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Chapter 270

Chapter 270 Will You Agree to Anything?

Bianca was trembling with rage. She tried her best to suppress her feelings and managed to calmherself down.

"Don't involve other people in our matters, Xavier. Nina is innocent. I hope that you can let her go."Bianca forced herself to be calm, but she found that she could not be calm at all.

Xavier stubbed out his cigarette and looked into her eyes. "That'll be easy, Bianca. I don't want thedivorce." "Xavier Tanner, you despicable man!" Bianca wanted to tear him into a thousand pieces.

"It's not like you don't know me. I'm willing to do anything as long as I achieve my ends!"

Xavier was not embarrassed by Bianca's reproach. Instead, that piqued his interest. "The man in thevideo is Pierre Mallory, the Second Young Master of the Mallory family. You should have heard aboutthe Mallory family, right? Pierre is a vicious one. He always repays his grudges no matter how smallthey may be. If you're lucky, you might survive after losing a hand or a foot. If you're not, you'll besleeping with the fishes. Your silly friend kicked Pierre while he was drunk. What do you think Pierrewould do to her? Oh, right, it's not the end for her yet. I'm considered good friends with Pierre, and heowes me a favor. If I give the word, there might still be hope for your friend. Of course, that'll depend onyour performance."

Bianca was turning numb. "Xavier, you can ask for anything other than canceling the divorce."

Xavier sneered and towered over her. "Ask for anything? Can I ask for you then? Will you give yourselfto me?"

Bianca was laughing out of her anger toward his shamelessness.

Xavier placed his hand on her shoulder. Bianca felt as though a poisonous cobra was entangling her.Her back was straight, and goosebumps rose all over her body.

Xavier did not seem to be bothered by her fear. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "You don'thave to worry about the divorce. If I want the divorce, I'll let you know, but I can tell you that you'redestined to be my woman for the rest of your life!"

Bianca laughed. "What's the point of all this, Xavier? A marriage without love is like gripping a handfulof sand. Try as you may, the sand grains will eventually slip away. You should understand that amarriage like this brings both parties nothing but agony and torment." "It might be agony, but it's sweetagony. I enjoy the process of being restrained and tormented." "How can you be so stubborn?" Biancascreamed. "You only live once, so why would you waste your time on a woman who doesn't love you?We are not compatible at all. I've said many times that I will hate you for as long as I live." "I will makeyou love me." He said determinedly as he abruptly hugged her waist and brought her close.

"That’s impossible. I will divorce you!" Bianca gritted her teeth.

Xavier's eyes flashed with hostility. He pinched her delicate cheek. "Just wait and collect your BFF in abodybag then!"

Bianca had never felt so defeated. Her chest was filled with anger and grievances, but she hadnowhere to release it.

She felt that she had fallen farther into her nightmare, toward the dark abyss of death. She struggled tobreathe.

Only the thumping of her heart told her that she was still alive...

'What... should I do?'

Friendship and love were equally important to her. She could not live on if she lost either one...

Meanwhile, the two children had already changed their clothes, made their bed, and were watchingcartoons on television.

They did not see their mother when they woke up, but they saw a note that their mother left them. Shesaid that she had something important to do and would be back soon.

The two children did not throw any tantrums. Instead, they changed out of their pajamas, brushed theirteeth, sat on the couch, and turned on the television to watch cartoons while waiting for their mother toreturn.

Ding dong. The doorbell to the apartment rang.

"Can you go and see who it is, Big Bro? Is Mommy back?" Rainie turned to look curiously at the frontdoor. Her hair was fluffy and unkempt.

Lanie brought a stool to the door, climbed on it, and looked through the peephole. It was Walter Long.novelbin

"Uncle Walter is here. I'm opening the door!" He turned his head and told Rainie.

Bianca had reminded them multiple times that they should not open the door for strangers if there wereno adults at home. The two children had remembered that well.

Lanie opened the front door.

Walter stepped into the apartment, and Rainie pounced into his arms." Uncle Walter!"

Walter was the lawyer on retainer of T Corporation. He frequently interacted with Luke, and Lanie andRainie knew who he was. Moreover, Walter had always brought the children small gifts whenever hemet them. That was why the children liked him.

"You've grown heavier, Rainie. I don't think your Uncle Walter can carry you, ’ Walter joked as he heldthe little girl in his arms.

Rainie pursed her lips. "That's because Mommy makes delicious food, so I've been eating a lot."

Walter smiled. Bianca seemed to be a good influence on the two children. Earlier, they had beenmature and considerate, but they lacked the youthful vibrancy children should have. Now that Biancahad walked into their world, the two children had become happier and more energetic.

"Did you bring any gifts for us today, Uncle Walter?" Rainie asked as she stared at Walter with her bigand animated eyes. Walter nearly burst out in laughter.

The little girl might be small, but she had Luke's shrewd genes.

"No. I forgot to bring any gifts today," Walter teased.

The little girl pouted. She seemed unhappy. Suddenly, Walter took an exquisite princess hairband andplaced it on her head.

"Thank you, Uncle Walter!" The little girl ran to the dressing mirror and made vain poses.

Walter looked at Lanie, who was sitting quietly on the couch like a gentleman. He handed the little boya jigsaw puzzle. "I bought this for you from my trip to Canada a few days ago, Lanie. Where's your MissBea?"

Walter knew that Bianca was living together with the children, but he did not know that Bianca was theirbirth mother.

Just when Lanie was about to answer, the front door opened, and Bianca walked in. Her face wasdeathly pale...

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