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Chapter 265

Chapter 265 She Was Stunned By Luke's Charisma!

Bianca seemed absent-minded the entire workday. She made many mistakes, and the department leadglared at her.

"What's wrong? Is something bothering your mind?" Sue and Nina had asked her.

Bianca shook her head and said nothing. Some things were not meant to be shared with other people.

She tried to find many reasons to convince herself to trust Luke.

Eventually, she could not hold back her doubts anymore and gave Luke a call.

She dialed his number several times. The response she always got was, ’ Sorry, the number you havedialed is not in service."

Her heart sank to the bottom of the abyss...

She got off work right on time and returned to the apartment.

Even though she had two children by her side, Bianca felt that the family was incomplete without acertain someone.

The two children ate their dinner silently. She turned on the television.

On the television was a news report.

The tall and well-built man in her dreams appeared on television.

Rainie instantly recognized the man. She pointed at the man with a finger and exclaimed in surprise,"Look, Mom, Daddy’s on TV!"

Meanwhile, Lanie was eating his risotto in small bites, though his eyes were transfixed on the figure onthe television screen.

Bianca was surprised. She did not expect to see Luke on the financial news.

He was dressed in a fitting business suit. His sculpted face looked handsome and determined.

However, his gaze was cold and distant, which gave him a noble temperament that made him stand outfrom the crowd.

He was surrounded by reporters with cameras and bombarded by piercing questions. He maintainedhis composure while he answered those questions, though one could see from his slightly drooping lipsthat he was not very happy.

A bearded foreign reporter asked, "Mr. Crawford, the Regal Chain of Restaurants under T Corporationis one of the most popular restaurant chains in Western Europe. The main reason why Regal is sopopular is because of your relentless pursuit of quality. Recently, a reporter went undercover as awaiter and found many underlying problems in one of your restaurants. Let’s not mention that thetraining was more like a formality, but even the employees did not bother to sanitize the kitchen utensilsproperly. Moreover, there was a problem with passing dead fish and shrimp for live ones, and also withusing recycled oil and artificial fruit juices. What is your opinion on that, Mr. Crawford?"

Luke's eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze turned cold. His voice was booming and intimidating.

The reason why T Corporation grows year after year is because we are a credible company. I will makea promise to every one of you here - We never pass dead animals as live ones! The Regal Chain ofRestaurants has always kept true to the principle of immediately discarding any dead marine produce.There is no worry about us using artificial fruit juices, and we have long-term contracts with the mostqualified waste oil disposal company. Furthermore, T Corporation owns the biggest vegetableplantation in the country, and I can guarantee with my reputation that we only use the freshest

ingredients. We will spare no expense in conducting investigations if those incidents you mentionedhappened, but I can tell you right now that they are mere rumors!" 1

The reporters that surrounded him quietened down a little after Luke made his convincing speech, butmore reporters wanted to raise an issue.

A tall, brown-haired reporter squeezed to the front and spoke, "Mr.

Crawford, your statement is very different from the information that the media has received. Byspeaking on behalf of a brand under your company, aren't you harboring their faults? Last month, aninvestigation of the Meat

Locker in the Oxford area found that they have been using filtered recycled oil, and that restauranthappens to belong to the Regal Chain of Restaurants. Mr. Crawford, you said earlier that usingrecycled oil was a mere rumor, so how do you explain that?"novelbin

The other reporters burst into laughter.

Those nationalistic reporters did not want to see a foreign chain perform so well in their country. Theywere not happy that T Corporation owned almost half of the restaurants in the country.

Now that they had the perfect opportunity to put down the Regal Chain of Restaurants, they were notgoing to miss it.

They expectantly waited for the answer from T Corporation's CEO.

It was an incisive question. If Luke did not give a satisfactory answer, that would cause T Corporation'scentury-old reputation to be in tatters.

The cameras flashed non-stop. They were eager to find out more about this scandal!

The two children did not understand what was going on in the news report, but they were happy to seetheir father appear on television. Bianca stared at Luke nervously, as though she was the one beingsurrounded by reporters. She did not know what to do.

Luke remained composed throughout the interview. He did not seem to be bothered by the questions atall.

He glanced at the brown-haired reporter who asked the question, noticed the company on hismicrophone, and started to speak calmly.

Luke's voice was loud and authoritative, as though his statements were not to be questioned. "You'refrom the New Metro Times, right? Didn't your paper get sued by multiple companies two weeks ago forfalse news? As far as I know, your reporting has been proven to be almost always based on hearsay,and your company has at least three ongoing lawsuits. Can your paper stop publishing sensationalnews to boost sales?"

The brown-haired reporter's face turned red from Luke's retort.

Luke continued, "Indeed, the Meat Locker used to be part of the Regal Chain of Restaurants. However,T Corporation has terminated our relationship with them since March 2016. You can find theannouncement of termination on Regal's official website, and you can check it for yourself if you haveany doubts. Finally, I would like to say that the Regal Chain of Restaurants welcomes any scrutiny fromthe public or the media made in good faith. Feel free to come to our kitchens to inspect our operations.We do not intend to keep any secrets from the public, and you don't have to be so dramatic as to sendundercovers. Our doors are always open for you!"

The man's composure and witty answers impressed the people in attendance. No one dared to ask anymore questions.

Bianca was also stunned by Luke's courage.

She did not expect that Luke, who had been gentle and elegant in front of her, would be able to winover a crowd in a crisis.

He made it look so easy, even though it would have been very difficult for other people.

Bianca admired him even more after that scene.

However, she froze when she saw Mavis standing next to Luke...

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