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Chapter 2875

Luke's brows furrowed even tighter. He knew that the maid was not trying to shirk responsibility. It washighly likely that the old man himself had asked her to do this.novelbin

Old Man Rayne had always been the kind of person who avoided troubling others. If it were not for hisold age and inability to take care of himself, he would never have agreed to have a caretaker look afterhim.

The curtain to the emergency room was pulled open.

"Are the family members here?" asked the doctor.

Yes," replied Luke, no longer scolding the maid. Old Man Rayne's condition mattered the most now.

The doctor glanced at Luke and then checked the patient's examination results. Then, he explained,"We've already sent the patient for examination. The initial diagnosis states that it could be cerebralvasospasm. We've given the patient medication, but we'll need a neurosurgeon's consultation for aspecific diagnosis and further treatment."

"Does he need surgery?" Luca asked immediately.

The doctor clarified, "That depends on the diagnosis of the attending physician. I'll get the patientadmitted to the hospital now. You may go to the counter to complete the admission procedures."

"Ask Dr. Park to take a look at Old Man Rayne," said Luca as she turned to Luke. Johann was anexpert in cerebrovascular diseases.

Luca could not trust anyone else to treat Old Man Rayne. She only believed in Johann's abilities.

The emergency doctor was slightly surprised and asked, "You know Dr. Park?"

According to hospital regulations, the attending physician for an admitted patient was generallyassigned based on duty schedules unless the patient or family members had specific requests.

Doctors like Johann were almost universally known to every patient or their family members who cameto the general hospital.

However, Johann would not accept every patient since he was too busy, unless it was an especiallychallenging case or if he had a close relationship with the patient...

The emergency doctor did not know which category these family members belonged to.

Luke initially planned for this. He had yet to notify Johann in advance. He wanted to wait until they hadthe test results.

However, they needed to inform Johann to take over the patient's care now. Luke asked the doctor onduty, "Is there an available ward on the VIP floor?"

"I'll have the nurse check for you." The emergency doctor returned to the emergency room. Hospitalroom arrangements were not within his scope of work.

Luke dialed Johann's number while waiting for them to check for the ward's availability.

Johann had just laid down on his bed at that time. When his phone rang, he did not hesitate to answer,"It's late. What's the matter?"

"Come to the hospital. Bianca's grandfather is sick. The initial diagnosis states that it's a cerebralvasospasm." Luke's serious voice came from the other end of the line.

Johann immediately sat up. Cerebral vasospasm was no trivial matter. "Ask the emergency doctor tosend me the test results. I'm on my way to the hospital now."

"Okay," replied Luke. As he watched the emergency doctor who came walking out again, he asked, "Isthere a ward available?"

"Yes. Are you sure you want to have the patient admitted to the VIP floor?" The nurse confirmed withthe VIP floor's nurse that there was an empty ward, so the doctor came out to confirm with them.

Every department in their hospital had VIP wards, but there was an even better level of VIP wards onthe top floor equipped with all the necessary emergency equipment and a patient transport elevator,making them more expensive than regular VIP wards.

"Yes. Please send the patient's test results to Dr. Park," said Luke.

The emergency doctor nodded. "I'll give Dr. Park the patient's identification number. He'll be able toaccess it through the hospital's system."

As the doctor said that, the nurses pushed Old Man Rayne out of the emergency room. "Now, let's takethe patient upstairs while the family goes to the admission counter."

After that, the nurses pushed the bed away.

Luca could not be bothered about Luke and followed behind the doctor and nurses.

Luke asked the caretaker who was standing on the spot with a blank expression on her face, "Did youbring Old Man Rayne's identification?"

"Yes, I did." The maid nodded. She took out Old Man Rayne's ID and medical insurance card from herbag.

Luke pulled out his credit card from his wallet and handed it to the maid. Then, he said, "Go to thecounter to handle his admission procedures. Then come to the ward."

"Okay." The maid took the card from him and secretly heaved a sigh at how unlucky she was. It washer turn to watch over Old Man Rayne today. She did not expect something like this to happen.

She could have avoided Luke's scolding if another maid had been on duty.

After Luke gave his instructions, he hurried away and caught up with Luca's steps. They took thepatient transport elevator and quickly arrived at the hospital's VIP floor.

After Old Man Rayne was sent to the ward, the doctors and nurses were busy doing their job and finallysettled him down.

Luca looked at Old Man Rayne, who was lying unconscious on the hospital bed. She felt anxious whilewaiting for Johann to arrive.

Luke noticed how worried she was and raised his hand, gently holding hers.

Her hand was ice-cold.

Luke frowned and tightened his grip.

Luca was taken aback for a moment, recalling everything that had happened. Luke had always beenthere by her side.

Luke had always stayed by her side quietly, giving her enough courage to face every unexpectedsituation.

Previously, when she was trapped on the Island of Despair and giving birth to Nyla, she hadcomplained about why Luke had not come to save her.

Now, all those past moments were like wisps of smoke. She only remembered that the person who wasthere for her in her most helpless moments was Luke.

"Don't worry," Luke comforted her in a low voice.

"Okay," Luca murmured softly, not dwelling on why he suddenly felt the need to console her.

After a while, Johann called.

The call was for Luke, and he answered it. After he answered the call, he ignored the hospital's requestto keep quiet and put it on speaker so that Luca could also hear what Johann was saying on the otherend of the line.

"I've already reviewed the case. Old Man Rayne's cerebral vasospasm is quite severe. It needsimmediate attention. There might be a sequela if it's prolonged. We need to perform surgery on him. Doyou agree to do so?" asked Johann. Even though Old Man Rayne was Luca's grandfather, her identitywas currently special, and since Wanda was also hospitalized, Luke would be the one to make thedecision.

"I agree," Luke did not hesitate. Like Luca, he had faith in Johann's diagnosis and abilities.

"Okay. I'll have the nurse arrange the operating room and take care of other matters. I'll be at thehospital soon. Wait for me there. If Old Man Rayne's daughter can't sign the consent form, it'll have tobe you," said Johann. There were several documents that needed to be signed by the patient's familymember if he were to perform surgery on him.

It was especially since the old man was unconscious and unable to make decisions himself at themoment.

Whether or not to proceed with the surgery was not solely the old man's decision.

"Okay. Don't tell Aunt Wanda about this. I'll make the decision,” replied Luke without seeking Luca'sopinion on this matter.

He knew that even if he discussed it with Luca, she would not want to disturb Wanda.

After all, Wanda was still in the process of recovery. If she found out that Old Man Rayne had beenhospitalized and needed surgery, it would affect her mood and delay her recovery process.

This matter had to be kept hidden.

Luca nodded. She agreed with what Luke said. They should not bother Wanda.

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