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Chapter 258

Chapter 258 Luke’s Birthday

Lanie was feeling unhappy. He did not want to stay in class.

He was a precocious child, and he learned very quickly.

His father had hired a personal tutor for him, and his intelligence was at the level of an elementarystudent.

However, he had to remain in that class so that he could accompany his sister.

Lanie thought that the teacher on the podium and the other children in the class were silly.

He did not like how they wagged their heads when they spoke. Rainie did the same too, but she washis sister.

He also thought that the teachers did not sing well. He would rather listen to his mother hum tunes tohim and Rainie. He did not want to learn from the teacher.

He had memorized the French song after listening to it twice.

Unfortunately, the other children in the class had not picked it up, and the French teacher had to repeatit again and again.

Lanie kept his lips tightly pressed together as he looked at the French teacher patiently repeat the songone more time.

He felt uneasy when he saw their mouths open and close, and their childish voices formed a discordantchorus.

He turned his head and looked at Rainie. She was attentively repeating after the French teacher.

Her voice was shrill and young, but it was clear and melodic. He could easily pick out her voice fromthe other children in the class.

Lanie frowned.

If not that he was worried that the other children in the class might bully her, he would not want toattend kindergarten.

Suddenly, Lanie's eyes sparkled, and he came to life.

He saw that Bianca was standing outside the window, looking at him and Rainie with a gentle smile onher face.

"Mommy!" Lanie blurted in his surprise. However, his voice was drowned by the singing voices.

Bianca could not hear his voice, but she could guess what he was saying from his mouth shapes.

She placed her index finger on her lips, instructing him to be quiet.

Then, she pointed at Rainie, the teacher, and the other children, telling him to sing along with theFrench teacher.

Lanie frowned and shook his head.

Bianca smiled, though she pretended to be angry.

Lanie pouted. Then, he opened his mouth slightly and started singing the song with the rest of thechildren.

Bianca smiled and shook her head when she saw Lanie's reluctant expression.

After ensuring that her children were well-suited to school life, she took a cab and went to the company.

After all, it was not too appropriate for a new employee like her to take too many days off.

At the company.

Bianca stepped into the design department and saw that everyone else was at their desks workingdiligently.

Several well-informed female colleagues were surprised to see her arrive at the office.

As Bianca walked to her desk, she could sense that some of her colleagues were pointing at her andwhispering among themselves.

"Sigh, I'd like to be so close to the boss too! Then I can come to work whenever I like..." "Too bad youdon't have a pretty face like her!"

Bianca did not say anything. She sat in front of her desk, turned on the computer, and ignored thewhispers.

Even though she might look calm, she nevertheless felt some unease.

After all, no one wished to be the subject of gossip.

Sue deliberately coughed, and the whispers stopped.

She walked over and patted Bianca’s shoulder. "Don't pay too much attention to them. They'regossiping because they have nothing better to do. You should just focus on your work."

Bianca smiled gratefully at Sue when suddenly she heard the door open abruptly.

Clack, clack, clack. A pair of white three-inch high heels stepped rhythmically on the floor.

The woman was dressed in a white office suit. She was walking toward Bianca while holding a folder.

The woman carried a unique aura. She looked beautiful and charming, but her chin was lifted high, andher gaze was arrogant.

"Are you Bianca Rayne?" The woman towered above Bianca and asked her.

"Bianca, this is Mavis Laviere. She had been transferred here from an overseas subsidiary and is thesupervisor of our design department." Sue gently elbowed Bianca and filled her up on who theunfamiliar woman was.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Laviere..." Bianca hastily stood up from her chair and extended her hand.

Mavis Laviere's name was well-known in the international design industry. Bianca had always admiredher.

Mavis had graduated with a double master's degree in architecture from MIT, and she had wonnumerous awards in international design competitions.

Bianca was very excited to meet her idol.

She did not expect that the renowned Mavis Laviere was so young and was in A City...

Mavis shot a glance at Bianca but did not respond to Bianc's offer of a handshake.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became awkward.

Mavis flung the folder onto Bianca's desk. "I don't care who was the one who hired you, Bianca, but ifyou're in the design department, you have to follow the rules. I've checked your attendance record, andyou've come to work for less than two weeks in the past month. Do you think your father runs thiscompany?"

Mavis's attitude was assertive and domineering.

"I've followed all standard procedures when applying for a leave of absence, Ms. Laviere," Biancareplied after Mavis was done speaking.

Nina, sitting two desks away, raised her hand and interjected. "Yes, Ms. Laviere, I've submitted herrequests, and the department lead has approved them."

Mavis shot a withering glance at Nina and said, "Next time, submit your requests through me. That willbe the new rule, and everyone is expected to follow it. You will receive no bonus this month, Bianca."

Mavis did not stay there for too long. After she spoke, she turned around and went into her office.

Bianca was in a daze as she looked at Mavis. Somehow, she could feel a sense of enmity from hersupervisor's eyes...


'Was that enmity?

‘This is the first time I'm meeting her. There's no reason for her to pick on me...'

Bianca stashed away that thought. She returned to her seat and continued working.

Some people looked at Bianca with pity, while others gloated.

Nina came over to Bianca's desk on her swivel chair. "Are you OK, Bianca?"

Bianca did not seem affected by the incident earlier. She smiled at Nina and said, "I'm fine."

Nina continued, "Right, the work email password of the design department has changed. It's 120886."

Bianca was taken aback when she heard that string of numbers.novelbin

'Aren't those numbers...

'Luke's birthday?'

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