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Chapter 2662

The smile on the police officer's face disappeared, and he looked awkward.

Rain must have seen his colleague getting pushed by Matysh and letting him escape. It wasembarrassing.

If it were not for Rain who threw Matysh over her shoulder, it would probably take some time for themto chase Matysh. Also, they would alert the other passengers at the airport, damaging A City'sreputation.

Luke took off his cap and mask too.

The police officer recognized Luke with just a glance and said, "Mr. Crawford, it's late. Are you travelingsomewhere?"

Luke stared coldly at Matysh from behind as he was taken away, and he replied, “I came here towitness this."novelbin

The police officer was dumbfounded. Did he come here to see Matysh get arrested?

However, it seemed like their operation did not go smoothly, and they needed help from the citizenswho were not involved in this.

If his superiors found out about this, the other police officers would probably be criticized. The policeofficer shivered, nodded at Luke, and said, "Mr. Crawford, I'll get back to work if there's nothing else."

"Okay." Luke walked out of the hall as well.

It was almost 1:00 a.m. when the mission was finally complete.

Luca came across Luke's mind. She should be in bed at this hour now.

"Boss, what are we going to do now?" Gale followed behind him and asked.

"Go back home and get some sleep," replied Luke as he walked out of the airport.

Gale was happy to get off work. Hence, he exchanged glances with Rain and asked, "Are we havingsupper later?"

There were many snacks in the VIP lounge just now, but they had their masks on. Besides, they did noteat anything to prevent Matysh from noticing them.

They had been working until now, and they must be hungry.

"Boss, are you coming?" asked Gale.

"No." Luke marched out of the airport entrance and looked at Matysh, who had a spit hood on as hewas pushed into the police's car. He was in a good mood. "You can have supper and I'll pay for it."

“Thanks, Boss." Rain and Gale were excited.

They could have something better if Luke was paying for it. After all, it would be a shame if they did nothave something better when someone was generous enough to pay for it.

"What about some seafood?" Gale strode off to the parking lot.

"Sure. I remember there's a new restaurant nearby, and I heard many good reviews. Leroy had itbefore and told me about it," said Rain.

The three of them came to the parking lot and got into their own cars.

Gale and Rain headed to the restaurant while Luke went back home.

He had finally gotten rid of Matysh, and he fulfilled Marcos' request as well. This meant Luca would besafer from now on.

After they left the airport, there were fewer cars on the road.

Luke hit the gas and drove back home. A journey that took an hour or more was shortened to an hour.He came home safely.

The lights in the garden were lit, and there was a dim light coming from one of the windows of the villa.

It was the light Luca left on.

After Luke parked the car, he hurried to the second floor. Then, he quickly headed to the otherbathroom to clean himself up, getting rid of the dust and smell on him before returning to the masterbedroom.

Luca was deeply asleep with the night lamp turned on.

She was facing in the direction where Luke's pillow was, with one of her hands resting on his pillow.

Luke remembered what he promised Luca today. He smiled helplessly, thinking of holding her in hisarms. Who would have known that he would waste such a good chance just to deal with Matysh'smatter?

Still, they would have many chances in the future.

Luke gently lifted the blanket and sat on the bed.

Before he could lie down, Luca woke up and asked drowsily, "Luke?"

"It's me." Luke lay down on the bed and carefully placed her injured hand aside. Then, he wrapped herin his arms. "Go to sleep."

"Mhm." Luca did not open her eyes to make sure it was him. The scent in the air was the scent shewas familiar with.

Luca felt tired from sleeping on her side for a few hours. Hence, she turned around and asked, "Haveyou finished handling the matter?"

"Yes. Matysh was sent to the police station." Luke closed his eyes with satisfaction as he smelled thefragrance of her hair.


Luca opened her eyes. Luke had already turned off the night lamp in the room, so she could only seedarkness.

Did Luke go out to deal with Matysh's matter? Was Matysh arrested and sent to prison?

Luca wanted to ask him more questions, but as she listened to Luke's steady breathing, she ponderedfor a moment. It would be better for her to ask him after they woke up in the morning.

The following day.

After Luca woke up, she glanced at Luke, who was still sleeping soundly.

Then, she remembered their conversation when he came home last night.

Was Matysh at the police station now?

Luca quietly got out of bed and tiptoed her way to the bathroom. She headed downstairs after cleaningherself up.

The three kids were already awake, and they were sitting in the living room, waiting for breakfast to beserved.

“Good morning, Ms. Luca!" Tommy skipped happily to her side.

“Good morning, kids." Luca nodded.

"Oh yes, Ms. Luca, I forgot something..." Tommy held her hand and acted cute. He should have toldher yesterday, but he forgot about it.

He only remembered it when he woke up this morning.

“What's the matter?" Luca stroked the child's head.

"There's a parent-teacher conference this evening. Mrs. Tuffey told us to inform our parents. She alsoinformed every parent in the parent's group, but I'm not sure if Daddy saw it." Tommy pouted his mouth.

Luke was busy with work, and he often missed out on the announcements in the parent's group.

However, he would not miss the children's events. The kids knew he was busy and would take theinitiative to remind him.

However, too many things happened at school yesterday. That was why Tommy accidentally forgotabout it.

"Parent-teacher conference." Luca hesitated. She had no idea if Luke could attend the meeting.

If he could not attend the meeting, Old Master Crawford had to represent him.

"Yes. Is Daddy awake?" asked Tommy.

"No." Luca shook her head.

"But Daddy doesn't like to attend parent-teacher conferences. Great-grandpa and Mr. Griffin wouldattend the conferences most of the time. Should I inform Great-grandpa?" asked Tommy. Theparentteacher conference required one of the child's guardians to attend.

"Can't you go?" Rainie smiled and asked Ms. Luca when she heard what Tommy said.

Tommy's eyes brightened up as he turned to look at Luca. "Ms. Luca, can you attend the conference onbehalf of Daddy?"

"I.." Luca hesitated for a moment. It was the child's parent-teacher conference. She was not Biancanow. Could she go?

Rainie said, “You helped Tommy solve the problem at school, no? Now that his teacher knows you, Ithink it shouldn't be a problem, right?" "Yes, Ms. Luca. You can go too. Mrs. Tuffey knows who you are.Great-grandpa is old, and he has difficulty walking. Mr. Griffin has to take care of Great-grandpa. Plus,Daddy is busy with his work. Ms. Luca, you're the only one who can attend the conference on theirbehalf." Tommy looked at her with puppy-dog eyes and spoke in a pitiful tone. It was as if he would bean abandoned child if Luca disagreed with him.

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