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Chapter 2710

The policeman did not find any contraband after inspecting the trunk of the car, nor were there anyproblems with Amur's documents, so he let him go.

Amur then drove away.

After returning to the apartment, he had to make sure that there were no messages from Abel. Then,he thought to himself that Pierre would have to be locked up for a few days before Abel would make amove.

If he informed the Mallory family too soon, they would not be as anxious, nor would they hand over themoney that easily.

Therefore, Abel had to use Pierre to play against the Mallory family, which meant that he should be freefor the next few days.

Amur lay on the bed while thinking of the advice Luca gave him today before washing up and lyingdown again.

After not sleeping at all last night, he practically fell into a deep sleep the moment he came in contactwith the bed.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Luca kept the two reports in her briefcase before clocking off.

Before she got off work, she told Aunt Neile that she would not be home for dinner. She also told Lukethat Amur had come back from Russia to talk to her about something and that she would head over tohis place, so she would be home late.

Luke read the message without saying anything as if the hostility he had toward Amur before hadcompletely disappeared.novelbin

Luca went down to the underground parking lot and asked Warren to drive her to the apartment.

When they got to the nearby supermarket, Luca asked Warren to pull over so she could get somegroceries.

Warren was worried that she would not be able to carry everything alone, so he insisted on helping,and Luca let him.

She had already planned out what to cook for Amur beforehand, so she knew exactly what to buy. Themoment she walked into the supermarket, she pushed the trolley straight to the fresh produce andmeat section.

Warren followed right behind her.

Luca took her time picking out the ingredients as she knew that Amur would still be resting right now,so she was not in a hurry.

Luca was not looking around, so she was not aware that Myra was watching her from a stone's throwaway.

When Myra was entering the fresh produce and meat section, she noticed Luca immediately.

The anger in her heart intensified at the same time.

Brigham and Myra were still giving each other the silent treatment because of Luca, and they hadargued at least three times in the past few days. Myra got so angry that she ran back to her parents'place and waited for Brigham's anger to subside.

“Myra, what are you looking at?" Myra's sister-in-law, Alice, caught her staring with hatred in her eyes,so she looked over out of curiosity.

There stood a couple picking out some lettuce.

"Who's that woman?" Alice asked when she saw them.

"That woman..." Myra clenched her fists as she wished that she could just go up and slap Luca acrossthe face, but she did not dare to.

She had Luke backing her up, so if she did go up to her, Brigham's career would be over.

"Is that woman someone Brigham is having an affair with?" Alice misunderstood her because of thedisgust in her eyes.

When one woman hated another woman this much, there could only be one explanation. Thus, Alicethought that the woman had meddled in Myra's marriage.

Myra did not spill the beans after she came back home this time around. She just said that she got intoan argument with Brigham, so the whole family thought that Brigham had cheated on Myra.

Alice was curious, but she listened to her husband's advice to not stick her nose in.

"No! She has no such relationship with Brigham." Myra shook her head and pulled Alice aside afternoticing Luca walking this way.

"Well, from your expression, it looks as if she's done something to offend you.." Alice was even morecurious upon hearing her words. Could it be that Brigham was pursuing that woman but she did not likehim back? Myra found out, so she started making noise out of jealousy.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt like this was the case.

Besides, Brigham was considered rich in A City, so Myra had been keeping a close eye on the womenaround him.

The couple had gotten into a lot of arguments because of women.

With a long face, Myra told Alice about Charlie's incident.

After hearing the truth about the couple's argument, Alice glanced at Luca and said, "You're saying thatshe even attended the parent-teacher meeting with Luke's son?"

"Yeah, I already apologized to her in front of so many people, yet this woman is still making thingsdifficult for me. She's the reason Brigham and I fought, and now he wants a divorce. I hate this womanto death!" Myra blamed Luca for her feud with Brigham.

"Wait a minute, I know Luke. Is this woman related to him or something?" Alice rubbed her chin andsneaked a look at Luca.

She had to admit that she looked like a pretty decent woman.

“How would I know? My guess is that this woman is his mistress..." Myra expressed her suspicions witha sullen look.

That was because she heard from Mrs. Tuffey that Luca had appeared at school as Tommy's guardianthe last two times.

Luca had never shown up to parent-teacher meetings before.

This woman who appeared out of nowhere had to be Luke's mistress, and she would not believeotherwise.

"You said that she's Luke's mistress, but the man next to her.." Alice glanced at Warren. He was prettygood-looking, and anyone who did not know them would think that they were just a young couple whocame shopping.

"That man is a driver. I saw him open the car door for her at school last time. I can't believe he's stillprotecting her when she's such a seducer. All the men in this world are obsessed with her!" Myra wasfurious.

"Sigh, there's not much you can do. You said that Luke can affect Brigham's career, so I think youshould take this chance to go over and apologize." Alice persuaded her as their family was counting onBrigham's business to put food on the table.

Thus, she did not want anything to stop Brigham's business from booming.

"There's no way I'm going over there. Brigham should be the one apologizing. If he's so capable, hecan go apologize to Luke himself." Myra did not want to embarrass herself in front of Luca once again.

"Sigh, you. Can't you put yourself in Brigham's shoes? If Luke would've easily forgiven you, wouldBrigham have dragged you to apologize in front of so many parents at the school? Hurry up and go.Don't come crying out of desperation when Brigham wants a divorce because of this." Alice was leftwith no choice.

After saying all that, she even gave her a little push.

Myra staggered a little and walked out before accidentally bumping into the shelf.

When Luca heard the sound of goods falling on the floor, she looked over. When she realized that itwas Myra, she frowned.

How long had Myra been spying on her?

Luca picked up a fish and handed it to Warren. "Go weigh it first, then go pay."

"Yes, Mr. Craw." Warren took the fish to the supermarket staff.

Myra looked at all the goods on the floor and looked up to meet Luca's eyes. Before she could sayanything, Luca withdrew her gaze and turned to leave.

"Look at her, she's so arrogant just because she has Luke backing her up!" She could not help butcomplain to Alice, and the sight of the goods on the floor made her even angrier.

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