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Chapter 2821

Now, the nature of this case had become even more serious.

Shandra did not play along with him and asked in a serious tone, "Do you know how severe thesentencing can be in A City for this? Mr. Ethan, you shouldn't have withheld any information when yousought a lawyer!"

Ethan nodded repeatedly and replied, "It's just a difference of a few more or fewer years in thesentence, but I believe you, Ms. Cullen. You have the ability to settle this matter for Mr. Matysh."

Shandra rolled her eyes. She did not want to hear such flattery.

Did settling this matter for Matysh not mean helping him to avoid imprisonment?

Unless there was a complete reversal in the chain of evidence, there was nothing she could do about it.She could only fight for a slightly reduced prison term for Matysh.

Shandra decided not to argue about that and asked, "Tell me about Mr. Marcos."

"Are you interested in him?" Ethan could not help but make a connection when he saw her suddencuriosity about Marcos.

"Since the day I decided to become a lawyer, I've made up my mind that my husband can only be fromthe legal field, Mr. Ethan. If I'm defending Mr. Matysh, I need to understand everything about him—hisrelationships and even his background. Otherwise, it'll be difficult for me to handle this matter."Shandra's expression turned serious as she mentioned that her husband had to be from the legal field,reminding her of Walter.

He was like a lingering ghost!

He would show up at every place she went. It was as though he was tormenting her like he was takingrevenge.

Shandra even felt that if it were not for her strong psychological resilience, she would have beenemotionally shattered by Walter's behavior.

Fortunately, tough people could not be easily defeated!

Ethan thought to himself that it was not surprising for him to think that way in the first place when heheard that.

After all, Marcos was considered outstanding in the eyes of many women who desired to be his wife.

However, those women only had such thoughts because Marcos was managing M Group now.

Ethan believed that if Matysh was fine, Marcos would be in trouble.

Would those women still cling to Marcos with their burning desires at that time?

Ethan looked at Shandra with a serious expression on his face. He reckoned that her reasons werereasonable.

Thus, he nodded and provided Shandra with some basic information about Marcos.

Shandra recorded the important details while she listened to him.

Matysh and Marcos appeared to have a harmonious uncle-nephew relationship, but in reality, theywere competitors.

If Matysh went to jail, Marcos would be the biggest beneficiary.

Even though Marcos looked like he did not set Matysh up, he certainly did not want him to livecomfortably...

Shandra took a bunch of notes and concluded that it would be best to investigate this case withoutMarcos' knowledge.

Furthermore, it seemed like Marcos had a lot to say to Luke. Considering Luke's connection to theNorman family, they should also keep it from him.

Shandra felt annoyed. Luke reminded her of Walter.

She secretly returned to the country, and he should have known that she came back. Would he followher back or continue his studies over there?

If he returned, would Luke seek help from Walter for defense?

"It's easy for us to bypass Mr. Marcos in our investigation. He's Russian and doesn't have muchinfluence here. But we also have to hide it from Luke," said Shandra as she leaned back a little torelieve her fatigue.novelbin

She had been taking on cases without much rest after she returned. She was exhausted now.

"The old master has made arrangements here. Even though we're from Russia, it's still easy to sendsomeone over to assist with the investigation," replied Ethan.

Matysh's incident had made the old master, who was in Russia, no longer trust the local citizens here.

They would not seek help from local hooligans to get things done here.

They would be sending the Russians.

Shandra shook her head. "No, we can't involve the Russians. It's too conspicuous. The majority hereare local citizens, and you should find them to handle the job."

A bunch of Russian faces investigating the matter?

It was impossible for Luke not to find out about it!

Ethan frowned, feeling perplexed. The Russians had not considered this aspect.

After all, they did not have many businesses in A City. They had little experience in dealing with suchmatters.

What Shandra said made sense!

"But the old master doesn't trust anyone here," said Ethan.

Shandra gave him a cold look. "Tell the old master that I am a Caucasian. If he doesn't trust theCaucasians, I don't mind terminating our contract."

Ethan realized that his words had inadvertently shown discrimination and made Shandrauncomfortable.

He quickly corrected himself, "I mean the old master doesn't trust the thugs here. He has a hundredpercent trust in talented individuals like you, Ms. Cullen."

Shandra began to doubt how Ethan became a lawyer.

Being a lawyer meant not harboring discriminatory views, but Ethan seemed to have quite a strongracial bias.

No wonder he only had a mediocre reputation internationally.

Despite serving the Matysh family for so long, how could someone with racial discrimination trulybecome a formidable lawyer?

Sometimes, being someone with racial advantages did not make them right. Being able to treateveryone equally was the essence of being a lawyer!

Shandra's tone was firm. "Regardless of who your old man discriminates against or distrusts, this is ACity. If we use the people you send over and we discover any evidence beneficial to Mr. Matysh, theother side will most likely find out about it too. If they have prior knowledge, they'll have enough time tocounter it. Think carefully about what I'm saying because all of this can affect how long Mr. Matysh willbe in prison."

Ethan felt that she made a valid point.

If he compared Shandra to the interpreter, he considered the person Marcos hired to be useless.

That was why Matysh told him not to let Marcos interfere in this matter.

The interpreter only understood the translation and never considered these things. It was surprisingthat the interpreter had a background in law and Russian language studies.

Shandra, whom he found, was truly impressive!

"I will convey your words to the old master." Ethan could not make the decision and needed to consultthe old master's opinion.

Shandra felt impatient all of a sudden. If she had known it would be like this, she would not haveeagerly taken on this case.

She rubbed her throbbing forehead.

If Luke and Walter got involved, she would really have a headache.

It was not that she was afraid, but who would willingly add trouble and difficulty to something that couldgo smoothly?

Shandra followed Ethan and went to meet Matysh.

When Matysh was brought in by the police and saw Shandra, his eyes lit up!

This woman was stunning!

Matysh had been deprived of female companionship for a while. Hence, his eyes naturally sparkledwhen he saw a beautiful woman.

Before he had the chance to fulfill his desires with Luca, he found someone who resembled her.

It did not matter to him whether the woman looked like Luca or not. He would be after any pretty girl helaid his eyes on!

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