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Chapter 2759

On the other hand, Aunt Neile was cleaning the living room when Luca returned to the mansion.

The vacuum cleaner was making a ruckus, so she quickly greeted Aunt Neile and went upstairs.

Luca walked up to Luke's bedroom door and peeked inside before their eyes met.

"You're back?" A faint smile appeared on Luke's face.

“Yeah, I sent the kids to the manor and had a chat with Old Master Crawford." nodded Luca as sheleaned against the door frame. When she noticed him sitting on the office chair, she asked, "Are youstill busy?"

"Yes, there are still some things I have to take care of at work," answered Luke. The work at thecompany was endless, and he had to put in a lot of time to take care of it.

However, it was not difficult for him because the thing that was most difficult to deal with was was thatLuca's situation had yet to be resolved.

In order to restore her identity and for her to return to him, he had to get rid of the situation with theIsland of Despair.

The Island of Despair had always kept a low profile, and almost nobody knew of its existence.

In the past few months, not long after Luca came back, the Island of Despair started to become moreactive. Thus, Luke knew that he had to seize this opportunity. Otherwise, it would be even harder torestore Luca's identity and risk losing her for eternity.

"What did Grandpa tell you?" Although Luke knew that Old Master Crawford would not cross the lineand reveal that he knew about Luca's identity, he was still curious.

"Well, Old Master Crawford and I talked about Ms. Rayne, but we didn't talk much because he hadguests come over. So, I came back." Luca paused for a second before continuing, "The two guestswere Bourne and Jackman."

She was worried that Lonnie would use Old Master Bourne's power to get Old Master Crawford to helphim deal with Margaret's issue, so after giving it some thought, she decided to tell Luke.

"Bourne? Jackman?" Luke raised his eyebrows curiously, and when he recalled the information Galesent over, he immediately knew who they were.

"Lonnie's cousin is Old Master Bourne's daughter-in-law."

"Margaret's husband, Lonnie? His cousin married into the Bourne family," said Luke. Gale did athorough investigation, and it only took him an hour to procure all the information on Lonnie's family.

Luca nodded and sighed, hoping to cover up her lies with disappointment.

Right now, she was Luca and not Bianca, so she was not supposed to know who Old Master Bournewas. “I think so, I don't know him, but that's what I heard Mr. Griffin say."

“Well, Lonnie probably went to Grandpa to work on something together, so don't worry about it," saidLuke because he knew that Luca did not want to burden others.

“Collaborate? Isn't it because of Mrs. Jackman?" said Luca in surprise.

“They were already on bad terms when Lonnie cheated on her, so Lonnie asked Old Master Bourne togo to Grandpa because he wanted T Corporation to come up with a design for his project," said Lukeas he picked up the materials printed out yesterday and walked over to the door to hand it to her.

“What's this?" Luca took it out of curiosity.

“It's information about the Jackman family. Lonnie came to T Corporation before Margaret hurt you,"said Luke.

“Why must T Corporation come up with a design?" Luca wondered about Lonnie's fixation on TCorporation's designs when there were many other construction companies in A City. Although theywere not as big as T Corporation, there were plenty of excellent architects there too.

“Party A of his project requested it when they made the agreement," said Luke. Gale found out about itin his investigation.

“They specifically requested for T Corporation to design the blueprint?" Luca opened up the documentto take a look. It was indeed information about the Jackman Family, but it was not some kind ofconfidential information, so it seemed to her that there was nothing to worry about.

“Yes." When Luke answered, she saw that page of information was marked.novelbin

Luca believed that Lonnie did not go to Old Master Crawford for Margaret, but to collaborate with thecompany.

There was nothing left for her to say after she saw those documents.

Lonnie had another family outside of his marriage, and he even knocked up his mistress. Margaret wasjust occupying the position of Mrs. Jackman without the love of her husband.

No wonder she hated her so much.

After all, in the eyes of other people, she was Luke's mistress.

Luca looked at Luke who was sitting on his office chair with a sullen look.

However, she was not his mistress.

“What's wrong?" Luke turned back to her.

Luca shook her head and put the documents on top of the cabinet near the door, “Will Mr. Marcoscome over later?"

“Yes, Percy and Jim will come over too," said Luke.

"Are they staying for dinner?" asked Luca. If they all came together, she had to make preparations.

“I already had Jason make reservations." Luke had no intention of entertaining them at his homebecause he did not want to tire Luca out.

If he invited everyone to his home, Luca would definitely volunteer to help Aunt Neile.

“Then, do you need me to decant two bottles of wine?" Luca believe coffee would not suffice for theirdiscussion.

Wine would suit be better suited.

"Sure." nodded Luke, before sighing in appreciation of how thoughtful she was.

Drinking would definitely not be left out of their discussion later.

Luca turned around and left to the wine cellar.

Luke stored a lot of wine here, but it was still smaller compared to the one in the manor.

Besides, he seldom drank wine at home. All the wines kept here were vintage and from internationallyknown wineries, so they were suitable for entertaining distinguished guests.

Luca turned on the dim light and picked out two bottles, which she reckoned was enough to last themone afternoon.

It was not like they were going to drink a lot since they were just going to have a drink or two whiletalking.

Luca walked into the kitchen with two bottles of wine where Aunt Neile was preparing lunch.

Aunt Neile saw the wine in her hands and asked, " Ms. Craw, do you want a drink?"

"No, Mr. Crawford had invited some friends over this afternoon, so I wanted to decant them first," saidLuca while taking out a wine opener from the cabinet.

"Guests? Mr. Crawford didn't tell me. Do I need to prepare anything?" asked Aunt Neile, worried shewas ill-prepared to cater to Luke's friends.

"Aunt Neile, don't worry. They're Luke's close friends, so you can just prepare some snacks after you'redone preparing lunch." Luca soothed her worries. Having snacks prepared was just a courtesy. Thereal event of the night for the guests would be at dinner.

Aunt Neile heaved a sigh of relief. "Good thing you told me, or else I would've panicked when theguests arrived."

"They're Mr. Crawford's friends, so they won't mind," said Luca gently as she poured the red wine intothe decanter before putting it away.

"These wines are part of Mr. Crawford's collection, seeing that he's serving it to his friends, they mustbe very important to him." Aunt Neile knew because after working for the Crawford Family for so manyyears, she could tell by wine bottle alone.

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