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Chapter 2828

"Okay." Warren listened to her instructions. He took the identification card and bank card from her andheaded toward the payment counter.

Regardless of whether Sarah was undergoing surgery or not, the deposit had to be given.

Johann had informed the staff earlier, so Warren paid the deposit easily. The staff at the paymentcounter did not say anything either.

After Warren paid the deposit, he returned the bank card and Sarah's identification card to Luca.

She took them and put them back in the briefcase. Even though Luca was helping Sarah, she had nointention of prying into her identity.

Sarah seemed to be in a tough situation.novelbin

Sometimes, no matter how hard a person tried to live, fate played tricks on them. That was somethingthat could not be changed.

Luca did not look down on Sarah because she owed money to loan sharks. On the contrary, she feltthat Sarah must have some unspoken secrets that made her end up in such a situation.

A person's intrinsic qualities would remain unchanged, regardless of life's dramatic upheavals.

Although Sarah seemed to be leading a difficult life, there was a hint of gentleness and a refined auraaround her that Luca could faintly perceive.

No matter how destitute her life was now, Sarah must have been a person with a high level ofknowledge in the past.

That was what Luca believed.

Luke arrived at the hospital around 6:18 p.m. He was in a meeting when Warren texted him.

Knowing that it was not Luca who was injured but rather that she was helping an unfamiliar woman,Luke did not rush to come over. With Warren keeping an eye on things, nothing would happen even if itwas really a trap.

"Luke, why are you here?" Luca looked at him in surprise. Then, she saw Warren leaving andunderstood what was going on.

Although Warren was not monitoring her, it was only natural for him to report such an incident to Luke.

"Is that person still undergoing surgery?" asked Luke. He was surprised that Luca would do such athing, but at the same time, he felt it was expected.

Luca had always been a kind-hearted person. In the past, when she saw the news report about a childfrom a troubled family falling ill, she took him along to visit the child and left a large sum of money forthem.

After she got kidnapped and taken to the Island of Despair, although her kind heart remained, sheseemed to care more about herself. She would not go out of her way to help someone without a goodreason.

She became a bit more reserved...

In a place like the Island of Despair, kind-hearted people would be devoured without a trace. Thus,Luke could also understand why she had become like this.

The more he understood her, the more he could feel the heartfelt empathy and lingering guilt.

If he had protected her well, Luca would not have had to bear so much guilt.

"Yeah, she's still in surgery. It's been several hours, but brain surgery is complicated. It takes a bitlonger.” Luca thought to herself that Luke did not really need to come.

She had no personal connection or emotional attachment to Sarah. Hence, she would not be tooconcerned about it. She did not feel as lost as the day Wannda had her surgery.

"Is Johann performing the surgery?" Even though Luke asked, he was certain that Luca must havecontacted Johann.

"Yes, I contacted Dr. Park. Fortunately, he was available..." Luca thought to herself that perhaps Sarahwas not destined to die.

If she had not left her business card, the nurses at Mercy Hospital would not have been able to contacther.

When she contacted Johann, he happened to have some free time.

Johann was usually very busy and hardly had any free time unless someone made prior arrangementswith him. His surgical skills were so outstanding that many patients were waiting in line for him toperform surgery on them.

All these coincidences seemed to suggest that Sarah would definitely overcome this difficult situation.

"Who's that woman?" Luke was still curious why Luca would save someone like that.

Warren said it was a middle-aged woman, and he roughly explained how they had met.

Fortunately, it was a woman. If it were a man, Luke would have definitely been jealous.

Luca took Sarah's passport out of her briefcase. "She's a foreigner. We met a few times before."

Luke took it from her and opened it. However, he froze when he saw the identification photo.

"What's wrong?" His expression was too obvious. Luca immediately sensed that something was off."Do you know this person?"

"Don't you recognize her?" questioned Luke. He suddenly remembered that Luca probably had notseen the relevant information. Therefore, it was normal for her not to recognize the person.

"Am I... supposed to know her?" Luca asked cautiously.

Luke shook his head.

Luca furrowed her brows. Could it be...

She suddenly thought of Marcos, but this woman did not look like Marcos. The only common point wasthat they were both from Russia.

"Is she... Mr. Marcos'..." Luca asked carefully. Luke's expression did not seem quite right. It was theonly guess she could make.

"She's Marcos' biological mother." Luke exhaled slowly. He did not expect Luca to have inadvertentlysaved Marcos' birth mother.

Marcos was unable to find her anywhere for the past few days.

Little did he know that she was in the hospital. His mother usually had no contact with anyone else.How could he have found her?

Marcos had gained nothing after searching around, which made Luke suspect that perhaps she hadheard something and thought that someone from Russia came looking for trouble. That was why sheran away.

"So it's her... I didn't see much of a resemblance to Mr. Marcos, so..." Luca lowered her gaze. She hadnot seen their files.

After learning that Marcos' birth mother had been targeted by their family, Luca did not let herself getinvolved.

If anything happened to Marcos' birth mother in the end, Luca would become a suspect if she had seenthe information.

Luke did not know her true identity was Bianca. He would not believe in her wholeheartedly.

Luca suddenly felt lucky that she had made a quick decision and taken all the responsibility to bringSarah to this hospital.

She had found Marcos' biological mother!

With this, Luke's future cooperation with Marcos would be more solid!

Although she was being forced to betray Luke's interests, she could not help but feel inexplicablyhappy for him after doing something like this.

Even though it was not the time for joy yet, Luca asked calmly, "Should we inform Mr. Marcos?"

"What do you think?" Luke had his own considerations and wanted to listen to her opinion.

Luca knew what he was thinking...

Sarah's condition was really critical. She had personally felt her pulse, so she was well aware of that.

Even though Johann was an excellent doctor, Sarah's condition had been delayed for so long. Even ifJohann was the one performing the surgery, there was no guarantee that Sarah could be saved.

If she could be saved, then it would be a happy outcome for everyone.

However, if it was the other way around...

Marcos had always wanted to reunite with his birth mother, but if the moment of reunion was also themoment of separation, that would be hard to bear for both of them.

When Luca and Tina were his guide, she could sense the deep and strong emotions Marcos had forhis mother.

He was not an abandoned child, but he had not received much maternal love either.

If acknowledging each other meant separation, it would be too cruel for Marcos. If that was the case, itmight be better for him not to know about it...

"Maybe we should wait a little longer." Luca thought allowing Marcos to perpetually hold onto hope wasbetter than saddling him with the heavy burden of pain and regret.

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