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Chapter 2666

"You!" Matysh became nervous when he saw the confident look on Luke's face. He was at a loss forwords all of a sudden.

Luke added, "Perhaps they'll be able to find out that you have something to do with the Normans' case.They'll also figure out who's working for you. I won't let the person who hurt Luca get away with it. Goto prison and be a changed man. Mr. Abaza, your family is going to abandon you."

The noble families in Russia would not allow any of their family members to bring shame to the family.

Marcos had told Luke that when they were sure that Matysh would be found guilty, which had alsobecome a fact. Even though the elders of the Abaza family had appointed Matysh to be theirsuccessor, he would be abandoned by them the moment he was sentenced to imprisonment.

"Luke Crawford, you're not gonna get away with this!" Matysh rose to his feet and kicked the table.

"What are you doing? Sit down!" The police officer beside him pressed him down and made him sit onthe chair. "Behave yourself. There are cameras everywhere."

Matysh's bloodshot eyes were looking at him dead in the eyes.

His life was going to be ruined by Luke!

If he was sentenced to imprisonment, his family would abandon him. Everything he possessed wouldfall into Marcos' hands.

How could he not do anything when he was going to end up behind the bars?

Luke rose to his feet and sneered, "Oh, one last thing, the legal system in A City allows the offender tovoluntarily turn himself in and take the initiative to expose his accomplice. It might affect the judge's

sentencing decision and reduce the offender's sentence for his sake. Perhaps you can reduce yoursentence if you tell them about the Normans' case. You might reduce your sentence by a year or two."

After that, Luke turned around and left.

Matysh stood up. He wished he could stab Luke in the heart, but his hands were cuffed and there wereno tools around him. There was nothing he could do.

He watched Luke leave the room with a hideous expression on his face.

Matysh suddenly had a feeling that he would become a prisoner soon.

"Damn it, Luke Crawford. My family won't let you get away with it for setting me up!" snarled Matysh.There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice. There was also fear of facing the future in it.

Luke left without stopping.

The chief of police slowly let out a sigh of relief and said, "It seems like we have to look further intothis."

"Chief, what are we investigating? Didn't Mr. Crawford provide you with some information just now?"One of the police officers did not get it and he asked.

“It was about the teen suicide case, but I'm talking about the Normans' case. Matysh is probably theone behind this. Didn't you hear what he said? It looks like the main target of the Normans' case wasn'tMr. and Mrs. Norman, it was Ms. Luca,” replied the chief.

Although the name translated on the phone app was not Luca's name, judging from the homonyms andhow Luke had shown his favoritism toward Luca, the chief of police figured out that Luca was the targetin a minute.

“You're right.” Luke walked toward them and saw them using the translation app on their phones. Heknew they had briefly translated and understood the contents of his conversation with Matysh.

"Mr. Crawford, does that mean you've already known that Matysh was trying to hurt Ms. Luca?" askedthe chief.

“Yes. His target has always been Luca. As for the reason for getting the Normans involved in this, Iguess you'll have to look into it.” Luke put his hands in his pockets. He knew what he did on purposehad taken the intended effect when he noticed that they were not surprised to hear that.

Before they arrested Matysh, they had already suspected that Matysh had something to do with theNormans' case.novelbin

It was just that they did not have strong evidence.

The chief of police understood the implications of Luke's words. Furthermore, taking into considerationwhat Luke said to Matysh about taking the initiative to turn himself in, the chief said with a stern look onhis face, “Mr. Crawford, I wonder if I can just take a few minutes of your time to invite you to my officeand have some tea.”

“I have 15 minutes left.” Luke glanced at the watch and confirmed with him.

The chief of police instructed his subordinates to arrange the notes and quickly brought Luke to hisoffice.

The expression on the chief's face turned serious at once. The two of them sat opposite each other,and he asked, “When did you know Matysh was trying to hurt Ms. Luca?”

“Is that important?” Luke questioned him.

The chief was rendered speechless. It was not important. What he wanted was the evidence thatMatysh had something to do with the Normans' case.

He was pretty sure that Luke had evidence.

As long as it was irrefutable evidence, the problems troubling him would be gone, and he would be ableto retire happily.

"Sure enough, that's not important. Mr. Crawford, I need your help. Since you knew Matysh was afterMs. Luca from the beginning, you would have sent your men to follow him. I need evidence," said thechief.

“I can give it to you, but on one condition.” Luke looked at the tea that was no longer warm. The chiefwas so anxious that he did not even pour him another cup of warm tea.

It seemed like his superiors were putting him under a lot of pressure because of the Normans' case.

If he failed to resolve the case, he might not be able to sleep or eat well.

After all, no one would believe that those mobsters dared to hurt Mr. and Mrs. Norman. Everyonebelieved that a mastermind was behind this, someone who planned the break-in and assault case.

"Alright!" The chief saw a glimpse of hope.

"The materials that I provide can prove that Matysh might be related to the case, but it'll be much easierfor you to get your job done with the evidence you find on your own."

Luke paused for a moment and continued, "You heard what I said just now. Mr. Norman just happenedto be involved in it. Those men didn't dare to hurt him, but he suddenly became a target. Someone

must be behind them, egging them on to use him as a hostage. I need you to promise me that you'llfind the evidence and this person. Don't let those who are involved in this get away with it."

"Of course. I dare not cut corners when it's about the Normans' case." The chief agreed to it withouthesitation.

If he failed to investigate the Normans' case, he would be the one facing the consequences if Mr.Norman was dissatisfied with him.

Luke took another file out of his briefcase.

There were photos in the file. They were taken by Gale and Rain when the two of them were followingMatysh.

The photos showed the hotel Matysh was staying in, the people who went to the hotel frequently, andthose who came in and out of his room.

The chief opened the file and glanced at the photos. He recognized one of them who was in thehospital now.

It was the man who led the others and made a scene at the Norman family's residence.

"These photos are extremely important to us. Thank you, Mr. Crawford." The chief did not expect Luketo have such important evidence in his hands.

He could not help but wonder why Luke did not take them out in the first place.

"And this." Luke took a voice recording pen out and handed it to him. "I'm not planning to interfere inthe police's business, but I didn't expect the police to find nothing. That's why I'm giving this informationto you. These are the information my men inadvertently obtained while following him."

Luke stressed the word inadvertently.

The chief knew what Luke meant. He stood up and reached out his hand. "Mr. Crawford, theinformation you've provided to the police will be of great help in solving the case. I'd like to thank youfor your assistance on behalf of all of us here."

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