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Chapter 2910

The hospital director wore a gloomy expression as he followed behind the police officers.

The technician led them to the floor of the VIP wards, drawing the attention of many as they passed bythe wards.

When they reached the door of Pierre's ward, the technician turned to the police and said, "This is theward he was registered in."

"Open the door," instructed one of the police officers with a cold and unfriendly look on his face.

Ever since Pierre had gone on the run and disappeared, they had put in a lot of effort to find him.However, they had not found any leads. Their superiors had become increasingly dissatisfied with theirefficiency. They had handed down the task documents numerous times both openly and behind thescenes.

Still, Pierre was nowhere to be found.

They would not have found their way here if it were not for an anonymous tip-off email!

The technician immediately pushed the door open when he heard that.

The police officers entered the ward. The lead officer glanced at the man lying on the hospital bed.After a quick comparison with a photo of Pierre, he said, "It's him. Take him into custody."

Pierre had a grim expression as he looked at the police officers who stood in the spacious ward. Heknew what was going on without having to ask.

However, he was unaware of the anonymous tip-off email. Neither Old Master Mallory nor Karen hadinformed him.

"I'm a patient now. Where are you taking me?" Pierre did not struggle because of the cast on his leg.He realized it would be futile.

As he watched the police officers approach him with a handcuff, his eyes darkened, but there wasnothing he could do at this moment.novelbin

"We have our own detention ward at the police station, Mr. Pierre. You are suspected of illegalfinancing and bribery. Please cooperate with our investigation," said the police officers. They intendedto handcuff Pierre, but noticing the IV drip on his arm, they turned around to look at the hospitaldirector. He was at the back of the group. "Could you please come and remove the needle?"

The hospital director was being watched by the police officers. He had no choice but to step forward.He removed the needle in front of everyone and under Pierre's cold stare.

After pressing the spot for a few seconds, he let go and stepped back. "Take him away," said the policeofficers.

A few of them helped Pierre out of bed and got him onto a wheelchair. Even though Pierre's legs wereinjured, they securely fastened his hands to the wheelchair as a precaution.

The cold handcuffs touched the skin of Pierre's wrists. His face grew even darker.

A police officer began pushing the wheelchair.

Sunny, who was holding a bottle of saline solution in her hands, was slightly surprised when she sawthe scene. She instinctively turned to the hospital director and said, “Sir."

The hospital director shook his head and said, "It's none of your business. Go back to work."

Sunny felt an inexplicable thrill when she saw Pierre being handcuffed. She could actually witness thisscene!

Honestly, she hoped more than anyone that Pierre would face the consequences of the law. If it werenot for the fact that the hospital's director was her relative, she would have reported him secretly.

Unexpectedly, fate had its way. Someone discovered that Pierre was right here in this hospital eventhough Sunny did not report it.

Sunny stood there, thinking about the harassment she had endured from Pierre's gaze over the pastfew days. She stared intently at his handcuffs, secretly hoping they would stay on for a long time.

With Pierre being arrested by the police, she would no longer have to work night shifts every day andendure his advances...

Sunny's heart leaped with joy, and she secretly exclaimed, 'That's awesome!'

Sunny was secretly rejoicing in her heart when Pierre got arrested, while the hospital director wore atroubled expression. Even though Pierre said that a doctor would take the blame for all the charges, thehospital director could not help but feel uneasy.

What if the doctor changed his mind...?

What if this whole thing was not handled properly? It could have a really negative impact on thehospital.

As the hospital director watched the police escort Pierre away, he thought that it seemed like he wouldnot be leaving the office anytime soon. He would have to summon the PR department staff for ameeting.

When they reached the first floor in the elevator, Pierre suddenly said, "I'd like my face covered."

The two police officers exchanged glances with each other. They were initially going to explain thattheir police car was parked in the underground lot and that reporters would not catch anything.

Eventually, they did not say anything and placed a hood over his head.

Pierre was taken straight to the detention ward in Central Hospital. The orthopedic doctor on dutyreceived the medical records transferred by the police and examined Pierre. After checking on him andlearning that Pierre was fine, the police placed him in the detention ward.

"I'd like to see my lawyer," said Pierre as soon as the orthopedic doctor left.

It was unlikely that the Mallory family did not know the police were looking for him, but they had nottaken any action at the moment. He needed to consult a lawyer to understand what was going on.

"It's too late now. Get some rest. We can arrange for a lawyer tomorrow," replied the police officer,refusing to interrogate Pierre at this hour.

Pierre's face darkened.

After a while, a nurse entered with a tray and said to the police officer, "Dr. Fields prescribed this salinesolution. I need to give it to the patient now."

Dr. Fields was the orthopedic doctor on duty who had examined Pierre earlier.

"Okay," replied the police officer who sat in a chair nearby, watching the nurse give Pierre the injection.

Other than confirming Pierre's name, the nurse did not engage in any further conversation.

After that, she said, "Remember to press the call button if you run out of IV fluid later."

She said this to the guarding police officer. The detention ward did not have nursing staff. Thus, allmatters fell under the responsibility of the officer on duty.

"Okay." The police officer nodded.

After the nurse left, Pierre shifted slightly to find a more comfortable position. Then, he looked up at theliquid slowly entering his body through the bottle. His eyes deepened.

Finally, he looked at the police officer sitting there.

Even though there were no other people there, the police officer sat upright, his gaze locked ontoPierre's eyes with unwavering determination.

Pierre remained silent, and so did the police officer.

They continued to look at each other, sizing each other up. In the end, Pierre broke the silence with aquestion, "How did you guys know I was in that hospital?"

He was eager to know who the hell ratted him out.

The police officer remained silent.

Pierre added, "Cat got your tongue?"

"Mr. Pierre, if you have something to say, let's wait until tomorrow." The police officer had no intentionof revealing their investigative process to him.

His superiors had told him that Pierre was not an easy person to deal with. He had to be cautious andmeticulous in his mission.

The police officer even thought that if it were not for Pierre's broken leg, they might not havesuccessfully arrested him this time.

Pierre rolled his eyes. He decided to lay flat and not say anything more.

A night passed.

After Old Master Mallory woke up, he first glanced at the newspaper.

As he expected, last night's police operation to arrest Pierre had made headlines.

Old Master Mallory wore a cold expression on his face. Although the photos used by the journalists didnot capture Pierre's figure, police officers were seen at the hospital's entrance. The departure of policecars was also captured. These photos were prominently displayed in the newspapers.

Mr. Bennet also knew about it. He carefully handed a cup of tea to Old Master Mallory when he noticedhis gloomy expression.

The old master had learned about the situation last night, but it was not convenient for the Malloryfamily to intervene at this time. They had to clean up Pierre's situation well. Therefore, the old master

took some sleeping pills and went to sleep last night.

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