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Chapter 2889

As Ethan spoke those words, a sense of unease welled up within him, yet he also felt a certain relief. Atthe same time, he was glad that Matysh was not well-versed in this area.

Addison had also gained knowledge of the past events. He was secretly delighted when he found outthat he was able to take on the case after Shandra's dismissal. This indicated that his reputation wasmoving closer to lawyers like Shandra.

Even though Matysh communicated with Ethan in Russian and Addison could not understand a word,he switched to fluent English to talk to Matysh after Ethan said that. "Mr. Matysh, rest assured. I'll domy utmost to fulfill your request. Please trust me. I've dealt with many similar cases, and I have ampleexperience in this."

Matysh's blue eyes swept over him and then moved to Ethan.

"This lawyer doesn't seem too capable," said Matysh in Russian.

Ethan grew anxious when he heard that. The police had gathered substantial evidence, and changinglawyers would be unfavorable for Matysh.

"Mr. Matysh, the lawyer I've found for you is a professional..."

Before Ethan could finish his sentence, Matysh coldly interrupted, "Ethan, don't try to fool me. Here'sthe deal. I want the opposing lawyer. Get him to take my case."

Ethan was startled for a moment.

It was a good idea.

Before Shandra terminated her contract with Matysh, she had been investigating the case in theneighboring city. There seemed to be some leads at first, but Matysh lost patience and terminated the


Now, the party that understood the case the most was the opposing client's attorney.

Walter must have already grasped the key points of the entire case. If he were to defend Matysh, theremight be a slim chance, but...

Ethan replied in an uncertain tone, "Mr. Matysh, the opposing lawyer is Walter Long."

"And?" Matysh did not care about lawyers, especially those in A City.

He viewed lawyers as professionals who worked for wealthy individuals. Anyone with money could hirethem. There was no need for him to know or understand them.

"Walter is not only Shandra's ex-boyfriend, but he also has a close relationship with Luke Crawford,"Ethan reluctantly explained, bracing for Matysh's reaction.

"Damn it!" cursed Matysh. He did not expect Luke to be friends with a lawyer. He glared at Ethan andasked, "Can't you spend some money?"

Marcos sat there, listening to their conversation. He was rendered speechless. Had Matysh been sittingaround here, letting his brain turn to mush?

"He's Luke's friend. You wouldn't dare to trust him even if you threw a bunch of money at him to get himto defend you, would you?" Marcos chimed in.

Ethan, who sat beside him, could not help but nod. Even though he refused to admit it, it was indeed avalid point.

Even if they managed to bribe Walter, could they truly trust him with the case?

Unless a miracle occurred, Matysh was pretty much destined to end up with a prison sentence in ACity. It did not really matter that much whether Walter gave it his best shot or not.

If they hired Walter and he deliberately did not give his best, it was Matysh who would be in trouble.Perhaps his prison sentence might even end up getting extended by a few years.

Matysh shot a piercing look at Marcos. He needed someone to clear his name desperately. That waswhy he did not realize such an important point.

Desperation would leave little room for thoughtful consideration. Matysh realized he had made a foolishmistake. He could not help but feel frustrated.

"I need to talk to Marcos. The others may leave." Matysh was talking to Ethan and the lawyer, but hisintense gaze remained fixed upon Marcos.

"Mr. Matysh, about the lawyer..." Ethan rose halfway to his feet, not knowing whether to leave or stayseated.

If Matysh insisted on changing lawyers, he had no choice but to do so. Hence, he waited in thatridiculous posture for Matysh's decision.

"This one will do. Get out," replied Matysh impatiently. He did not know much about lawyers, but hefigured Ethan would not have the guts to lie to him. Thus, he decided to go with this lawyer.

"Alright." Ethan straightened up his body and said to Addison, who was beside him, "Mr. Hidayatullah,let's go out first."

Addison nodded. He carried his own briefcase as he followed them out.

Marcos was staring straight at Matysh.

It had been tough for Matysh to be kept in A City's detention center. His face was covered in beardstubble, and he looked down and out. Compared to his former elegance, he now looked as disheveledas a homeless person on the streets.

"Uncle Matysh, I can't help you with the defense," said Marcos in a cold tone. There had never beenmuch of a familial bond between him and Matysh. His resentment toward Matysh deepened when herecalled what he had done to his parents.

Their family was truly tainted.

Perhaps it was time to clean up the filth within the family when Matysh was sentenced to prison.novelbin

Matysh raised an eyebrow and replied to him in Russian, "I want you to find someone to get me out."

Marcos looked at him without an expression on his face and remained silent.

Matysh knew he was unwilling to do so. He added, "My imprisonment doesn't benefit you or the family.So, I want you to hire mercenaries to break me out on the day of the trial and send me back to Russia."

Matysh would be safe once he returned to Russia. No one could touch him again.

Marcos coldly refused, "This is A City, not Russia where our family resides. Uncle Matysh, this isn'tgoing to work. You should put your hope in the lawyer instead. He might be able to reduce yoursentence by a few years."

"Do you think I don't know what you're up to?!" Matysh wanted to stand up when Marcos rejected him.He wanted to look down at him with an air of superiority. However, realizing that such an action mightattract the attention of the police, he remained seated and said, "Marcos, just because I'm in prisondoesn't mean you can take control of the entire family. The entire family belongs to me. If you don't helpme, you'll regret it in the future."

"I'm a law-abiding foreign businessman in A City. This isn't something that I should step in. UncleMatysh, if you'd really like to challenge A City's power, you can have Ethan help you. As for yoursituation, there's nothing I can do to help you. Well, I suppose there's one thing I can do for you. I'llmanage the family business well. The family's wealth will increase several-fold. Uncle, you can thinkabout how you want to inherit it when you come out of prison." Marcos rose to his feet and left afterthat.

He did not want to waste time here.

However, Matysh had not been thrown into prison yet. Hence, he had to go along with his intentions fornow.

Still, orchestrating a rescue mission? He was hesitant to even feign cooperation.

Nonetheless, did Matysh really believe that Marcos would stand by his side?

After Marcos left the detention center, he dialed an international call.

After a while, an elderly voice came through on the other end of the line.

Marcos reported Matysh's situation, including the fact that the police had gathered more evidence ofMatysh's crimes. Then, he went on to inform the person about Matysh's intention to escape.

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