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Chapter 2754

"It's okay," replied Luca. Luca and the maid proceeded to serve breakfast on the table. She then tookher seat where she waited for her kids to finish their morning routine.

Upstairs, Aunt Neile had delivered breakfast to Luke's bedroom and awoken the kids. After, shereminded them that they would be going to Crawford manor today before she then made her waydownstairs.

“Ms. Craw, the kids are packing their stuff now. They'll be coming down soon,” reported Aunt Neile. Thekids did not say much about their return to Crawford manor, but they made sure to pack theirhomework, stationery, and textbooks before heading out.

Everything else they needed was already available at Crawford manor.

Luke had made sure to ready the kids' uniforms and other essentials at Crawford manor in hopes that itwould make their move easier. Therefore, the kids did not have to bring many things along with them.

"Okay," nodded Luca. She then picked up the newspaper while waiting for the kids to join her forbreakfast.

Today's headline of the A City newspaper was about Mrs. Margaret Jackman, who was arrested by thepolice for assault.

Luca quickly read through the article and let out a sigh of relief.

It did not mention Luke's or her name, and it only stated that Mrs. Jackman had been arrested forinjuring someone. The evidence of the assault was conclusive, which led to her arrest. The police didnot disclose the details of the offense, and the reporters could not get any further information.

Plastered on the front page was a photo of a police officer arresting Margaret at her house.

Luca realized that this was not something the press would have covered unless someone had tippedthem off.

Given the photo taken, it was obvious that that what had happened.

Someone wanted Mrs. Jackman to face a more severe punishment than just a few days of detention.That was why the reporters were told in advance to wait outside her house before the police arrived.

Luca suspected that it was Luke's arrangement. After all, no one else could have known when thepolice would have showed up at the Jackman's residence.

The moment Luca finished reading the article, she heard the kids greet her, “Good morning, Ms. Luca.”

"Good morning," smiled Luca the three children. She pulled out the chair next to her, Time forbreakfast. I'll send you back to Crawford manor after this."

"Okay," nodded the kids. There were no objections raised when the kids knew they were heading toCrawford manor.

After all, Luke had mentioned to them yesterday that they might be going back to Crawford manor for aweek due to their busy work schedule these days.

The three kids understood, and obliged their father.

The three of them sat on the chair, munching away their breakfast.

Luca could not help but feel a twinge of reluctance in her heart as she looked at their innocent faces.

She could not bear to leave them, though it would only be for a few days at Crawford manor.

Luca had no idea how long she could stay here. She wanted to cherish every moment spent with herchildren.

Old Master Crawford missed his grandchildren. There was not much she could say about it.

After breakfast, Luca drove the three children and the maid back to Crawford manor.

As the maid and the three kids stepped out of the car, Luca prepared to drive off. Yet before she couldmake a move, Mr. Griffin knocked on the car window, halting her in her tracks.novelbin

"Ms. Craw, the old master would like to speak with you." said Mr. Griffin, offering Luca a warm smile.

"Alright," nodded Luca as she unfastened her seatbelt and stepped out of the car.

Tommy rushed over to hold Luca's hand.

She gently squeezed his soft little hand before also taking Rainie's hand. Lanie stood quietly besideRainie.

The four of them walked into the house together.

As soon as they had taken off their shoes in the foyer, Luca caught a whiff of the faint aroma of tea inthe air. She turned to look at the living room couch. Old Master Crawford was sitting in his rocking chairwith a newspaper and a cup of tea beside him.

When he laid his eyes on Luca and his three grandchildren, he smiled, "Ah, my great-grandchildren arefinally here."

Luca let go of Tommy and Rainie's hands so the kids could get closer to Old Master Crawford to greethim.

"Good morning, Great-grandpa." The three kids surrounded the old master and smiled brightly at him.

"Good morning, kids. Mrs. Nancy has prepared something for you in the dining room. Go eat before itgets cold," said Old Master Crawford with a kind smile.. Then, he turned to Luca and nodded at her.

“Good morning, Old Master Crawford. Mr. Griffin told me that you're looking for me." Luca walkedtoward him and greeted him standing up.

"I didn't get to talk to you last night at Louis' house. I just want to have a chat with you today. Don't juststand there. Take a seat," said Old Master Crawford. He carefully observed Luca. Other than her eyesthat still held a trace of the past, her facial features were completely different from before.

Bianca, who was as gentle as a lamb back then, looked like a red rose with thorns now. Though shewas not an aggressive person, even those who did not know her would know that she was notsomeone to be messed with.

It was fortunate that she came back. Even though she looked different, her love for Luke and her kidsremained unchanged.

"Alright." Luca looked at the gentle smile on Old Master Crawford's face, and wondered if he was goingto bring up the Jackman family matter.

Although Mrs. Jackman was in the wrong this time, an apology from the other party would usuallysuffice for such occurences. However, Luke had blown the issue out of the water and got the policeinvolved in this matter for her sake. As a result, Mrs. Jackman was now being held in custody.

Even though the Crawford family did not take the Jackman family seriously, it did not matter if therewas a potential partnership between them. Old Master Crawford was not a person who liked to get intotrouble.

This time, the old master must have thought that things had been blown out of proportionunnecessarily.

Old Master Crawford looked at the cautious expression on Luca's face. He urged the kids again, "Offyou go. The desserts made by Mrs. Nancy aren't going to taste good if they get cold."

Tommy pouted, "Great-grandpa, we just had our breakfast. We're still full."

Then, Tommy pulled his clothes around him and pressed it against his belly to show the old master hisround and plump belly.

"They're just desserts. They won't take up so much space in your stomach!" smiled Old MasterCrawford as he pinched Tommy's cheek.

Lanie resembled Luke the most among the three of them. The calmer Lanie was, the more he behavedlike him.

Tommy was mischievous. Although he looked like Luke when he was a child, there was a vastdifference in their characters.

Mr. Griffin understood what was Old Master Crawford's mind. He took the initiative and spoke, "Kids, letme take you to the kitchen first. Let's see if you like the dessert. Besides, you have to place your bagsin your rooms too, right?"

"Okay, Mr. Griffin." The three of them then followed Mr. Griffin into the kitchen.

"Old Master Crawford, how have you been?" Luca knew Mr. Griffin intentionally drove the kids away.Hence, she waited for the kids to leave before taking her turn to slowly speak.

"I'm feeling better after receiving your herbal therapy. I have more energy when I walk. I eat more than Iusually do, and my sleep has improved. I also heard that you've been nursing Rayne's health. Hiscondition has improved a lot recently. It's just that he keeps talking about his daughter these days." saidOld Master Crawford, intentionally mentioning the Rayne family.

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