whatit is. Otherwise, she wouldn't be obeying their instructions like this." There was a deep, murderous lookin Luke's eyes when he mentioned the Island of Despair.

Wanda nodded. "We must help her break free from that organization. She's such a good child, yet shesuffered so much there..."

She thought about how Bianca had known nothing about medicine before yet had achieved so much inthe field of medicine now.

It must have been what she learned during those years.

A medical school student usually took five years to graduate with a Bachelor's degree, and there werevarious internships they had to complete before becoming a full-fledged doctor.

However, Luca accomplished everything in just over three years...

It seemed like her experience on the island must have been incredibly tough and exhausting...

"That's why I need your help," Luke stated his purpose.

Wanda blinked her eyes. "What do I need to do?"

Luke leaned closer to the hospital bed, took the report from Wanda's hand, and whispered somethingto her.

Wanda nodded in agreement, then she turned to look at him. "Is this really going to work?"

"Yes, trust me. I want Luca to be free and back with me and the kids more than anyone else," repliedLuke. Even though Luca was with him and the kids now, it did not feel secure.novelbin

As long as that organization had something that could manipulate Luca, she could disappear from theirlives anytime.

Now that the gossip about him and Luca had become sensational news, he believed that the Island ofDespair had noticed it. He did not know what they might be planning. So, he needed to expedite things.

The person he loved the most had returned to his side. He could not afford to lose her again!

Wanda saw how determined Luke was and nodded. "Okay, I promise to help you. But let's try not todisturb my dad."

"Agreed," Luke concurred. Old Man Rayne was still in the hospital. It would be best not to agitate him.

Plus, Wanda had no idea about it either. Luke needed to manage both sides of this situation carefully.

"Aunt Wanda, I'll head back now. Please have the caretaker call me around ten tonight," Luke saidcautiously as he put the DNA test report into a briefcase. He added, "Make sure the caretaker doesn'tfind out about this."

"Alright," replied Wanda. From what Luke had just said, Wanda understood the kind of organization thatwas controlling Luca. Hence, she dared not to tell anyone about it.

After giving all the instructions, Luke left the hospital ward.

Mrs. Lane had already bought dinner and was waiting not far away.

When she saw Luke coming out, she walked over, nodded at him, and then returned to the ward. Themoment she entered the ward, she noticed the gloom on Wanda's face.

"Ah, Ms. Rayne, let's have dinner first." Mrs. Lane thought that Wanda's expression was due to herdissatisfaction with Luke's infidelity. She had no choice but to change the subject.

After all, she could not say anything more.

Wanda got out of bed and glanced at the meal Mrs. Lane brought. After a moment, she shook her headand said, "You can have it. I'm not hungry."

"That won't do. You didn't eat in the morning and had a small lunch. You should have something fordinner,” advised Mrs. Lane.

Wanda let out a sigh. "I don't have the appetite for it."

Earlier, it was because of the gossip about Luke and Luca that made her lose her appetite.

Now, it was because she had learned about all the hardships Bianca had endured in the past. Shecould not help but feel heartbroken.

Mrs. Lane had no choice but to close the meal container. "In that case, let's wait a bit. If you get hungrylater, I can heat up the meal for you."

"Okay," replied Wanda. Her mind was filled with thoughts of the report Luke had handed her.

She did not doubt the authenticity of the report.

After all, if Luke had truly been unfaithful, judging from his proud personality, he would not botherexplaining or fabricating things to deceive her.

He was the type to own up to his actions.

Luca was indeed the real Bianca.

On the other hand...

After Luke left the hospital, he did not rush home. Instead, he headed to Crawford Manor. He felt thathis efforts might not be sufficient with only Queenie and Wanda's help.

That was why he needed Old Master Crawford's help as well.

Old Master Crawford already knew that Luca was Bianca. Therefore, he readily agreed to help whenLuke asked for his assistance.

After the grandfather and grandson reached an agreement, Old Master Crawford asked, "It's crucial forLuca to admit that her true identity is Bianca, but it's also essential to salvage your public image. Areyou already handling the matter?"

"I'm already taking care of it." Luke nodded.

"Did you release these news articles, then?" asked Old Master Crawford, thinking it might be Luke'sway of pressuring Luca to admit her true identity.

However, Luke shook his head and replied, "No."

"No?" Old Master Crawford was surprised. Then, he asked again, "It really wasn't you who arranged forthis?"

"It was Percy's mother, Karen Ruiz," answered Luke.

Old Master Crawford was once again taken back. His brows furrowed with disgust. "That womanactually did something like this?"

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